Telecommunication systems

Telecommunication systems


The educational program “Telecommunication Systems” provides the competence of a specialist who is able to design a wide range of telecommunications systems. This undergraduate program includes several disciplines ranging from electrical and electronic engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science. The program provides a deep understanding of the mathematical apparatus of signal processing, as well as modern telecommunications systems, and provides an opportunity to develop relevant practical skills and obtain the rigorous theoretical knowledge necessary to be at the forefront of the rapidly developing telecommunications sector, where the demand for telecommunications engineers is very high.

Profile subjects: physics + mathematics

Career opportunities

Training highly qualified specialists for innovative and high-tech sectors of the economy in the field of telecommunications, possessing the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills necessary for their implementation in professional activities that meet the needs of the domestic and world markets of intellectual labor.

The goal of the EP

  • Developer of software and hardware for large telecommunications systems;
  • Telecommunications Engineer;
  • Coordinator and project Manager in the field of telecommunications engineering;
  • Electrical and electronics engineers;
  • System Engineer.

Objectives of the EP

  • Preparation of a new competitive generation of technical specialists in the field of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications for the labor market, proactive, able to work in a team with high personal and professional competencies;
  • Integration of educational and scientific activities;
  • Establishing partnerships with leading universities of near and far abroad in order to improve the quality of education, to support technical and cultural ties;
  • Expansion of relations with customers of educational services, employers in order to determine the requirements for the quality of training of specialists, conducting courses, seminars, master classes, internships, production practices.

6В06 - Information and communication technologies

Education code and classification

059 - Communications and communication technology

Education Programs Group

062 - Telecommunications

Code and classification of training directions

Requirements for evaluating the learning outcomes of the educational program

A student, after mastering the entire educational program, must be able to fulfill the following points:
  • Formulate and solve problems arising in the course of production activities that require in-depth professional knowledge.
  • To formulate the problem, both mathematical approaches and computer tools can be used;
  • Choose the necessary approaches and methods for analyzing problems, as well as modify existing ones and develop new ones, depending on the tasks of a particular case;
  • To apply in the process of training psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of training;
  • Proficient in a foreign (English) language, allowing students to conduct research at a high-quality level and to teach special disciplines in universities;
  • To model and design complex systems using mathematical and computer models and methods;
  • Apply quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques for collecting primary information for research, as well as developing effective solutions to problems;
  • Analyze and design software tools for data analysis, as well as the algorithms, models and methods required for developing software systems, effective data analysis and extracting knowledge from data;
  • Manage a team of developers in the process of developing software systems, as well as models and methods of data analysis;
  • Choose standards, methods, technologies, tools and technical means for carrying out work on further maintenance of software systems;
  • Apply methods of design and development of software systems to solve a wide class of applied problems in various fields, including interdisciplinary industries;
  • Program and test various solutions (models, methods), take part in the creation and management of systems at all stages of the life cycle of system development.
  • Create relational and non-relational databases for the effective storage and management of data in various large organizations, government agencies and other companies.
  • Create analysis models for structured, semi-structured and partially unstructured data.
  • To analyze the complexity of calculations and the possibility of parallelization (optimization) of the developed algorithms and programs.
  • Assess the main parameters of the resulting parallel programs, such as numerical indicators of the required computing resources, acceleration, efficiency and scalability.

