Research activities

Development strategy of the University

One of the priorities is to conduct research on grant funding programs, program-specific funding, foreign funds and funds of the European Union.

Indicators of this priority will be:

  • Number of scientific projects initialized for implementation, including the number of scientific projects being implemented
  • Number of publications in journals with a high impact factor
  • Publications in Scopus, Web of Science for the year
  • Citation of works published in the last 5 years, including the reporting year, for the same period according to Web of Science, Scopus
  • The total amount of financing of science (research and development) for the reporting year
  • Obtain a patent
  • Obtaining copyright certificates
  • The number of signed agreements, memoranda with international scientific organizations and organizations of the CIS and Kazakhstan countries, etc.

For implementation of this priority it is planned to conduct the following activities:

  • The collection of figures for publications
  • Posting and informing about existing international and national competitions for science funding
  • Conducting seminars on Elsevier, Web of Science
  • Establishment of scientific relations, exchange of experience, visiting foreign research institutes and universities
  • Participation in projects of the world Bank, Asian development Bank, UN, "Stimulating productive innovations" of the Science Foundation of the MES of Kazakhstan
  • Signing of cooperation agreements with scientific organizations, universities in Kazakhstan, China and Europe
  • Conducting joint research with Alliance universities and foreign universities and research centers.


Publication activity is the most important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of University scientists and reflects the level of development of the University’s science. The University is working to increase the publication activity of teachers in international rating journals with an impact factor based on the databases of Thomson Reuters, Scopus, if RSCI, etc.During the reporting period, the faculty of the University published 188 articles (table 1)

Number of articles in the database

Scopus/Web of Science









Publication of articles in rating journals of Kazakhstan, as well as near and far abroad, is one of the main indicators for evaluating scientific works of the University. First of all, this applies to articles in journals included in the International information databases Web of Science, Scopus, if RSCI, etc.

Scientific indicators

The University actively participates in competitions for scientific and scientific and technical activities, as a result of which projects of grant financing of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan are implemented with a total amount of over 500 million tenge for 2021-2023.



1) Topic name: AP08857218 «IT assessment of scientific activities of universities, research institutes and their departments»
Scientific adviser: Biloshchytskyi A.A.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 2020-2022s
Result, amount: 60.141
Annotaion: In order to modernize the scientific, technical and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, effective tools for assessing the results of research activities of scientists, universities and research institutes should be created. This makes it possible to check the compliance of the research process with the goals that were indicated at the stage of their planning and, if necessary, adjust the course of these studies. Also, the estimates obtained are an effective tool for planning funding for these studies.
For the formation of teams for joint research, a typical approach is to select partners from among scientists with the appropriate qualifications and experience in implementing similar projects. Establish effective collaboration within scientific communities and scientifically based team building that are able to successfully implement projects that are especially important for project-oriented organizations, research institutes and universities.


Project №1: BR10965311 «Development of intelligent information and telecommunication systems for urban infrastructure: transport, ecology, energy and data analytics in the Smart City concept»
Scientific adviser: Lebedev D.V.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 36 months 2021-2023
Result, amount: 390
The main idea of the project is to develop a complex of intelligent information and communication systems for the development of urban infrastructure, which involves improving the quality of life of citizens by improving the transport infrastructure, developing the environmental situation, efficient use of energy resources and introducing the principles of predictive data analytics for making management decisions in the Smart concept. City.


Project №1: AP09259802 «Noncommutative symmetric spaces and related problems»
Scientific adviser: Raikhan M.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 36 months 2021-2023
Result, amount: 60.141
Annotaion: As a result of research on the project, a connection will be obtained between the generalized singular values of the matrix of measurable operators and the generalized singular numbers of its elements and its applications, Young-type inequalities will be proved for the generalized singular number of measurable operators associated with the semifinite von Neumann algebra. We will obtain properties of commutative and non-commutative weak Orlicz spaces, non-commutative versions of weak Orlicz spaces associated with states and weights. An atomic decomposition for non-commutative martingale symmetric spaces and its applications will be obtained. The expected results of the project will significantly advance the qualitative theory of non-commutative Orlicz space and the theory of martingales.

Project №2 : AP09261258 Hybrid modeling of the energy system for development of renewable energy roadmap for Kazakhstan with high spatial, temporal and technical disaggregation
Supervisor: Zhakiyev N.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 2021-2023
Result, amount: 46.36
Annotaion: As a result of the project, an integrated energy system modeling tool will be created to develop a roadmap for the development of renewable energy in Kazakhstan using advanced world modeling solutions with high spatial, technical and temporal disaggregation to account for the variability of renewable energy sources.

