The main goal of the Student Government is to form an active civic position of University students, to promote the development of their independence, ability to self-organization and self-development, preparation for competent and responsible participation in the life of society
AITUSA aims to become an effective body of student life, develop the brand of the university and effectively compete alongside student organizations of top universities.
1. The President;
2. Vice-President for Scientific and Academic Activities;
3. Vice-President for Social and Cultural Activities;
4. Committee on Academic Activities;
5. Committee Scientific and Innovative Activities (UNID);
6. Committee on IT;
7. Committee on the Media;
8. Committee on External Relations.
9. Committee on Cultural and Mass Activities.
In March 2024, the election of the President of the AITUSA Student Government was held. According to the results of the election race on March 1, 2023, Koishybai Alua Nurzhankyzy becomes President. Oynar Saya (Socio–cultural activities) and Nishan Alina (Scientific and academic activities) were elected Vice–Presidents.
— President 7(701)550-60-00, (Outlook), @Epic_Failer (Telegram).
— Vice-President for Scientific and Academic Activities (Outlook), @diorsjoy (Telegram).
— Vice-President for Social and Cultural Activities (Outlook), @seykure (Telegram).
In order to increase the social activity of students, more than 40 interest clubs operate at the university. The activities of student clubs are aimed at organizing and conducting cultural events that contribute to the disclosure of creative potential and spiritual and moral education of students.