The list of competencies and the results of the educational program

The list of competencies of the educational program

The list of competencies of the educational program:
OK1. The ability to understand the driving forces and patterns of the historical process, the place of a person in the historical process and the ability to understand philosophy as a methodology of human activity, readiness for self-knowledge, initiative, development of cultural wealth as a factor in harmonizing personal and interpersonal relationships
OK2. The ability to form and develop skills and competencies in the field of organization, planning and production management, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to comprehend the surrounding environmental reality, the ability to summarize, analyze, predict when setting goals in the professional field and choose ways to achieve them using the scientific research methodology
OK3. Ability for written and oral communication in the state language and the language of interethnic communication, the ability to use foreign sources of information, have communication skills, public speaking, argumentation, discussion and polemic in a foreign language
OK4. The ability to be competent in the choice of ICT and mathematical modeling methods for solving specific engineering problems, the ability to be ready to identify the natural science essence of problems arising in the process of professional activity, and the ability to attract the appropriate mathematical apparatus to solve it
PC1. The ability to find organizational and managerial decisions in non-standard conditions and in conditions of different opinions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them, the ability to systematize knowledge of the world and Kazakhstan legislation in the field of information security
PC2. The ability to use programming languages and tools for developing secure software, the ability to find coding errors in the developed information and computing system, with the ability to create, test, debug and execute programs in different programming languages
PC3. The ability to apply the theory and methods of mathematics to build qualitative and quantitative models of objects and processes in the natural science field of activity, the ability to select and apply suitable equipment, tools and research methods to solve problems in a selected subject area, the ability to configure and adjust software and hardware systems, the ability to interface hardware and software as part of information and automated systems
PC4. The ability to apply the theory and principles of designing, organizing and administering operating systems, the ability to install, debug software and configure technical means for putting information systems into operation, the ability to maintain the performance of information systems and technologies in specified functional characteristics and meeting quality criteria
PC5. The ability to design distributed information systems, their components and protocols for their interaction, the ability to administer local and remote network resources, the ability to use methods and tools for troubleshooting networks
PC6. The ability to use diagnostics and testing equipment, the ability to take into account current trends in the development of electronics, measuring and computer technology, information technology in their professional activities, the ability to perform the calculation and design of electronic devices, circuits and devices for various functional purposes in accordance with the statement of work using automation designing
PC7. The ability to develop user interfaces for web applications and mobile applications, the ability to develop models of components of information systems, including database models, the ability to develop components of software systems and databases, use modern tools and programming technologies, the ability to organize the interaction of devices connected via the Internet, in order to solve the stated problem, as well as organize the necessary processing and visualization of data
PC8. The ability to use the methodology of developing measures to protect confidential information, the ability to draw up technical specifications in accordance with the requirements of state, industry and corporate standards, to comply with the norms of work time, the ability to prepare materials for presentation to the customer, the ability to use modern information and communication technologies in substantive activities, the ability own project management methods and implement them using modern information and communication technologies, the ability to use an information approach to assess the quality of functioning of information security systems
PC9. The ability to analyze and identify network vulnerabilities, identify network threats, apply methods to respond to them, ensure the safe operation of the network business infrastructure.

Learning Outcomes

LO1. The ability to apply the functionality of modern microprocessors and microcontrollers; analyze and synthesize technical solutions used in radio engineering devices and telecommunication systems for the transmission, reception and selection of information, develop digital devices for various purposes, form judgments on information security issues.
LO 2. The ability to use programming languages and tools for developing secure software, the ability to create, test, debug, and execute programs in different programming languages. He has the ability to understand the essence and importance of information in the development of the modern information society, to recognize the dangers and threats that arise in this process, to comply with the basic requirements of information security.
LO 3. Can apply modern theoretical and experimental research methods in order to create new promising means of telecommunication.
LO 4. The ability to master methods for solving problems of analysis and calculation of the characteristics of electrical, radio engineering and communication networks and data networks.
LO 5. To be able to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; can formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of operation, repair and maintenance of telecommunication systems; able to collect and interpret information to form judgments, taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations.
LO 6. Own methods of conducting a feasibility study, is capable of substantiating decisions made and being implemented in the field of operation, repair and maintenance of telecommunication systems, their units, systems and elements; able to apply the results in practice.
LO 7. Be able to master the features of maintenance and repair of technical and technological equipment and transport communications.
LO8. To be able to participate in the team of performers when performing laboratory, bench, polygon, acceptance, and other types of tests of systems and means of operation, maintenance, repair, and service of telecommunication systems.
LO9. Able to formalize the subject area of a software project and develop specifications for components of a software product.
LO10. To be able to use data from assessing the technical condition of telecommunication systems using diagnostic equipment and indirect indicators.
LO11. Able to program and provide a high level of continuity and quality of complex software development.
LO12. To analyze and evaluate economic, environmental and mathematical data, describe the simplest properties of subject areas and make inferences when solving problems.

Assessment of learning outcomes

Exam form Recommended ratio, %
1 Computer testing 20
2 Written 10
3 Oral 5
4 Project 30
5 Practical 30
6 Comprehensive 5



Bachelor of Educational Programme 6B06201 “Telecommunication systems”



Bachelor of Educational Programme 6B06201 “Telecommunication systems”


Educational Program 6B06201 “Telecommunication systems”


Educational Program 6B06201 “Telecommunication systems”

Course Curriculum

The cycle of general education disciplines

Mandatory component

OK1Modern history of Kazakhstan

The course considers the modern history of Kazakhstan, how part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The modern history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes is carried out, the identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe in the twentieth century and to this day.