Project №3: АР09563335 «Application of modeling methods and machine learning for optimal planning of the load of the generating equipment of Pavlodar CHP»
Supervisor: Zhakiyev N.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 12 months 2021
Result, amount: 8
Investigation of the potential for increasing the energy efficiency of CHP plants, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of machine learning methods for optimal planning of the composition of the generating equipment of the CHP plant in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. This study is important for the applied testing of big data processing methods using machine learning methods coming from an industrial facility that generates electricity, heat, and industrial steam. Pavlodar CHPP is special in that it has two different consumers in the person of the aluminum plant and the population. The complexity in the variability of the consumption profile requires the use of modern methods of predictive planning of the composition of generating equipment for a day or a week. The long service life of the units, the hours worked requires constant adjustment of the repair plan for the year ahead. It is necessary to take into account the dynamic demand curve for heat and electricity using forecasting methods depending on the weather, the variability of heat and electricity consumption, which changes by probabilistic laws based on historical data of the consumption profile.

2021International projects

Projects №1. «Creative Spark British Council: Higher Education Entrepreneurship Development Program»
Supervisor: Kambarova Zh.D.
Source of financing: British Council
Target: Developing partnerships between universities, teaching entrepreneurial skills to students and teaching staff, developing entrepreneurship curricula for students that will include topics such as pitching ideas, creating a business, protecting intellectual property and obtaining loans.
Partners: The University of Northampton, Almaty Management University
Years of implementation: 2021-2022
Funding volume: £4,073 (2,370,486 tenge)

Projects №2. Grant «Frontiers Champions»
Supervisor: Zhakiev N.K.
Source of financing: Royal Academy of Engineering / Royal Academy of Engineering(Great Britain)
Target: Knowledge exchange towards a sustainable smart city: energy efficiency and air quality of the city of Nur-Sultan, development of the scientific potential of scientists and the university in the field of sustainable smart cities
Partners: Royal Academy of Engineering / Royal Academy of Engineering, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Years of implementation: 2021
Funding volume: £10,000 (5,800,000 tenge)

2021Contract-based projects

Projects №1 «Modification and maintenance of the State Register of Carbon Units»
Supervisor: Lebedev D.V.
Source funding: Joint-stock company «Zhasyl Damu»
Target: Provision of work on modification and maintenance of the State Register of Carbon Units
Years of implementation: 2021
Funding volume: 8 960 000 tenge
• modification of the business process for the behavior of carbon units into circulation in the State Register in terms of the parallel functioning of the National Plan for the Distribution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Quotas for 2018-2020 and the National Plan for Carbon Quotas for 2021s.
• modification of the functionality for the operator of the State Register for the transaction, transfer and crediting of quota units or internal emission reduction units from the account/sub-account to the account/sub-account with the addition of the possibility of choosing the National quota allocation plan, organization\installation, type of carbon unit, type of account, type of operation, number of quotas or internal emission reduction units
• Modifying the Transaction Log subsection to change the name of the Transaction Type and Account Type rows and columns to Transaction Type and Account Type, respectively in terms of bringing the line “Type of operation” and in terms of bringing the types of accounts and subaccounts in line with the order of the Minister of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 11, 2012 No. 151 “On Approval of the Rules for Trade in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Units,” including the addition of such types of operation: “initial transfer of internal reduction units,” “secondary turnover of internal reduction units,” “NPR for 2021” and a separate column “Plant name” and automatic display of data in it, in terms of adding the possibility of filtering data (for all columns of the table), in terms of adding the functionality “Export transaction log” in Excel and PDF format.

2021Ongoing projects at AITU (internal grant)

Project №1: «Building a Patient-Specific Eye Model for Glaucoma Research»
Supervisor: Kharmysov C.
Source of financing: Intra-university grant 1 million tenge
• Development of automatic image segmentation in optical coherence tomography
• 3D reconstruction of segmented images
• Creating a 3D eye model
Partners: Astana IT University
Years of implementation: 2021
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• An algorithm for automatic segmentation of OCT images has been developed.
• 120 OCT images of the human eye are automatically calculated.
• An automated algorithm for three-dimensional reconstruction of the morphological features of the ONH has been developed to quickly determine the depth (HGB) and volume (OHHS) of the structure of the optic nerve head.
• A three-dimensional model for the eyeball was built.
• Article published: Chingis Kharmyssov, Alshyn Abduvalov, Konstantinos Kostas, Yerkin G Abdildin, Zaure Dzhumatayeva. “Development of the Patient-Specific Ocular Models using Optical Coherence Tomography Images: Glaucoma Model”. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST).

