AP08857218 «Information technology for evaluating the scientific activities of universities, research institutes and their divisions»

Relevance of the project:

It is urgent to develop a new comprehensive method for evaluating the performance of scientists, higher education institutions, research institutes and their structural divisions, which can be an effective tool for managing universities and research institutes. An important feature of this method should be the possibility of automation for use in integrated management systems of universities. Well-known methods of evaluating the results of research activities require constant intervention in the process of calculating the subjective factor, coordinating the opinions of experts, changing the system of coefficients when changing the priorities of evaluation, it is difficult to automate. The advantage of the research is the development of a method for evaluating the performance of scientists, higher educational institutions, research institutes and their structural divisions, which is easily automated, does not require the involvement of experts, the selection of weighting factors, the ideal point and solving additional problems in the construction of a comprehensive assessment. As a result of the development of such a method or set of methods, it is proposed to create software that will calculate estimates of research activities of scientists, higher educational institutions, research institutes and their structural divisions.

In modern conditions, the problem of increasing the effectiveness of scientific research and establishing effective cooperation within scientific communities is becoming more acute. Creation of teams that are able to successfully implement projects, especially important for project-oriented organizations: research institutions, consulting companies, project offices, etc. In order to form a research team, a typical approach is to select research partners with relevant expertise and experience in such projects. In other words, the selection is often based on the analysis of previous experience and scientific results of potential project partners.

The formation of scientific communities usually takes place in a competitive environment. In the context of globalization of scientific research, not only the space of one or several countries, but also the entire world is taken into account. These scientific societies may consist of universities, research institutes, private companies, foundations, and associations that form applications for joint grants. The task of selecting partners within the framework of a grant or a strategic partner for the implementation of a whole series of scientific research is relevant.

Expected results:

As a result of the research, methods for evaluating the results of scientific research activities of scientists will be developed. A method for calculating the evaluation of scientific research activity of scientists is proposed, which, in contrast to the known indices (h-index, g-index, e-index, I-10 index) is characterized by taking into account all information about the authors ‘ citation, without losing information about publications. The authors will also propose an integral method for evaluating the results of scientists ‘ activities, a characteristic feature of which is the construction of vectors, the components of which are scalar estimates of the results of scientific activity. These vectors are placed in a multidimensional metric space. The proposed methods should be flexible enough, since they allow you to adjust the resulting estimates by choosing different formulas for calculating metric distances and coefficients that set the citation ratio between scientists ‘ publications.

Project goal:

Development of information technology for evaluating research activities of higher education institutions and research institutes of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their structural divisions, by developing instantaneous change-sensitive citation ratings and creating an information system for evaluating research results. Integration into the developed information system of the ability to intelligently search for partners for joint research.

The objective of the project is the development of information technology evaluation of research work of scientists, departments, universities, research institutes based on citation indices of various types, and integrated analyses including data mining and the development of appropriate modules of information-analytical system of evaluation of results of scientific activities of universities, research institutes of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing for the automated collection and analysis of information from open data sources (Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.). In addition, it is planned to create a module to solve the problem of selecting potential partners for cooperation in scientific and educational projects.

The main stages of the project are:

1. Analysis of well-known scientific developments to assess the quality indicators of research work of scientists and searching partners for joint grant activities. Identification of sources for collecting information about research activities of scientists, universities and research


2. Development of integrated criteria for evaluating research work of scientists, taking into account the sensitivity to citations of publications by other authors. Development of an algorithm for ranking scientists, universities, research institutes and their departments based on the obtained integral estimates.Development of the visualization module and interface in the program complex of evaluation of scientific activity.

3. Practical implementation of the information system for the analysis of research work. Development of modules for automated collection of information about publications and quoting scientific data from international scientometric databases (WebofScience, Scopus, Googlescholar) and other open data sources. Drawing up ratings of scientists, universities and research institutes in Kazakhstan. Creating a module for finding scientific partners for joint implementation of projects around the world. Creating instructions for working with the program for the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.