The course involves the study of the discipline of philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and national philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person’s relationship to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction.

OK3Foreign Language (English)

The course includes an intensive English language study program focused on grammar and speaking skills. The course includes topics that reflect the latest advances in information technology, and a terminological dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

OK3Kazakh (Russian) language

The course occupies a special place in the system of training bachelors with an engineering education. For students of a technical university, the study of professional Kazakh / Russian languages is not only an improvement of the skills acquired in the school, but also a means of mastering the future specialty.

ОК4, PC1, PC2Information and Communication Technologies (in English)

The course includes the study of modern information technologies, including methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technology. Technology data is studied in relation to the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

OK1Module of social-political education: Political science

The course is devoted to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of information technology. The course includes political self-awareness, improving one’s political outlook and communicative competencies. Teaching political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented, and largely depends on the independent work of students.

OK1Module of social-political education: Sociology

The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. The course will discuss in detail the basic sociological theories and the most effective ways of gaining deep knowledge about various aspects of our modern society. The special significance of this course for students is the opportunity to develop a sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

OK1Module of social-political education: Psychology

The course presents questions of psychology in a wide educational and social context. The knowledge and skills acquired and formed as a result of mastering the course content give students the opportunity to put them into practice in various areas of life: personal, family, professional, business, social, in working with people from different social groups and age groups.

OK1Module of social-political education: Cultural studies

The course will help to become the basis for studying the whole complex of social and human sciences, as well as an addition to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes topics such as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture; the culture of the nomads of Kazakhstan, the cultural heritage of the proto-Turks, the medieval culture of Central Asia, the formation of the Kazakh culture, the Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, the cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

Physical Culture

The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of a person and the ability to use various means of physical culture in a targeted way to preserve and health promotion.

The cycle of general education disciplines

University component

ОK2, PC1, PC9Technological entrepreneurship

The course is devoted to the study of the principles and methods of building an organization, planning and control at an enterprise, economic analysis of the production process and evaluation of its results, organization and control of the production process. The course examines the entrepreneurial skills and leadership qualities required to successfully become an IT entrepreneur.

Cycle of profiling disciplines

University component

PC1Project management

To be able to use project management tools at various stages of the project life cycle, to make a qualitative and quantitative assessment of project risks, to determine project effectiveness

OK1Capstone project

Capstone includes the design and implementation of a communications network that utilized Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) over a wide area Ethernet (WAN) network.

PC2Elective 3

A course to choose from the following disciplines (CCNA Routing and Switching, CCNA Cyber Ops, Cisco IoT ) or (HCIA Routing and Switching. HCIA-LTE, HCIA-Cloud Services)

PC1Introduction to Telecommunications

This telecommunications training course focuses on basic telecom concepts and applications of telephony technologies. You will learn how information, including voice, data and video, is carried throughout the world.

OK2Training practice

Teaching practice is an integral part of the student preparation program. The main content of the practice is the implementation of practical training, educational research, creative tasks corresponding to the nature of the future professional activity of students. The purpose of educational practice: the study and consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge of the disciplines obtained in the learning process, the development of creative activity and initiative of students, their artistic and creative needs and aesthetic perception of the world.

PC11Object oriented programming

The course is designed for students to teach them how to write applications using an object-oriented approach.

PC11Object Oriented Java Programming

Learning the basics of programming using the Java programming language.
Brief description of the discipline: The course is designed to learn the basics of programming, debugging and implementation of software systems. The course also analyzes the principles of network technologies and programs using the Java programming language.
Summary of main sections: Loops and branching operators, Arrays and strings, Functions and introduction to recursion, Pointers and links, Structures.
Learning outcomes: Mastering the skills and competencies required to form a highly qualified specialist according to the purpose and content of the course.

PC8Production Practice (2, 3 course)

The course is devoted to the study of information security technologies.

PC8Undergraduate practice

The course presents the collection and analysis of materials for writing a graduation project.

Cycle of profiling disciplines

Component by choice

PC5Elective 2

A course to choose from the following disciplines (Wireless Networks, CCNA Routing and Switching, CCNA Cyber Ops ) or (Mobile Networks, HCIA Routing and Switching. HCIA-LTE)

PC5Computer Network Security

In this course, the student studies the main and auxiliary network tools and services for network security.

