Digital Journalism

6B03201  Digital Journalism

Core subjects: creative exams. Threshold score: 70.

The educational program Digital Journalism is a kaleidoscope of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for creating and promoting digital content. During the training, students learn modern genres and trends of journalism, convergent and multimedia technologies, are able to transform the product of traditional media into an online environment, act as creators of texts, audio and video news and creative plan.  The program is aimed at developing students’ personal qualities, the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and employers, standards of education in the field of mass media. 


Admission Committee

(7172) 64-57-10

Mon-Fri 9:00 – 18:00

Objective of Educational Program

Training of a specialist in the field of digital media, who has the skills to work with digital mobile technologies for collecting, processing and transmitting information, who is able to create multimedia content for media, who owns innovative journalistic practices that are in demand in the modern labor market. This is a unique educational program in journalism, designed to provide professional experience and academic training to help students succeed as a journalist in any environment.

List of a specialist’s positions

Career opportunities
  • Journalist
  • correspondent
  • editor
  • cameraman
  • videoeditor
  • media analyst
  • media manager
  • editor-in-chief
  • director
  • producer
  • press secretary
  • content maker and PR specialist

B042 Journalism and reporting

Group of educational programs

Bachelor of Social Sciences under the Educational Program 6B03201 – Digital Journalism

Awarded degree

3 years

Duration of study

Learning outcomes

  • Explain and understand the legislative framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries, as well as standardization and certification procedures in the field of information security, mass media and the media sphere.
  • Apply practical programming skills and explain the general methodological foundations of software development, compile system programs for device drivers, interface modules with non-standard equipment and program microcontrollers.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about the theory and practice of journalism, modern media technologies, including in a foreign language.
  • Have the ability to use digital storytelling tools (writing texts and scripts, photo, video, sound editing and processing, photo and video) to communicate with the audience on various platforms.
  • Possess media management skills, be able to analyze the media audience, predict its behavior, expectations, trends, and engagement tools.
  • Develop secure server-side client web applications and mobile applications.
  • Apply domestic and foreign standards on information security in organizations.
  • Develop an enterprise information security policy, apply project management tools at various stages of the project life cycle, perform a qualitative and quantitative assessment of project risks, determine the effectiveness of the project taking into account.
  • To put into practice the features of “data journalism”, the specifics of the use of data in analytical and investigative journalism, the specifics and tools of data visualization.
  • Analyze and develop skills and competencies in collecting, processing, fact-checking, and distributing information to achieve the goals of digital journalism.
  • Apply technical means and software services of network security to ensure the continuity of the business process.
  • Possess the skills of content transformation using convergent and multimedia technologies.

A competent graduate model


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«Digital Journalism »


«Digital Journalism »

Academic disciplines

Cycle of general education disciplines

Compulsory component / University’s component (Elective component)

History of Kazakhstan

The course examines the modern history of Kazakhstan, as part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The modern history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes, the identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe in the twentieth century and to this day is carried out.


The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. The course will discuss in detail the basic sociological theories and the most effective ways of gaining deep knowledge about various aspects of our modern society. The special significance of this course for students is to develop a sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

Information and Communication Technologies

In the course, information and communication technologies are considered as modern methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technologies for the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

Political science

The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of ICT. It includes political self-awareness, improvement of one’s political outlook and communicative competencies. Teaching political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented, and largely depends on the independent work of students.

Physical Education

The course is devoted to the formation of the physical culture of the individual and the ability of the directed use of various means of physical culture to maintain and strengthen health.

Foreign Language 1,2

The course includes an intensive English language study program focused on grammar and speaking skills. The course includes topics that reflect the latest advances in information technology, and a terminological dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.


This course presents questions of psychology in a wide educational and social context. The knowledge and skills acquired and formed as a result of mastering the course content give students the opportunity to put them into practice in various spheres of life: personal, family, professional, business, social, in working with people from different social groups and age groups.