Project achievements:

For 2020–2021 all events were carried out according to the calendar plan under contract No. 324 dated November 20, 2020.

Subparagraph 1. Analysis of well-known scientific developments to assess the qualitative indicators of scientific research work of scientists and search for partners for joint grant activities. Identification of sources for collecting information about the research activities of scientists, universities and research institutes.

The result is a report on the analysis of well-known scientific developments to assess the qualitative indicators of research work of scientists and the search for partners for joint grant activities.

Published 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a percentile in the Scopus database of 56 (fifty-six).

Published 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, in the Web of Science database.

Published 2 articles in a foreign international edition included in the list of recommended for publication dissertation research of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Published 2 articles in the materials of the international scientific conference IEEE indexed in the Scopus database

Published 2 articles in the materials of the international scientific conference in Ukraine.

Published 2 articles in the international scientific journal Scientific Journal of Astana IT University.

Subparagraph 2. Development of integral criteria for evaluating the research work of scientists, considering the sensitivity to citation of publications by other authors. Development of an algorithm for ranking scientists, universities, research institutes and their subdivisions based on the obtained integral estimates. Development of a visualization module and interface in a software

package for evaluating scientific activities.

The result is a report on the methods for the development of integral criteria for evaluating the research work of scientists, considering the sensitivity to citation of publications by other authors, as well as the development of an algorithm for ranking scientists, universities, research institutes and their subdivisions based on the obtained integral evaluations. Filling the database of scientists, universities, and research institutes of Kazakhstan for the assessment.

Published 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a percentile in the Scopus database of 56 (fifty-six).

Published 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a percentile in the Scopus database of 74 (seventy-four).

Published 2 articles in a foreign international edition included in the list of recommended for publication dissertation research of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Published 4 articles in the materials of the international scientific conference IEEE indexed in the Scopus database

Published 1 article in the international scientific journal Scientific Journal of Astana IT University

Published 1 monograph.

Research team members:

Scientific Director of the project: 6. Biloshchytskyi Andrey Aleksandrovich, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.

Experience in the project direction-more than 15 years.

Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of “Astana IT University” LLP

h-index (Scopus) – h=7, total number of citations (Scopus) – 102.

Author ID (Scopus): 57190487952


h-index (Google Scholar) – h=17, General school. citations (Google Scholar) – 759


Beloshitsky A. A., born in 1978

– in 2001, he graduated from the Kiev national University of construction and architecture (master of computer science). In 2007, he defended his PhD thesis at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture (specialty – “Information technology”). In 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture (specialty – ” project and program Management»);

– 2001-2008-teacher of the Department of computer science fundamentals of the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2004-head of the software support Department of information technologies and the Internet at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2004-2008-head of the center for information technology (CIT) of the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2008-2011-Deputy Vice-rector for research at KNUCA;

– 2011-2013-Director of the KNUCA research complex;

– 2008-2013-associate Professor of the Department of basic Informatics at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2013-2014-Professor of the Department of basic Informatics at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2014-2016-head of the Department of information technologies of the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2016-2017-Professor, Department of management technologies, Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv;

– 2017-2019-head of the Department of information systems and technologies of Taras

Shevchenko national University of Kyiv;

– since 2019-Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of «Astana IT University» LLP.

Projects in which participated:

1. since 2018, the Erasmus + program in the direction of KA2: capacity building in higher education “dComFra-digital competence system for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP 2018-2021 (budget 946 952 euros). Responsible for the conceptual development of content. The consortium consists of 8 Ukrainian universities, universities in Lithuania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, as well as public IT organizations.

2. 2015-2018 Erasmus + KA2 program: capacity building in higher education “GameHub” No. 56128-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (budget 811,000 euros). Head of the team of the Kiev national University of construction and architecture in the project. The consortium consists of 13 universities and IT companies from Ukraine, Spain, Austria, and Poland.