PC5Elective 4

A course to choose from the following disciplines ( CCNA Cyber Ops, Cisco IoT ) or (HCIA-LTE, HCIA-cloud services)

PC5Biometric Access Control Systems

The aim of this course is to study methods of preventing and penetrating intruders into protected areas and into premises through forgery, theft of documents, cards, passwords. The student will learn to limit access to information and ensure personal responsibility for its safety, as well as provide access to responsible objects only certified specialists.

PC7Digital devices and microprocessors

Studying the methods of synthesis, analysis and experimental research of digital devices for radio engineering applications, familiarization with the arithmetic foundations of computer technology, the functioning of logical, combinational and memory devices of digital technology, modern microprocessors, their development trends; teaching the principles of microprocessor systems.

PC2Information Security Basics

The course is designed to learn the basics of information security with a focus on software security.

Cycle of basic disciplines

University component

PC3, OK4Algebra and geometry

The course includes: Matrix theory, linear equation systems, vector theory, analytic geometry, limit and differentiation of functions of one variable.

PC3, OK4Mathematical analysis

The course introduces students to the important branches of calculus and its applications in computer science. During the educational process, students should become familiar with and be able to apply mathematical methods and tools to solve various applied problems. Moreover, they will study the fundamental methods of studying infinitesimal variables using analysis, the basis of which is the theory of differential and integral calculations.

PC4 , PC3Physics

The course covers topics such as: Kinematics; dynamics; circular motion and gravity; energy; pulse; simple harmonic vibrations; torque and rotational motion; electric charge and electric force; DC circuits; thermodynamics and mechanical waves, field and potential; electrical circuits; induction of magnetism and electromagnetism; geometric and physical optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics and sound.

PC3, PC5Operating Systems (Linux)

The course aims to study noise-resistant codes, given the information limit of redundancy. Estimate sampling and quantization errors.

PC3, OK4Discrete Math

Discrete mathematics is part of the mathematics devoted to the study of discrete objects (here discrete means consisting of separate or unrelated elements). In a more general sense, discrete mathematics is used whenever objects are counted, when relationships between finite (or countable) sets are studied, and when processes involving a finite number of steps are analyzed. The main reason for the growing importance of discrete mathematics is that information is stored and processed by computers in a discrete way.

PC2Algorithms and data structure

The course is designed to study algorithms and data structures for solving various problems. For this, the program structure, the principles of constructing algorithms and programs, methods for solving, algorithms, and programming are considered.

PC3Fundamentals of Electronic Engineering

Introduction to electrical engineering. Basic concepts and elements of an electric circuit. DC electric circuits. Calculation of electric circuits of direct current. Electric circuits of single-phase alternating current. The complex method. Calculation of electrical circuits of single-phase alternating current. Stress resonance condition. Current resonance condition. Calculation of complex DC electrical circuits. Electric circuits of three-phase current.

OK3Professional English

The course includes an intensive program of learning English related to professional activities. The course includes topics that reflect the latest advances in information technology, and a terminological dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

PC1Digital signal processing

Digital signal processing begins with a discussion of the analysis and presentation of discrete signal systems, including convolution with discrete time, difference equations, z -transform and Fourier transform with discrete time. The emphasis is on the similarities and differences between discrete time. The course covers digital networks and non-recursive (finite impulse response) digital filters. Digital signal processing ends with the development of a digital filter and discussion of the fast Fourier transform algorithm for computing the discrete Fourier transform.

PC1Signals and Systems

Signals and systems are an introduction to analog and digital signal processing. This topic is an integral part of engineering systems in many different areas, including seismic data processing, communications, speech processing, image processing, defense electronics, consumer electronics and consumer products.

PC4Advanced C / C ++ Programming

It will cover low-level system programming in user space at the user space / kernel boundary. Students will learn about the C programming language, system calls, memory management, threads, processes, and concurrency.

Cycle of basic disciplines

Component by choice

PC5Introduction to C ++ Programming

The course is designed to study programming, debugging and implementation of tasks. The principles of the operation of network technologies, access to local and remote network resources, programs using the C ++ language are analyzed.

PC5Introduction to Java Programming

The course is designed to study programming, debugging and implementation for. The principles of the operation of network technologies and programs using the Java language are analyzed.

PC2 , PC6Computer Organization and Architecture

The course is aimed at studying the principles of operation of modern microprocessor technology that underlies universal and specialized computers, and embedded systems, methods for organizing the interaction of a microprocessor with memory and external devices. In the process of studying the course, students should get an idea about the features of the internal structure of a modern microprocessor.