Cultural Studies

The course is also designed for the formation of bachelors” ideas about the factors that complicate teaching at the present stage of development of society, about the difficulties specific to this activity. The course will help to become the basis for the study of the whole complex of social and human sciences, as well as an addition to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes topics such as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture; the culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, the cultural heritage of the proto-Türks, the medieval culture of Central Asia, the formation of the Kazakh culture, the Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, the cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

Kazakh (Russian) Language 1,2

The course occupies a special place in the system of bachelor training with engineering education. For engineering students, the study of professional Kazakh/Russian is not only an enhancement of the skills and abilities acquired at school, but also a means of mastering the future profession with a focus on writing and reasoned oral speech allowing for effective communication.


The object of study of the discipline is philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and national philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person’s relationship to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction.

Technological Entrepreneurship

The discipline introduces students to modern concepts and tools of entrepreneurship and obtaining the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to launch their own startup, taking into account the basics of life safety. On the basis of law and anti-corruption culture, the process of obtaining a patent, the legality of ownership of technological development is being studied, taking into account the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of intellectual property. Students apply strategic analysis in the field of economics, management, communication and technological entrepreneurship.


Within the framework of the academic discipline, the student studies the essence of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The course will demonstrate the role and place of small enterprises in the modern conditions of the functioning of the economy of the state and society. The discipline will allow to understand the basic principles and content of the business plan of business entities, to form thinking based on modern anti-corruption culture, organizational forms of entrepreneurial activity are explained, including taking into account sustainable development, ecology and safety of personnel.

Cycle of fundamental disciplines

University’s component

Foundations of Journalism

The course will introduce the main stages of the emergence, formation and development of journalism in the context of public demand of a particular historical epoch, give an idea of various media channels, functions of journalism, its genre structure, sources of information, develop skills for obtaining, analyzing and processing information. The purpose of mastering the discipline is to give a general idea of the journalistic profession, its specifics as an information activity and a significant social institution, to show the mechanisms of its functioning in modern society, to form competencies that ensure mastery of the skills of creating various types of media texts.


The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the analysis of functions, the relationships between different representations; the values of the derivative in terms of the rate of change, as well as the use of derivatives to solve various problems. The subject of the discipline is mathematical methods and tools for solving various applied problems and their application in computer science.

Database Management Systems

The course provides knowledge and skills in database design, starting from the conceptual stage and ending with physical implementation

News Writing & Factchecking

During the course, students will develop the skills of collecting, analyzing, structuring information for the preparation and implementation of the project. The main emphasis is on working with sources and critical perception of information. Work on the formation of fact-checking skills will be carried out both individually and in a group format. As a result of the training, students must demonstrate an understanding of the principles of fact-checking, verification of information and the logic of investigative projects. During the course, the student creates a project work or journalistic material to fill his portfolio.

Introduction to Programming

The course teaches students to use data structures, functions, modules, classes, and other features of the Python programming language to solve applied problems.

Educational Practice

Educational practice is an integral part of the student training program. The main content of the practice is the implementation of practical educational, educational and research, creative tasks that correspond to the nature of the future professional activity of students. The purpose of educational practice: the study and consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge in the disciplines obtained in the learning process, the development of creative activity and initiative of students, their artistic and creative needs and aesthetic worldview.

Verbal Communication Skills

The course will introduce you to the verbal genres of journalism, such as interviews, discussions, debates, public speaking. Students will study such verbal tools as questions and their types (closed, open, alternative), pauses, interpretations, self-disclosure, paraphrase or reflection. The theory will be reinforced by practice, including in the studio, in order to consolidate the skills of verbal communication, which are the foundation for building relationships between journalists and the heroes of the materials and their disclosure in front of the camera or dictaphone, establishing a wide range of professional contacts, networking.

WEB Technologies (Frontend)

The course teaches students to use a programming language to develop functional websites and interfaces, and also allows them to master the basics of working and interacting with a database. The course teaches the development of functionality and user interface running on the client-side of an application or website. In the process, students will have the opportunity to create and develop a convenient, simple and demanded website.

Introduction to Leadership

This course includes the fundamental principles of leadership and how they relate in practice to becoming an effective leader. These fundamentals are illustrated with examples and case studies. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of destructive leadership, which is investigated using the concept of the toxic triangle, which describes how destructive leadership arises, along with practical recommendations.

