Department of Quality Assurance

Main tasks of the Department

  • The formation of the internal quality assurance system and the quality management system of the Partnership;
  • Ensuring licensing of the Partnership educational activities;
  • Accreditation of the Partnership activities.

Functions of the Department

  • Analysis of world experience in the field of higher education quality assurance systems, development of proposals for their implementation;
  • Ensuring the relevance of external regulatory documents in the field of education and the Register of regulatory documents;
  • Coordination of the university department quality assurance activities;
  • Development of an internal quality assurance system in accordance with the requirements of ESG standards;
  • Development of the Policy and standards of internal quality assurance;
  • Monitoring the implementation of internal quality assurance standards and developing proposals for their improvement;
  • Analysis of the rating and accreditation agency requirements;
  • Development of a university strategy for educational program accreditation;
  • Development of methodological and informational support for the procedures of institutional and program accreditation;
  • Coordination of the institutional and program accreditation process;
  • Managing the institutional and program accreditation reports .
  • Development and approval of technical specifications for the accreditation and rating services;
  • The budget application for the accreditation and rating services;
  • Making an agreement with accreditation and rating agencies;
  • Moderating of accreditation experts visits;
  • Analysis of the institutional and programs assessment results and development of improving measures;
  • Ensuring interaction on external assessment issues between the university, accreditation and rating agencies;
  • Informing the university units on the development of strategic documents and external assessment of the education quality;
  • Providing methodological assistance to university units on accreditation and academic ranking issues;
  • Determination of the quality management system concept based on international standards;
  • Implementation of a process approach, the development of the quality management system tools, designing the processes network, determining the criteria for process analysis and evaluation;
  • Maintaining the University normative documents Register;
  • Management of license obtaining process for conducting higher and postgraduate education;
  • Determination of the basic principles for the internal rules and regulation development;
  • Determination of the necessity to develop and adjust internal regulatory documents;
  • Verification of internal regulatory document draft for compliance with the workflow requirements;
  • Verification of job descriptions draft for compliance with the workflow requirements;
  • Providing university units with consulting and methodological assistance on the development of an internal quality assurance system, processes documenting, regulatory document implementation;
  • Determination of the procedure and principles for assessing the education quality by stakeholders;
  • Development of measures to improve the educational service quality;
  • Verification of the internal regulatory document translation in the formation of orders, instructions and the internal regulatory documents;
  • Managing the accreditation reports translation into Kazakh, Russian and English;
  • Ensuring the university department and structural units interaction for the implementation of their tasks and functions;
  • Annual / semi-annual reporting on the department activities;
  • Participation in the draft decisions in the University authorized bodies, as well as other document discussions relating to the QAD activities;
  • The implementation of other functions in accordance with the QAD objectives, as well as internal regulatory documents of the University.

Department structure


Tel: +7 (7172) 645 728 (2086)


Room: С1.2.325

Saule Burbekova
General manager

Tel: +7 (7172) 645 727


Room: С2.1.11

Yesmagulova Nurgul
Chief Academic Compliance Officer

Tel: +7 (7172) 645 727
Room: С2.1.11

Zhusupkaliyeva Shynar

Tel: +7 (7172) 645 727