Project №2: «Using the Nvidia Omniverse Platform to Create a Virtual University»
Supervisor: Alimzhanov E.S.
Source of financing: according to the intra-university competition of scientific grants
Target: Development of a virtual twin of the university using gaming technologies and the NVIDIA Omniverse platform
Partners: NVIDIA
Years of implementation: 2021
Funding volume: 1 million tenge
• Purchased the necessary hardware and installed the appropriate software.
• A virtual space has been created for collaboration between the teacher and students. Conducted trial classes in a virtual environment.
• Three-dimensional models for virtual space have been developed.
• Created a three-dimensional project with the visualization of objects, based on the real premises of the university.
• A virtual twin of the university has been created for demonstration purposes.
• A report was made and an article was published at the IEEE TALE 2021 conference: Alimzhanov, Y., Absadyk, A., Turar, O. “Leveraging Real-Time Simulation and Collaboration Platform for Project-Based Learning: Case Study of Astana IT University,” TALE 2021 – IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, Proceedings, 2021, pp. 1130–1134. (indexed in Scopus)

Project №3: «Development of a system for monitoring and analyzing air pollution in the city of Nur-Sultan using the Data-driven approach»
Supervisor: Sarsenova Zh.
Source of financing: Intra-university grant
Target: Creation of a system for monitoring and analyzing air pollution based on existing open data for the urbanization of the city using the Data-driven approach
Partners: Astana IT University
Years of implementation: 2021
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• Daily data on air pollution in the concentrations of CO, NO2, O3, SO2, PM 2.5 and PM 10 for Nur-Sultan were received from Kazhydromet RSE LLP
• Daily data on air pollution have been received, which are available to from the Sergek hardware-software complex for the period from 02/01/2020 to 05/01/2021.
• Changes in the level of air pollution in the city of Nur-Sultan determined
• Participation in the I International Forum of Young Scientists, “Intellectual potential of independent Kazakhstan 30 years of formation and development” September 8-10, 2021.
• An analytical system for the analysis and monitoring of air pollution based on the Data-driven approach has been developed.
• Article published in “Computing Conference 2022” indexed in Scopus

Project № 4: «Application of modeling methods and machine learning to analyze the consumption of heat energy by zones of the city of Nur-Sultan»
Supervisor: Kasymkhanov S.M.
Source of financing: Intra-university grant
Target: Correlation analysis of heat consumption by zones of the city of Nur-Sultan, determination of the speed of the heat front and visualization of data on the map.
Partners: Astana Energoservice
Years of implementation: 2021
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• Creation of a correlation data model of the heating network inside the software.
• Determination of “blind zones” for coverage by data collection systems, development recommendations on the installation of the necessary additional metering devices for the heating system.
• Comparison of heat consumption data with weather data for a correct forecast of heat demand.
• Development of recommendations on the formation of optimal applications for providing heat to the city of Astana by districts based on the calculations.
• Creation of color visualization of heat consumption zones on the map of Astana.
• Obtaining a map of heat consumption in Astana.


Project №1 AP14870282 «Defining identities for varieties of nonassociative algebras»
Supervisor: Ismailov Nurlan Amankeldiyevich
Name of the competition: THE GF MSHE OF RK, 2022-2024
Funding volume: 60 086 191, 64 tenge
Аnnotation: In this project, our focus is on generalizations of nonassociative algebras such as Leibniz, Novikov, Zinbiel, bicommutative and assosymmetric algebras for one and two generators.
The project will be directed to studying defining identities for varieties of mono and binary Novikov, bicommutative and assosymmetric algebras and varieties of algebras related to binary Leibniz and binary Zinbiel algebras.
Additionally, we will consider differential Novikov, associative and perm algebras and their adjoint classes obtained via new binary operations.

Project №2: AP14870431 Haagerup noncommutative Orlicz spaces and applications
Supervisor: Nurlybekuly T.
Name of the competition: THE GF MSHE OF RK, 2022-2024
Financing amount: 71.229
Annotaion: The main problem to be solved by the Project: – For  -finite von Neumann algebra equipped with a normal faithful state  , define Haagerup noncommutative Orlicz spaces ( ,)  L associated with von  and  , which are analogues of Haagerup p L -spaces. To prove that this Orlicz spaces coincide with the usual tracial case. – Prove the Haagerup’s reduction theorem and the duality theorem of ( ,)  L , to show ( ,)  L is independent of  up to isometric isomorphism. – Extend some noncommutative martingale inequalities in the tracial case to the Haagerup noncommutative Orlicz space case. – Study the  -equiintegrable subsets of ( )  L and prove the subsequence splitting lemma. – Define Haagerup noncommutative Orlicz-Hardy spaces (,)  H and prove Riesz type factorization and Szegö type factorization theorem for (,)  H . Give Beurling-BlecherLabuschagne type theorems for  -invariant subspaces of ( ,)  L and characterizations of outer operators in (,)  H

Project №3: АРАР14871274 «Investments appraisal for the development of the oil refining and petrochemical sectors of the Kazakhstani economy»
Supervisor: Shalbolova U.Zh.
Name of the competition: THE GF MSHE OF RK, 2022-2024
Financing amount: 47 921 564,94 tenge
Аnnotaion: Development of a methodology for the economic evaluation of investments aimed at improving the oil refining and petrochemical sectors of the economy of the of Kazakhstan. Presentation of methodological approaches to the selection of effective investment projects for the construction of facilities to produce oil refining and petrochemical products.