Probability and Statistics

The course teaches the study of patterns of random phenomena and their properties, and use them for data analysis. As a result of studying this discipline, students will know the basic concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics and their properties, as well as be able to use probabilistic models in solving problems, work with random variables, calculate sample characteristics, evaluate the reliability of statistical data.

Introduction to Data Analytics

The course involves learning the basic principles of data analysis without being tied to the programming language and data analysis. The emphasis on this course is to study (repeat) the mathematics required for data analytics.

Data Visualization for Journalism

Data visualization is an actual direction in journalism, which is based on the collection, analysis, and processing of data to create media materials. Technology and modern visualization tools help create interactive maps, graphs, and even personalized elements. The main objective of the course is to teach future journalists how to effectively visualize data to turn it into an understandable story and a visually attractive product. During the course, students create project work or journalistic material to fill their portfolios.

Data Journalism

This course covers the basic theory of data journalism and skills of telling the data-driven stories using bid datasets.

Academic Writing

This course teaches how to understand the main differences between Russian and Western writing tradition; learn what it means to be constructively critical as a reader and self-critical as a writer; learn the specific of academic vocabulary, grammar and style; practice to create a well-structured paragraph; obtain practical skills in using argument and evidence in your writing; be able to write an academic essay.

Research Methods and Tools

The course is designed to learn the basic methods and tools required for the introduction of scientific research. The course also introduces students to searchable databases of scientific articles Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect and others. During the course, students will get acquainted with the citation tools and search for the required scientific information.

Machine Learning

In this course, the student will study the main types of tasks that can be solved with the help of machine learning – mainly we will focus on classification, regression and clustering. And also, they will be able to learn about the basic methods of machine learning and their features, learn to evaluate the quality of models – and decide whether the model is suitable for solving a specific problem.

Fundamentals of Storytelling I: Writing and technology for Journalists

This course introduces students to the basic writing tools and new technologies for journalists. During the educational process, students should familiarize themselves and be able to write a text, interview, and learn how storytelling can become an invaluable asset in their professional and creative skills. The course introduces students to the structure of narrative journalistic history, characterizes the stages and models of the organization of journalistic text using storytelling

Information and Digital Literacy

Information and digital literacy is a set of competencies necessary for obtaining, understanding, evaluating, adapting, generating, storing and presenting information used to analyze problems and make decisions. The course will allow students to have the following basic skills: critical thinking, the ability to analyze information and use it for self-expression and the ability to create information.

Cinematography and Video Editing

Students will get acquainted with the basics of camerawork, techniques and technologies of film and video shooting, the main tools of video editing. As part of the practical part of the training, students will work on creating their own videos, applying all the knowledge they have gained in practice

Cycle of fundamental disciplines

Elective component

International Journalism

The course provides for the study of the history and current state of international journalism, determining its place in the media system, consideration of topical issues of international journalism: information processes, foreign policy propaganda, technologies of political analysis, modern broadcasting, сonvergent journalism.

History of Journalism

The course examines the history of the press as an industry at different stages of its formation and development, the history of the journalistic profession, and various publications. Trends and patterns of the historical development of journalism are also considered. In addition, the history of Kazakh journalism and journalism is studied separately

Business Journalism

The course is intended to prepare students who have the skills to work with information of a financial and economic nature, who are familiar with the methods of economic data analysis, and who are able to prepare business-related materials for different types of mass media. Journalists, who write about business and finance, are one of the most sought-after and scarce professions in the mass media market

Mobile Journalism

The course aims a study of storytelling tools for new media, when journalists use portable electronic devices with the ability to connect to the network to collect, edit and distribute news. In this course students will be able to master storytelling skills using devices and technologies.

Innovation Lab

The course is designed for students to complete a prototype of a journalism project (website, application, chatbot, etc.). Within the course, students will study the application of programming skills, artificial intelligence and other technological solutions to solve journalism problems.

Web Design

The course introduces the basic concepts of web design and coding (information characteristics of discrete and continuous message sources and the basic principles of information storage and transmission of information messages through communication channels). Also during the course, students will master the skills of solving practical problems related to the calculation of information characteristics of message sources, transformation and transmission of information.