3. by order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, a number of software systems have been developed, namely:

– “System of support and control of state awards of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine»,

– “System of accounting for the citation index of scientific and pedagogical personnel of Ukraine”,

– “Creation of a system for checking the degree of uniqueness of scientific works “Antiplagiat”.

4. Performing research and development work as a scientific supervisor, namely:

– research works for the MES “Methodological bases for creating an information environment for managing scientific research of structural divisions for higher educational institutions of the MES of Ukraine” state registration number 0115U000330(budget us $ 31,000);

– research works for the MES “Creating a system for verifying the degree of uniqueness of scientific works”, state registration number 0114U000126 (budget 25,000 us dollars);

– research works for knus “Development of a system-methodical base for building information technologies for planning and controlling the volume of educational work in higher education institutions of 3-4 accreditation levels” state registration number 0109U008065;

– research works for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “methodology of budget program management based on key success indicators”, state registration number 0110U005594 (budget us $ 25,000);

– research works for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “Creative technologies in the development of public Finance systems”, state registration number 0110U005593 (budget us $ 22,000);

– research works for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine “Visualization of analytical information in public Finance management systems”, state registration number 0110U005592 (budget us $ 22,000);

– research works for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Modernization of public Finance management in the context of administrative reform. “Functional-role modeling and optimization of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in the context of administrative reform” state registration number 0111U007012 (budget 22 000 us dollars);

– research works for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Modeling and forecasting the development of the financial system of Ukraine. “Implementation of modern Internet technologies in the work of Executive authorities. Development and creation of the “Transparent budget” of the state registration number 0111U007013 (budget 17,000 us dollars);

– research works for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. “Modeling and forecasting the

development of the financial system of Ukraine”. “Scientific and methodological support of the Virtual University of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine”, state registration number 0111U007014 (budget 17 000 us dollars);

– research works for the state educational and scientific institution “Academy of financial management”. “Mechanisms of anti-crisis diagnostics and public Finance management” state registration number 0112U006616 (budget 21,000 us dollars).

5. co-Author of a number of scientific studies, namely:

– research works for the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. “Construction mechanics-electronic textbook” with state registration number 0107U008287;

– research works for the State Agency for science, innovation and information. “Development of an automated testing system for intermediate and final control of students ‘knowledge” with state registration number 0109U005902;

– Scientific and technological works for the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. “Development of a model for optimal provision of thermal and air condition of buildings and creation of design principles for energy-efficient buildings” with state registration number 0109U005901;

– research works for the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. “Optimization of space-planning and design solutions for energy-saving buildings in Ukraine” with state registration number 0111U009156;

– research works for the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. “Creation and implementation of new energy-saving technologies for buildings and structures” with the state registration number 0111U008785.

Role in the achievement of project results:

Beloshitsky A. A. has many years of experience in managing scientific and educational projects. A. A. Beloshitsky’s contribution to achieving the project results will be project management, completion of all stages according to the project schedule and ensuring the necessary results.

1. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Biloshchytska, S., & Dubnytska, A. (2017). Conceptual Model of Automatic System of Near Duplicates Detection in Electronic Documents. 2017 IEEE International Conference «The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics» (CADSM), 381–384. doi: 10.1109/CADSM.2017.7916155 [Scopus]

2. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Kuzka, O., & Terentyev, O. (2017) Evaluation methods of the results of scientific research activity of scientists based on the analysis of publication citations. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2(87)), 4–10. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2017.103651 [Scopus]

3. Kuchansky, A., & Biloshchytskyi, A. (2015). Selective pattern matching method for time-series forecasting. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4-78), 13-18. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2015.54812 [Scopus]

4. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Kuzka, O., Shabala, Ye., & Lyashchenko, T. (2017). A method for the identification of scientists’ research areas based on a cluster analysis of scientific publications. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(2(89)), 4-10. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2017.112323 [Scopus]

5. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Dubnytska, A., & Vatskel, V. (2017). The Method of the Scientific Directions Potential Forecasting in Infocommunication Systems of an Assessment of the Research Activity Results. 2017 IEEE International Conference «Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology» (PIC S&T), 69-72. doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMMST.2017.8246352 [Scopus]

6. Biloshchytskyi, A., Myronov, O., Reznik, R., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Paliy, S., & Biloshchytska, S. (2017). A method to evaluate the scientific activity quality of HEIs based on

a scientometric subjects presentation model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(2(90)), 16-22. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.118377 [Scopus]

7. Lizunov, P., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Biloshchytska, S., & Chala, L. (2016). Detection of near duplicates in tables based on the locality-sensitive hashing method and the nearest neighbor method. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(84)), 4–10. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.86243 [Scopus]

8. Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytskyi, A., Danchenko, O., Ilarionov, O., Vatskel, I., Honcharenko, T. (2018). The method for evaluation of educational environment subjects’ performance based on the calculation of volumes of M-simplexes. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(92)). 15 – 25. [Scopus]

9. Biloshchytskyi, A., Biloshchytska, S., Kuchansky, A., Bielova, O., & Andrashko, Y. (2018). Infocommunication system of scientific activity management on the basis of project-vector methodology. In 2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). 200-203. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336186. [Scopus]

10. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Paliy, S., Biloshchytska, S., Bronin, S., Andrashko, Y., & Vatskel, V. (2018). Development of technical component of the methodology for project-vector management of educational environment. EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2 (92)), 4-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.126301 [Scopus]

11. Bykov V., Biloshchytskyi A., Kuchansky A., Andrashko Yu., Dikhtiarenko O., Budnik S. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPLEX EVALUATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 73(5), 293 – 306. [Web of Science]

12. Kuchansky, A., Biloshchytskyi, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Shabala, Ye., Myronov, O. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF ADAPTIVE COMBINED MODELS FOR PREDICTING TIME SERIES BASED ON SIMILARITY IDENTIFICATION. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(4(91)), 32-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.121620 [Scopus]

13. Bykov V., Spirin O., Biloshchytskyi A., Kuchansky A., Dikhtiarenko O. (2020) OPEN DIGITAL SYSTEMS FOR ASSESSMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH RESULTS. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 294-315. [Web of Science]

Kuchansky Aleksandr Yuryevich, Senior researcher

Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of Kyiv national University of Taras Shevchenko (Kiev, Ukraine)

h-index (Scopus) – h=7, total number of citations (Scopus) – 102.

Author ID (Scopus): 57190488151


h-index (Google Scholar) – h=11, General school. citations (Google Scholar) – 334


– in 2010, he graduated with honors from Uzhgorod national University, faculty of mathematics (master of applied mathematics). In 2014, he defended his PhD thesis at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture (specialty – ” Information technology»);

– 2011-2013-lecturer at the Department of probability theory and mathematical analysis of Uzhgorod national University;

– 2013-2014-associate Professor of the Department of Cybernetics and applied mathematics of Uzhgorod national University;

– 2014-2017-associate Professor of the Department of information technologies of the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– 2017-2018-associate Professor of the Department of cybersecurity and computer infenery at the Kiev national University of construction and architecture;

– since 2018 – associate Professor of the Department of information systems and technologies of Kyiv national University of Taras Shevchenko.

Projects in which participated:

1. Since 2018. Erasmus + program in the direction of KA2: capacity building in higher education “dComFra-digital competence system for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” # 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP 2018-2021 (budget 952946 euros). Responsible for content development, teacher, and researcher. The consortium consists of 8 Ukrainian universities, universities in Lithuania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, as well as public IT organizations.

2. 2015-2018 Erasmus + KA2 program: capacity building in higher education “GameHub” No. 56128-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (budget 811,000 euros). Responsible for content development, teacher, and researcher. The consortium consists of 13 universities and IT companies from Ukraine, Spain, Austria, and Poland.