Project №4: «Creation of a system for the development of methodological competence of teachers of IT disciplines based on the continuity of education»
Supervisor: Mukhatayev А.А.
Name of the competition: THE GF MSHE OF RK, 2022-2024
Financing amount: 65 101 029,75 tenge
Аnnotation: Development of an applied system for improving methodological competence, which allows to improve the pedagogical training of teachers of IT disciplines, including all stages from training to advanced training, from development forecasting to post-course constant support.


Project №1: AP13067629 «Development of perovskite solar cells based on copper thiocyanate/copper oxide nanocomposite films»
Scientific adviser: Ilyasov B.R.
Competition name: MSHE of RK, 2022-2024
Financing amount: 72.313 million tenge
Project summary:The proposed project will develop highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells based on CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films. For this, methods will be developed for the synthesis of CuSCN, Cu2O and CuSCN/Cu2O films with controlled morphology and electrical properties, and methods for the synthesis of the perovskite layer will be optimized. The mechanisms of generation and transport of charge carriers in PSCs, and the reasons for the degradation of functional materials in PSCs will be studied.

Project №2: AP13067967 Development of a technology for building microprocessor-based resource-saving relay protection devices based on an open architecture
Scientific adviser: Neftisov A.V.
Competition name: MSHE of RK, 2022-2024
Financing amount: 75 million tenge
Project summary: Relay protection systems consist of devices that receive information from instrument transformers, which are metal-intensive and consist of high quality copper and steel. Transformers have high errors in transient conditions at high short-circuit currents. Hazardous voltages are generated when the secondary circuit is interrupted. With the advent of distributed energy, classical relay protection systems are not enough.
Building a relay protection system on an open architecture microprocessor platform using other converters instead of transformers and the Internet of things will improve the reliability of power supply by duplicating traditional relay protection and transformers, as well as eliminate existing shortcomings.

2022GF the Projects for the youngesr scientist «Zhas Galym»

Project №3: AP13268877 «Development of manufacturing technology for radiation-resistant electronic components of artificial Earth satellites»
Scientific adviser: Almassov N.Zh.
Competition name: MSHE of RK, «Zhas galym» 2022-2024
Financing amount: 15,897 million tenge
Annotation: Radiation in the form of energetic electrons, protons and photons poses a great threat to systems that operate in or travel through space. The effects of radiation on electronics and printed circuit boards can range from temporary failure to permanent degradation or complete shutdown. Research into ways to combat this threat has been, and continues to be, the focus of aerospace companies, NASA, and the military. To date, the best protection is the use of radiation-resistant electronics for space conditions. This project is aimed at developing the scientific foundations for the technology of manufacturing radiation-resistant memory devices. Successful development of this technology will result in electronic components with improved electrical properties.

Project №4: AP13268744 «Development of intercultural citizenship in the context of internationalization of higher foreign language education of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Scientific adviser: Gerfanova E.F.
Competition name: MSHE of RK, «Zhas galym» 2022-2024
Total amount: 17 636 050 tenge
Annotation: Intercultural aspects of language teaching/learning are becoming increasingly important as higher education in general, and foreign language (FL) education in particular, are being transformed and modernized under the influence of internationalization processes. The concept of intercultural citizenship in education is associated with the training of professional personnel who can successfully function in intercultural situations in various communities, both on the local and global levels. However, most of the discussions on the problem of developing intercultural citizenship in the context of foreign language education are currently being conducted at the theoretical level. There is no empirical evidence to support the extent to which the study of a foreign language can lead to the formation and further development of global citizenship and intercultural understanding. The aim of the project is to develop and describe effective methods for the formation of students’ intercultural citizenship in the context of the foreign language educational process of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the fostering of their intercultural understanding through the study of a foreign language and FL culture.

Project №5: AP13268872 «Digital transformation for creating circular economy in tourism»
Scientific adviser: Samalgul Nassanbekova
Competition name: MSHE RK, Grant funding for young scientists under the «Zhas Galym» project for 2022-2024
Financing amount: 17,848 million tenge
Abstract: As a result of the study, a framework will be developed that defines the requirements for digital solutions necessary for the transition to a circular sustainable tourism development strategy, which will serve as the basis for creating a roadmap for implementation, replenish the knowledge base in this area, determine the necessary institutional transformations for digitalization when creating circularity in tourism.

Project №6: AP14972763 «Cornea anisotropy imaging using hybrid Brillouin-Raman micro-spectroscopy»
Scientific adviser: Kharmyssov C.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 2022-2024 years (28 months)
Result, amount: 19
Annotaion: The mechanical and chemical properties of the cornea are linked to ocular diseases and therapeutic procedures. Brillouin microscopy is a novel and emerging non-contact spectroscopic sensing technology that enables the measurement of viscoelastic properties of a material. Raman micro-spectroscopy on the other hand is a powerful non-invasive optical tool for bio-photonic research and sensing applications targeting the chemical properties of tissues. In this project, we will present a hybrid spectroscopic technique for cornea mechano-chemical imaging and microstructure analysis that combines Brillouin and Raman spectroscopies with confocal microscopy into a single bio-imaging modality. This hybrid integrated approach to bio-sensing enables probing mechanical and chemical properties of the cornea simultaneously in a non-contact and non-invasive fashion with micrometer spatial resolution using a single laser probing source. Additionally, corneal anisotropy will be tested at different collagen orientations of the cornea. An automated data analysis technique will be developed for spatial integrated mapping of Brillouin and Raman spectral peaks (position, linewidth, and intensity). Merged spectral images will be further analyzed using machine learning algorithms for extraction of correlated mechano-chemical information of diseased and healthy cornea with micron-scale spatial resolution.