Cycle of major disciplines

University’s component

Photo Journalism and Basics of Design

The course provides an opportunity to get a coherent system of knowledge that has a universal character, which is needed by every photographer without exception. And also contributes to the acquisition of versatile experience by creating hundreds of training shots taken both in the studio and in the “field” conditions. Including on the street and in an urban environment.

Computer Graphics & Visual Effects

This course includes getting to know the subject area and providing skills to work directly with computer graphics, rather than studying the interfaces of well-known graphic editors. There are many concepts, programs and devices in the field of computer graphics at will be used in this course, and the basics of which will be studied in detail.

Basics of Sound Recording and Editing for Podcasting

The course is designed for students to independently work on an audio product in accordance with the full cycle of its production: to write scripts, direct, shoot and mount audio. The aim of the course is to develop knowledge and skills in the use of digital media and technologies, production and production of audio content

Industrial Practice

Goal is to apply theoretical knowledge for the formation of professional competence. Within the framework of this course, students will receive practical skills on the basis of specialized organizations and enterprises, master advanced methods of technology and labor; perform real tasks for production purposes.

Media Law and Ethics

The course introduces students to the main provisions of ethical problems, classification of ethical principles and norms arising in the activities of mass media. The course is designed to study the legal foundations of the media sphere, copyright, Kazakh and international media legislation.

Producing and Mediamanagement

The main task of the course is to prepare students for the adoption of creative and rational management decisions in the conditions of the daily activities of media enterprise managers, the effective use of budget resources, effective work with creative and technical personnel.

Communications and PR

The course introduces students to the study of communication theory, skills and the way of building communication with stakeholders. From the course students will gain the knowledge in written and verbal communication – writing official letters, informational materials, speeches, analytical materials, giving public speech and practicing and applying different kind of communication instruments in order to build public and governmental relationship.

Convergence Technologies in Journalism

Course involves the study of the basic concepts that characterize convergent journalism, as well as consideration with specific examples of the development of the process of formation of professional culture of various subjects of information activity represented in the modern media sphere.

Digital Marketing, Monetization & SEO

In the course of the course, the basic skills of production and marketing activities necessary in the media industry are studied, namely budgeting, analysis and monitoring of projects, the ability to compile accompanying business documentation, prepare a package of documents for participation in pitchings, write media plans and development concepts, carry out all stages of marketing companies, the competence of targeting their content and business-a brand in the digital sphere, determining its target audience and the principles of monetization of multimedia content, basic knowledge in SEO.

Live Broadcasting and Streaming in Digital Media

The course involves the acquisition by students of the skills of working on the air, creating live broadcasts. As part of the course, students practice in the application of broadcasting technologies, the principles and techniques of journalists during a live broadcast.

Analytical Journalism

The course studies analytical journalism technologies, students pass theoretical knowledge of writing and editing text, acquire skills in preparing analytical materials and aspects of their improvement in the course of team editorial work. Competencies such as the ability to analyze literature on a topic, identify and justify a problem, formulate a problem, and choose adequate research methods are being developed. Special emphasis during the course is placed on the writing skill and the activity of the human brain, the ability to work with deadlines and the search for internal motivation.

Undergraduate Practice

The course presents the collection and analysis of materials for writing a graduation project.

Cycle of major disciplines

Elective component

Journalistic Writing in Kazakh

The course studies the details of literate writing of texts. Students will be able to distinguish between different genres and forms of writing texts for various media. Special emphasis is placed on how to write for the digital space so that the text is readable, understandable and causes a desire to read it to the end. During the course, the student creates a project work or journalistic material to fill his portfolio.

Journalistic Writing in Russian

The course studies the details of literate writing of texts. Students will be able to distinguish between different genres and forms of writing texts for various media. Special emphasis is placed on how to write for the digital space so that the text is readable, understandable and causes a desire to read it to the end. During the course, the student creates a project work or journalistic material to fill his portfolio.

Final attestation

Writing Diploma Work (Project) and Defense / Comprehensive Examination

Writing Diploma Work (Project) and Defense and Comprehensive Examination

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