3. Performing research and development work as a performer and responsible executor, namely:

– research works for Ministry of Education and Science (Ukraine) “Methodological foundations for creating an information environment for managing scientific research of structural divisions for higher educational institutions of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine” state registration number 0115U000330 (budget 31 000 USD);

– research works for Ministry of Education and Science (Ukraine) “Creation of a system for checking the degree of uniqueness of scientific works”, state registration number 0114U000126 (budget 25 000 USD);

– research work for the Ministry of education of Ukraine “Development of methods of analysis of the quality of research work of scientists, MES and separate departments” (budget $30 000);

– research works for the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine “Development of combined methods for identifying incomplete duplicates and revealing the completeness of coverage of scientific results of dissertations published by the author” (budget 17 000 USD).

Role in achieving project results:

KuchinskyA.Yu. has many years of experience in creating methods, models and information technologies and systems for rating universities and their structural divisions. Kuchansky’s contribution to achieving the project results will be the development of methods and systems for evaluating the research work of universities, research institutes and researchers, taking into account the specifics of the educational and scientific system of Kazakhstan. Development of criteria and method for selecting partners for joint scientific grant activities.

Amirgaliyev Beibut Yedilkhanovich, Senior researcher

Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Astana IT University.

h-индекс (Scopus) – h=5, total number of citations (Scopus) – 46.

Author ID (Scopus): 57190488151


h-індекс (Google Scholar) – h=5, total number of citations (Google Scholar) – 52


Projects in which participated:

From 2011 to 2013, he participated as a leading researcher in grant funding projects, and in 2013 won a grant for the world Bank and MES project “technology Commercialization” as a research supervisor. In 2015-2017 he was the scientific Director of a project funded under the grant Financing program of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. Winner Of The Award Of The Foundation Of The First President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan-Elbasy (2015): nominated for the development of computer vision algorithms.

2. Winner of the D. Kunayev award for young scientists in the field of science and technology for 2012.

Role in the achievement of project results:

– Analysis of existing systems for evaluating research work of universities, research institutes and researchers

– Development of mathematical models and methods

– Development of algorithms for the University rating system

Amirgaliev B. E. has extensive experience in the development of intelligent systems, created a profile of scientists in AstanaITUniversity, currently working on data aggregation from external sources (via APIWebofScience, Scopus) and displaying data on the site and via the PowerBI tool.

Toxanov Sapar Nurakhmetovich, Researcher

Doctor PhD, Director of the center for competence and excellence, Astana IT University.


– in 2015, he graduated from Pavlodar State University with a degree in computer Science (master of pedagogical Sciences).

From 2018-present doctoral student of VCHAT named after D. Serikbaev of specialty “Information system»;

– 2008-2012-software Engineer of the Informatization Department

learning process of S. Toraigyrov PSU, Pavlodar;

– 2012-2016-Head of the process Informatization Department

training at S. Toraigyrov PSU, Pavlodar

– 2016-2020-Director of the IT Department of S. Toraigyrov PSU,


– 2020 – present-Director of the center of Competence and Excellence of “Astana IT University” LLP, Nur-Sultan.

Role in the achievement of project results:

– Development of integrated criteria for evaluating research work of scientists

– Development of modules for automated collection of information about publications citation of scientific publications

Publications of the project working group:

1. Biloshchytskyi, A.,Kuchansky, A., Biloshchytska, S., & Dubnytska, A. (2017). Conceptual Model of Automatic System of Near Duplicates Detection in Electronic Documents. 2017 IEEE International Conference «The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics» (CADSM), 381–384. doi: 10.1109/CADSM.2017.7916155 [Scopus]

2. Biloshchytskyi, A.,Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Kuzka, O., & Terentyev, O. (2017) Evaluation methods of the results of scientific research activity of scientists based on the analysis of publication citations. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2(87)), 4–10. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2017.103651 [Scopus]

3. Kuchansky, A., & Biloshchytskyi, A.(2015). Selective pattern matching method for time-series forecasting. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4-78), 13-18. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2015.54812 [Scopus]

