Astana IT University Alumni



Number of graduates in 2022


Percentage of employed graduates


They are officially employed and continue their studies in the magistracy

Alumni Reviews

  • Where do you work and what position do you currently hold?
    – Founded her own digital agency in Europe.

    Why did you choose Astana IT University?
    – The specialty I studied for became the foundation of my knowledge and gave me a lot of experience.

    Rate the level of training at AITU on a scale from 0 to 10
    – 10.

    Evaluate the work of the teaching staff and administration at AITU on a scale from 0 to 10
    – 10.

    How has AITU influenced the formation of your personality?
    – In her first year, she created a Music Club, which still operates as one of the largest clubs in the university. During my studies, I worked very hard, I was invited to a project that is a media space. During this time, I gathered a large audience of 3.5 million subscribers in Tiktok, worked directly with large influencers and gave a full-length interview to companies such as TheFlow, Terricon Valley.

    Kamila Saulebayeva
    Media technologies
  • Where do you work and in what position?
    – Alseco – Java Developer.

    Why did you choose Astana IT University?
    – Because the university was completely suited to my wishes in terms of the study program.

    Rate the level of study at AITU on a scale from 0 to 10?
    – 8.

    Rate student life at AITU on a scale from 0 to 10?
    – 10.

    How has AITU influenced the formation of your personality?
    – Excellent, made new acquaintances, and also developed professionally.

    What do you recommend to AITU students?
    – Focus on what you are interested in.

    Hayrollaev Ayan
    Software Engineering
  • Where do you work and in what position?
    – Astana, National Information Technologies, Java Developer

    Why did you choose Astana IT University?
    – I was the only good choice in Astana, and the campus and the novelty of the university were interesting.

    Rate student life at AITU on a scale from 0 to 10?
    – 10.

    Rate the work of teachers and administration at AITU on a scale from 0 to 10?
    – 8.

    Would you recommend applicants to enroll in AITU?
    – Yes.

    What do you recommend to AITU students
    – To study, to work, all this will really give good results. Always communicate, be friendly, because friends from the university are the most valuable gift.

    How did AITU influence the formation of your personality?
    – You can say she changed me 180 degrees, became the best version of herself.

    Nuraly Marzhan
    Computer Science

List of graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year

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