Project №7: AP14973006 «Investigation of methods of maintaining confidentiality in the process of interaction of the Internet of Things»
Scientific adviser: Adamova A.D.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, «Zhas Galym» 2022-2024
Financing amount: 19.000
Annotaion: The idea of the project is to investigate privacy preserving methods in wireless sensor networks. Today, wireless sensor networks are one of the fundamental technologies of Internet of Things interaction. When Internet of Things devices communicate with each other, there are well-known resource constraints, such as energy, memory, bandwidth, etc. These constraints affect the real-time interaction of Internet of Things and bring with them the problem of security of personal data of network users. The project aims to address privacy issues by exploring methods in the Internet of Things interaction process.

Project №14: AP15473157 «Development of an intelligent photo and video analytics system for solving the tasks of recognizing the actions of a person or a group of people»
Scientific adviser: Islamgozhayev T.U.
Name of the project: MSHE of RK, 2022-2024
Financing amount: 18.745 mln tg
Annotaion: Currently, automated surveillance systems are used everywhere to solve a wide range of problems. Analysis scenarios include the use of motion detection, crowd behavior, individual behavior, interaction between people and their environment. These automated systems perform many tasks, including detection, interpretation, understanding, recording, and generation of alarms based on analysis. One of the important tasks in recognizing human actions is the correct interpretation of actions based on images taken from different angles. This work is aimed at researching and developing a system for recognizing the actions of a person or a group of people from images taken from CCTV cameras, which makes it possible to obtain images of one or more people from different angles.

Project №10: AP13268872 «Digital transformation for creating circular economy in tourism»
Scientific adviser: Samalgul Nassanbekova
Competition name: MSHE RK, Grant funding for young scientists under the «Zhas Galym» project for 2022-2024
Financing amount: 17,848 million tenge
Abstract: As a result of the study, a framework will be developed that defines the requirements for digital solutions necessary for the transition to a circular sustainable tourism development strategy, which will serve as the basis for creating a roadmap for implementation, replenish the knowledge base in this area, determine the necessary institutional transformations for digitalization when creating circularity in tourism.

2022International projects

Project №1: PEER grant «Political economy of Soviet education in Kazakhstan: a critical review»
Supervisor: Diana Toimbek
Source of financing: UKRI GCRF Network plus, grant number AH/T008075/1, UK (under PEER Network Project Central Asia hub)
Target: Studying the influence of political economy on the educational trend in the Central Asian region
Partners: Nazarbayev University, Ulster University, Sussex University, Cape Town University
Years of implementation: 2022-2023
Funding volume: 5 700 000 KZT

Project № 2: PEER grant «The politics of languages in education: issues of access to education and labor market participation of minority ethnic groups in Kazakhstan. The case of Uzbeks»
Supervisor: Tolesh Fariza
Source of financing: UKRI GCRF Network plus, grant number AH/T008075/1
Target: The research is aimed at studying the impact of various language policies and reforms on the educational and economic status of minority groups in Kazakhstan after 30 years of independence. The study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of education through language policy in mitigating or exacerbating socio-cultural, political and economic inequalities in the country.
Partners: Nazarbayev University, Sussex University, University of Ulster, University of Cape Town
Years of implementation: 2022-2023
Funding volume: 5 000 000 tenge

Project № 3: Erasmus JMO «Digital Culture in Higher Education: European Perspective Activity»
Supervisor: Tleshova Zh.K.
Source of financing: Digital Culture in Higher Education: European Perspective (DigCee)
Target: The study is aimed at studying the experience of digital culture in higher educational institutions of European countries, further application of theoretical developments and practical recommendations for the development of digital culture in higher education based on the experience of European Union policy.
Partners: No
Years of implementation: 2022-2025
Funding volume: 8 000 000 tenge

2022Contract-based projects

Project №1: «Automated Monitoring Systems»
Supervisor: Neftisov А.В.
Source of funding: IE «Vasiliyev» (for Kazakhmys Group entities)
Target: To provide consulting services on the implementation of automated monitoring systems
Years of implementation: 2022
Financing amount: 100 000 tenge
Scope of services rendered:
Analysis of rules, laws and other regulations for the need to pass the AFM expertise implementation project;
Development of the technical assignment for design for mines and consulting services;
Analysis of offers in the Automated Monitoring Systems market.