PC5Computer networks

The course provides knowledge in the field of application of modern computer technology for solving practical problems of distributed data processing, mathematical modeling, computer science.

PC5Routing and Switching Basics

The course provides knowledge in the basic principles of networks, their routing and configuration, as well as setting up and checking the basic configuration of the switches.

PC7Database management system

The course provides knowledge and skills in database design, starting from the conceptual stage and ending with physical implementation

PC7Oracle Database Management System

The course provides knowledge and skills in database design, starting from the conceptual stage and ending with physical implementation using SQL – ORACLE

PC7Web Site Administration

The course is focused on the creation and administration of Internet sites of various types, including very profitable online stores using free open access engines.

PC7Web technology

The course teaches you to use the PHP programming language, master the fundamentals of the MySQL database and develop secure server-side web client applications.

PC4.NET Programming

This course allows you to learn the concepts of web development and apply the MVC technology of a modern framework – ASP.NET

PC4Introduction to Web ( HTML , CSS , JAVASCRIPT )

This course teaches the basics of website layout using HTML , Cascading Style Sheets ( CSS ), JavaScript . And also the course includes a framework – Boostrap 4.

PC4Mobile applications

The course is devoted to the study of tools for programming and designing mobile applications.

PC1Introduction to Machine Learning

In this course, the student will study the main types of problems that can be solved with the help of machine learning – mainly we will focus on classification, regression and clustering. And also, they will be able to learn about the basic methods of machine learning and their features, learn to evaluate the quality of models – and decide whether the model is suitable for solving a specific problem.

PC8Fundamentals of radio circuits and signals

Providing basic training in radio engineering, necessary for the successful study of special disciplines of the curriculum of the specified direction.

OK4Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

The course is devoted to the probability and statistics of any events, as well as the relationship between mathematics and programming, operating systems as part of an interdisciplinary training program, covering the section of mathematical analysis, modern statistical methods and economic theory.

OK4Numerical methods

Numerical methods are a set of techniques and approaches for the approximate solution of mathematical problems on a computer. Very rarely, the problems of approximation, interpolation, and differential equations are solved analytically, but in most cases a reliable numerical method can be proposed that allows one to obtain a solution with a given accuracy. The course is designed to give an idea of the current state of computational mathematics and its applications in data analysis and machine learning. Students will learn not only how to obtain theoretical estimates of convergence and reliability, but how to improve and build their methods to solve more specific problems in practice. The course offers practical assignments and design work.

PC3Research Methods and Tools

The study of methods and tools for the introduction of basic and applied research
Brief description of the discipline: The course is designed to study the basic methods and tools required for the introduction of scientific research. The course also introduces students to the most popular searchable databases of scientific articles, such as Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect and others. During the course, students will become familiar with citation and search tools for the required scientific information.
Summary of the main sections: empirical research methods (observation, comparison, measurement, experiment); methods of theoretical research (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, idealization, induction and deduction, mental modeling, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, etc.).
Learning outcomes: Mastering the skills and competencies required to form a highly qualified specialist according to the purpose and content of the course.

PC12Mastering Design Thinking

The course involves the creation of business ideas using design thinking. Students will see the customer’s problem, come up with several solutions and scale the best of them to the entire market. The course will help to understand the needs of customers – even those that they are not aware of; come up with some ideas on how to meet these needs; prototype and test ideas at no cost; select a solution, invest in it and know that customers need it.

PC12Communication management

The course is focused on the formation of a systematic approach to managing communications in the project. Students will become familiar with communication management processes, mastering modern methods and techniques of working with information. In the process, practical steps will be considered to create an optimal information exchange system with project participants.

PC4Embedded Development

This hands-on practical course introduces you to the various building blocks and basic scientific and engineering principles that underlie embedded real-time systems. The course covers integrated hardware and software aspects of embedded processor architectures, as well as complex topics such as real-time management, resources / devices and memory.

PC4Elective 1

A course to choose from the following disciplines (Wireless Networks, CCNA Routing and Switching) or (Mobile Networks, HCIA Routing and Switching)

PC4Introduction to IoT

The IoT Introduction course provides an overview of the concepts and objectives of a qualitatively new economy of the Comprehensive Internet.
The course material presents the concept of a network platform that brings together billions of things and trillions of gigabytes of data, allowing us to improve decision-making and interaction processes.
It also considers such types of interaction within the framework of the Internet of Things solution, such as “machine-machine” ( M 2 M ), “machine-man” ( M 2 P ), and “man-man” ( P 2 P ).



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