4. Biloshchytskyi, A.,Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Kuzka, O., Shabala, Ye., & Lyashchenko, T. (2017). A method for the identification of scientists’ research areas based on a cluster analysis of scientific publications. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(2(89)), 4-10. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2017.112323 [Scopus]

5. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Dubnytska, A., & Vatskel, V. (2017). The Method of the Scientific Directions Potential Forecasting in Infocommunication Systems of an Assessment of the Research Activity Results. 2017 IEEE International Conference «Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology» (PIC S&T), 69-72. doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMMST.2017.8246352 [Scopus]

6. Biloshchytskyi, A., Myronov, O., Reznik, R., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Paliy, S., & Biloshchytska, S. (2017). A method to evaluate the scientific activity quality of HEIs based on a scientometric subjects presentation model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(2(90)), 16-22. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.118377 [Scopus]

7. Lizunov, P., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Biloshchytska, S., & Chala, L. (2016). Detection of near duplicates in tables based on the locality-sensitive hashing method and the nearest neighbor method. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(84)), 4–10. doi: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.86243 [Scopus]

8. Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytskyi, A., Danchenko, O., Ilarionov, O., Vatskel, I., Honcharenko, T. (2018). The method for evaluation of educational environment subjects’ performance based on the calculation of volumes of M-simplexes. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(92)). 15 – 25. [Scopus]

9. Biloshchytskyi, A., Biloshchytska, S., Kuchansky, A., Bielova, O., &Andrashko, Y.(2018). Infocommunication system of scientific activity management on the basis of project-vector methodology. In 2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). 200-203. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336186. [Scopus]

10. Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Paliy, S., Biloshchytska, S., Bronin, S., Andrashko, Y.,& Vatskel, V. (2018). Development of technical component of the methodology for project-vector management of educational environment. EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2 (92)), 4-13. doi: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.126301[Scopus]

11. Bykov V., Biloshchytskyi A., Kuchansky A.,Andrashko Yu., Dikhtiarenko O., Budnik S. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPLEX EVALUATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 73(5), 293 – 306. [Web of Science]

12. Kuchansky, A.,Biloshchytskyi, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S., Shabala, Ye., Myronov, O. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF ADAPTIVE COMBINED MODELS FOR PREDICTING TIME SERIES BASED ON SIMILARITY IDENTIFICATION. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(4(91)), 32-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.121620 [Scopus]

13. Bykov V., Spirin O., Biloshchytskyi A.,Kuchansky A., Dikhtiarenko O. (2020) OPEN DIGITAL SYSTEMS FOR ASSESSMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH RESULTS. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 294-315. [Web of Science] 14. Kenshimov, C., Bampis, L., Arslanov, M., Amirgaliyev, B.,Gasteratos, A.Deep learning features exception for cross-season visual place recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters Том: 100, Стр.: 124-130 DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.10.028 Impact Factor -2,822, Q2 Web of Science

15. Amirgaliyev E.N., Kunelbayev М.М., Kozbakova А.H., Amirgaliyev B.Е.. Development of mathematical modeling and research Bulletin Of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, №4, (134).–2019. p. 623-628. 16. Amirgaliyev B., Kairanbay M.Algorithm for Recognition of Kazakhstan Vehicle License Plates// ВестникКазНУ, No 3(86), 2015. –P.108-114.

17. Тоxanov S.N., Dzharasova G.S. «Mobile learning technology at the University», X международная научно-практическая конференция «Бъдещите и зследвания», Sofia (publication date-February 2015)

18. Тоxanov S.N., Dzharasova G.S. «Possibilities of using mobile technologies in the educational process», XV International Satpay readings; Pavlodar (publication date-April 2015);

19. Тоxanov S.N., Smailova S.S. «Modern means of automation and Informatization of the learning process», Bulletin of PSU, Energy series no. 1., Pavlodar (publication date-March 2020);

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