Project №:2 «Development of an integrated automatic early warning system for sewer overflow, blockage and vandalism based on sensors and GIS»
Supervisor: Neftisov А.В.
Source of financing: LLC «Solid Research Group»
Target: development of a structural diagram of the monitoring device and assembly of 5 prototypes with subsequent testing.
Yeard of implementation: 2022
Financing amount: 1 000 000 tenge
• List of possible sensors for measurement of monitored parameters.
• • A structural diagram has been developed.
• • 5 copies of operational prototypes have been assembled.
• • Test performed and test protocol drawn up
• • Device debugged
• • GIS portal developed

2022Commercialization Project

Project №1: «Competence Center «Electronic Industry»
Supervisor: Neftisov А.V.
Source of finding: Grant program «Consortia of production sector I» of the Project «Stimulating productive innovations» of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and MDDIAI of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Target: To create a laboratory for prototyping microprocessor electronic boards on the basis of the Center «Electronic Industry», which will allow providing services for research and development, research and development (R&D) in the field of electronic industry.
Years of implementation: 2022-2023
Financing amount: 275 000 000 tenge
• Laboratory for prototyping microprocessor electronic boards based on the Center «Electronic Industry».
• Domestic O-RAN Base Station L1-High-PHY Accelerator Module
• Pastent application to RCT
• Report «Comprehensive analysis of the state and prospects of technological development of the electronic industry with proposals for changing technological policy» 
• The composition of the consortium of at least 6 participants
• Holding a seminar – training to cover the activities of the Competence Center with the participation of at least 10 production companies from the electronic industry.
• Contracts for the provision of services for SRW and SE&ECW, courses on advanced training.

2022Ongoing projects at AITU (internal grant)

Project №1: Project Name: AITU Cyber Polygon
Supervisor: Uristembaev E.
Source of financing: Intra-university grant
Target: Implementation of a platform for teaching students the skills of penetration testing and exploitation of information systems vulnerabilities.
Partners: Astana IT University
Years of implementation: 2022
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
Results: Developed a local cyber platform with support for up to 1000 users at a time, intended for both for competitions and for training beginners cyber security specialists.

Project 2: «Smart EXPO Lights»
Supervisor: Tleubayeva Araylym
Source of financing: Intra-university grant
1) Installation of an automated intelligent lighting system as part of the implementation of the Smart City project
2) Students create a module on the AITU campus
Partners: Astana IT University, Fab Lab
Years of implementation: 2022
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• Automated intellectual system of street consecration of the territory of EXPO, dramatically reducing your carbon footprint by reducing energy consumption per month while maintaining lighting standards for pedestrians and vehicles, thereby maintaining Ecology of Kazakhstan.
• Publication of a research article in the scientific journal Astana IT University.

Project 3: «Representation, visualization of the tragic lessons of history associated with political repression and famine in Kazakhstan in the 20-80s of the XX century»
Supervisor: Mamytova S.N.
Source of financing: intra-university grant
Target: within the framework of the interdisciplinary direction «Digital history» («Digital history») to develop visual means of representation, visualization of the tragic lessons of history associated with political repression and famine in Kazakhstan in the 20-80s of the XX century.
Partners: Astana IT University
Years of implementation: 2022
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• Development of methodological approaches to the use of computer models for the reconstruction of historical processes.
• Preparation of articles in the journals «Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay», «Otan Tarihy», recommended by KKSON
• Preparation of an article in the journal «Bybye Gody», indexed by Scopus.
• Development of the Concept and presentation of a 3D reconstruction of the famine in the republic based on photographs of the 30s of the XX century on the topic «Kazakhstan 90 years ago: the famine of 1932-1933 and the flight from hunger».

Project №4: «Using media tools for the development and promotion of digital literacy among the youth of Kazakhstan»
Supervisor: Aidarbekov A.
Source of financing: intra-university grant
Target: increase the level of digital literacy among young people through the use of modern media technologies.
Partners: AITU EdTech, Media Studio, Seifullin University
Years of implementation: 2022
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• An article was published and a report was made, a diploma was received for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Seifullin Readings 18 (2022)» on the topic «Science of the XXI century – the era of transformation», Astana, Kazakhstan
• Submitted an article to the International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) Scopus Q2-3
• Participated in The 4th International Symposium on Computer Science, Digital Economy and Intelligent Systems (CSDEIS2022), Wuhan, China, following the results, an article will be published and indexed in Scopus in the collection Advances in Intelligent Systems, Computer Science and Digital Economics IV, Springer Cham

Project №5: «Three-dimensional reconstruction of the morphology of the optic nerve head for a specific patient to assess the risk of development and progression of glaucoma»
Supervisor: Zhalgas A.B.
Source of financing: intra-university grant
Target: To assess the risk of developing glaucoma and predict the progression of glaucoma. Attracting students to science.
Partners: Nazarbayev University, the University of Hong Kong
Years of implementation: 2022
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
• Simulation of dynamic corneal deformation during air jet pumping was introduced using viscoelastic models;
• A control group was created with people without and with glaucoma;
• Demographic and ocular characteristics were discussed;
• An optimization algorithm in MATLAB and Python was developed to determine the biomechanical parameters of the cornea and minimize differences.

2023GF for Youngest scientist CS MSHE RK

Project №1: «Fabrication of organic solar cells with two-dimensional charge separation mechanism»
Scientific advisor: Zavgorodniy A.
Competition name: GF for Youngest scientist CS MSHE RK, 2023-2025
Financing amount: 74 509 373,90 tenge
Project summary: The main idea of the project is to develop a new structure of organic solar cells (OSCs) with a two-dimensional charge separation mechanism by using copper oxide/copper thiocyanate nanocomposite films as an electrotransport layer. The 2D mechanism of charge separation will balance the hole mobility and reduce the density of isolated domains in the photoactive layer, which will lead to an increase in the quantum efficiency, photocurrent, and photovoltaic characteristics of OSCs.

Project №2: «Modeling and digitalization of electricity system of Kazakhstan to form new market designs, tariff policy enable high share of renewables»
Scientific advisor: Zhakiyev N.K.
Competition name: GF for Youngest scientist CS MSHE RK, 2023-2025
Financing amount: 74 171 865,50 tenge
Project summary: The integration of renewable energy into energy systems has been made possible by the development of the power grid infrastructure, demand management measures (installation of multi-tariff meters and flexibility in electricity prices), the development of energy storage technologies, as well as industry cooperation and flexible generation of electricity in traditional power plants. At the same time, the success in the development of RES and the rapid increase in its share in the energy balance were associated with large-scale state support provided to new technologies in developed countries. Purchases of green electricity at higher prices, subsidies to companies switching to the use of new technologies, significantly helped the industry in the early stages of development.

2023GF the Projects for the youngest scientist «Zhas Galym»

Project №1: АР15473102 «Development of methods for determining the anthropometric data of the human body based on real images using machine learning»
Scientific adviser: Absadyk A.
Competition name: MSHE RK, «Zhas galym», 2023-2025
Financing amount: 18 979 301,50 tenge
Project summary: Reducing production waste is one of the important tasks for large companies. And if the waste is their own product, which was returned due to non-compliance with customer requirements, then the task only becomes more important. If there was a system that would determine the characteristic data of a person’s body using a photo from a smartphone, it would simplify the task of determining the size of clothes for the client. As a result of solving these problems, the client will be able to determine their anthropometric data, which will help when buying clothes through online services. Accurate sizing helps to reduce the number of returns on delivery. The developed web service will allow the client to find out his size and choose the right size without any special equipment.

Project № 2: «Topology optimization of building materials»
Scientific adviser: Karashbayeva Zh.O.
Competition name: MSHE RK, «Zhas galym», 2023-2025
Financing amount: 23 979 625, 75 tenge
Project summary: Energy conservation has been elevated to the rank of state policy in almost all countries, including Kazakhstan. According to statistics, more than 30% of total global energy consumption comes from the building construction sector. For this reason, making buildings more energy efficient plays significant role on achieving energy problems of the world. The Concept of Transition to Green Economy 2021-2030 highlights the importance and urgency of energy saving problems in building industry of Kazakhstan.
The idea of the project is to optimize energy consumption in the building constructions.
The objective is to minimize the energy consumption by optimizing the topology of the media, i.e. the position of the insulation within the walls.

2023Ongoing projects at AITU (internal grant)

Project №1: «Development of AI virtual consultant of the University Admissions Committee «University Admissions Advisor»
Supervisor: Tleubayeva A.O.
Source of financing: intra-university grant, 1000 000
Target: The main objective of the project is to create an automated and efficient tool that provides consultations to prospective students during the university admission process.
Partners: «Cleverest Technologies»
Years of implementation: 2023
Funding volume: 1000 000 tenge
Results: The results of the project include a mathematical model based on neural network technologies, machine learning models, a virtual avatar, and a dataset of questions and answers. The project holds significant potential for enhancing the experience of prospective students during the university admissions process and optimizing the operations of the admissions committee.

Project №2: «An intelligent system for finding the optimal route to cover several points of the city of Astana with time and movement restrictions»
Supervisor: Edilkhan D.
Source of financing: intra-university grant, 1000 000
Target: Development of an intelligent search system for the optimal route to cover several points in the city of Astana with time and possible movement restrictions.
Partners: No
Years of implementation: 2023
Funding volume: 1 000 000 tenge
1. Literature review on the research topic;
2. Collection of accurate and up-to-date data on the roads and streets of the city of Astana;
3. Processing and presentation of data in the form of graphs data for the city of Astana;
4. Development of an algorithm for finding the optimal route to cover several points;
5. Visualization and analysis of data processing results. Comparison;
6. Publication of an article in a highly rated journal in Scopus / Web of Science.

Project №3: «Detection of damaged vertebrae in the cervical spine using deep learning»
Supervisor: Zhalgas A.B.
Source of financing: intra-university grant, 1000 000
Target: The model will be used to detect damaged vertebrae in the cervical spine. Using the PyTorch tool, deep learning models will be built and optimized using data from open sources. The final goal is to develop an open source web application for analyzing a CT scan and obtaining the result of the models’ work on the presence of damage.
Partners: No
Years of implementation: 2023
Funding volume: 1000 000 tenge
Results: 1. A review of the literature was conducted, suitable and available data were found, promising solution methods were identified for each problem, the possibility of using these methods for research purposes was established; 2. Data conveyor scripts were written in Python to feed into models, solutions to data problems were implemented (if necessary); 3. Scripts for using Python were prepared segmented snapshots in classification models, the model is optimized and accelerated using ONNX Runtime.

Project №4: «Design, prototyping, and testing of a real-time kinematic robotic arm manipulator controlled remotely via IoT»
Supervisor: Social Zh.Zh.
Source of financing: intra-university grant, 1000 000
Target: The main aim of this work is to create an anthropomorphic robot arm with a simple design, low weight, able to manipulate objects with low mass.
Partners: No
Years of implementation: 2023
Funding volume: 1000 000 tenge
Results: In conclusion, this research addresses the need for advanced robotic systems in robotics and industrial automation. By integrating IoT technologies, the study develops a remote-controlled robotic arm that improves productivity, accuracy, and employee safety. The iterative design approach and comprehensive evaluation lead to a functional prototype with promising practical applications. This research contributes to the field by enhancing the usability and control of robotic arms and suggests avenues for future advancements.

Project №5: «Development of algorithms and methods for the recognition and classification of aerospace images using machine learning to monitor agricultural forest cover»
Supervisor: Sarinova A.Zh.
Source of financing: intra-university grant, 1000 000
Target: The goal of the project is to create and develop algorithms and methods for the recognition and classification of aerospace images using machine learning. This project will allow you to process data from the FAR, recognize and classify objects with intelligent data processing and applications in various areas of monitoring the earth’s surface.
Partners: No
Years of implementation: 2023
Funding volume: 1000 000 tenge
Results: 1. To study and analysis of the method of classifying aerospace images will be carried out for subsequent recognition of various objects by machine learning tools. 2. A method for classifying aerospace images will be developed for subsequent recognition of various objects by machine learning tools. 3. Test and debug an intelligent aerospace image preprocessing system that includes recognition and classification modules for monitoring forests and other natural resources.

Implementation of joint research with local and foreign partners


Astana IT University has signed Memoranda of cooperation with a number of foreign and local companies to implement joint innovation projects, support and develop mechanisms for mutual cooperation and cooperation in the field of industrial and innovative activities and information and analytical support for innovation. Also, the purpose of these memoranda is to develop education in the field of information technology and the development of an innovative ecosystem:

  • CyberLabs
  • Cisco
  • EPAM
  • Qaztech
  • Kolesa
  • Huawei
  • Lenovo
  • Asbis
  • HP
  • EnterpriseDB Corporation
  • Senim
  • Qazaq Cybersport Federation
  • Academy Esports
  • 1C
  • Chocofamily
  • KPMG

Submission of projects for a grant from the European Union

Direction: Key Action 2 (KA2) project
Type: CBHE-Capacity building in Higher education.
Program: Erasmus plus
Preparation time: September 2019-February 2020
Budget: 600 000 – 900 000 (Euro) per project, 70 000 – 100 000 (Euro) per University

Direction: Key Action 1 (KA1)
Type: Students & teachers exchange
Program: Erasmus plus
Preparation time: January 2020-April 2020
Budget: 30 000 – 100 000 (Euro) per project, 20 000 – 50 000 (Euro) per University

Direction: Horizon 2020
Project type: Common scientific research
Program: Erasmus plus
Preparation time: December 2019-September 2020
Budget: 2 000 000 – 5 000 000 (Euro) per project, 200 000 – 1 000 000 (Euro) per University

Getting copyright documents

AITU coordinates the research and innovation activities of the University, their regulatory and methodological support, information support, and implements the University’s policy in the field of intellectual property aimed at the development of scientific, educational and innovative activities. Inventive and patent-licensing activities of the University are based on the legal framework for the protection of intellectual property subjects.
On an ongoing basis, the collection and maintenance of a list of security documents received by the faculty of the University is carried out. At the moment, the list is represented by 2 certificates of state registration of rights to copyright objects (table 3).

table 3 – Number of security documents



Certificates of registration of rights to copyright objects



Republican competition of scientific research works of students and postgraduates

In accordance with the letter of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 1, 2024 No. 14-0/1420, Astana IT University was determined to be the base university for holding the annual Republican competition of student research works in the EP “Computer Science and Software Engineering”. The results were approved by the Protocol of the competition commission No. 1 dated May 22, 2024.

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