IT Entrepreneurship

IT Entrepreneurship


The program is designed to implement the principles of the democratic nature of educational management, expanding the boundaries of academic freedom and the authority of educational institutions, which will ensure the training of elite, highly motivated personnel for innovative and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy.

This is a unique interdisciplinary program that provides its graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to maximize the potential of digital technologies to achieve business success. The program gives students an understanding of the specifics of the interaction between business and IT and covers all areas of knowledge necessary for project management, entrepreneurship, web development, data analysis, architecture and IT infrastructure, and knowledge of networks and security.

Profile subjects: geography + mathematics


Admission Committee

(7172) 64-57-10

Mon-Fri 9:00 – 18:00

Career opportunities

– Entrepreneur
– Project Manager
– Businessman
– Product Manager
– Marketer
– Business Analyst
– Online Sales Manager
– Personal Brand Manager
– Foresighter
– Front-End developer
– System Administrator/Analyst

The goal of the EP

Training of highly qualified specialists and product managers with entrepreneurial skills who are able to effectively solve applied economic problems and develop the IT business infrastructure.

Objectives of the EP

  • Educating learners about the need to use modern information and communication technologies in business.
  • Creation of an environment oriented to the development of skills for the development of an enterprise development plan.
  • Формирование у обучающихся компетенций по созданию информационных моделей бизнес-процессов с определением состава и функции информационных систем.
  • Developing learners' general and professional competencies that include self-development, critical thinking and leadership.

6В04 – Business, Management and Law

Education code and classification

041 – Business, Management and Law

Code and classification of training directions

044– Management

Education Programs Group

Requirements for evaluating the learning outcomes of the educational program

The following forms of examination are used as an assessment of learning performance: computer testing, written examination (answers to sheets), oral examination, project (course project), practical (open questions on computer, computer problem solving), integrated (test/written/oral+other). According to table 1, the following ratio of examination forms is recommended:
  • To assess the reality of the environment on the basis of philosophical positions, and also to demonstrate civic and social activity and a culture of interpersonal communication, the development of personal qualities in sports, spiritual and voluntary spheres.
  • To be able to justify the historical continuity of statehood in the context of world history and analyse the development patterns of Kazakhstan’s modern history.
  • Demonstrate the ability to find solutions using creative, analytical and logical (sequential) conclusions, as well as to use mathematical modelling tools and applications to solve professional and scientific problems.
  • Use current trends in software development and select suitable tools to improve software performance.
  • Ability to identify and apply concepts and mechanisms of functioning of international IT business, e-money market and payment systems, world high-tech market
  • To be able to apply methods of economic calculations for finding and taking decisions in the field of IT-company activity planning, its infrastructure, city environment, organization of investment activity, motivation and remuneration, cost management and correct modelling of the situation, taking into account the technological, behavioural, institutional and legal features of the digital economy
  • Implement modern approaches to the protection of information technology products and systems implemented in existing domestic and international IT security standards based on blockchain technology
  • Apply quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques to collect primary information for research, as well as to develop effective solutions to problems.

The list of competencies and the results of the educational program

The list of competencies of the educational program

GC1. Possess the necessary knowledge in the field of information technology and general disciplines and understand the possibility of their application in the field of information technology.
GC2. Know the principles of processing, analysis and presentation of data and be able to use them to drill down in various fields.
GC3. The ability to analyze the requirements for the subject area, the ability to build or modernize information technologies when substantiating the results of the analysis using research methods and modeling tools.
GC4. The ability to be competent in the choice of IT and mathematical modeling methods for solving specific engineering problems, the ability to be ready to identify the natural science essence of problems arising in the process of professional activity, and the ability to attract the appropriate mathematical apparatus to solve it
PC1. Develop original algorithms and software tools, including using modern intelligent technologies, to solve professional tasks;
PC 2. Organize research on new information and communication technology markets;
PC 3. Create concepts of new IT products for business;
PC 4. To organize an entrepreneurial activity in the field of IT.
PC5. Apply theories and methods of theoretical and applied IT management, management systems and strategies, quality management of innovative IT projects
PC6. Develop a plan and program for organizing work on product development
PC7. To carry out a feasibility study of innovative IT projects and programs
PC8. Apply the theory and methods of mathematics to build qualitative and quantitative models of objects and processes in the natural science field of activity

After successful completion of this educational program, the student will

LO1 Analyze independently the processes and phenomena taking place in modern society; correctly and reasonably formulate their thoughts in oral and written form; use the acquired knowledge in specific situations; own alternative, new and / or innovative approaches to solving professional problems
LO2 To be proficient in Kazakh / Russian and foreign languages at a level that allows them to carry out the main types of speech activity; in various ways of oral and written communication; skills of adequate response in situations of everyday, academic and professional communication.
LO3 Organize the work of the project team to achieve the set goal, find and make management decisions, evaluate the quality and efficiency of labor, costs and results of the team’s activities; determine the policy of an enterprise or organization in the IT field.
LO4 To form the mathematical culture of students, the development of logical thinking and the necessary intuition in the application of mathematics. Develop theoretical and econometric models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the field of professional activity; create information models of business processes and determine the composition and functions of the IP.
LO5 To independently analyze the needs for researching big data of stakeholders or organizational units, the ability to make rational decisions on the integration of individual information systems;
LO6 Select, substantiate and apply various mathematical and statistical methods for solving management problems; use a systematic approach to the process of quantitative analysis of information for making management decisions; possess the skills of statistical analysis of information when making management decisions;
LO7 Possess financial management methods for assessing assets, making project investment decisions, financing decisions, methods of analyzing and reducing the degree of financial risks; tools for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects; skills in the formation of financial plans. Analyze the dynamics of macro and microeconomic indicators, use the data obtained to solve professional problems.
LO8 Correctly determine the essence and content of management, leadership, entrepreneurship and management processes; analyze the internal and external environment of the management object, social and psychological factors;
LO9 Know the theoretical foundations of information technology, the basics of developing websites, software, object-oriented programming; issues of interaction between humans and computers; management of software development projects and management of software developers; define an innovative solution; plan IT projects; form business requirements; possess the skills of problem solving, professional communication and behavior, design construction; creating a healthy work environment for software developers
LO10 Critically analyze modern problems of IT management, set tasks and develop a research program, choose appropriate methods for solving experimental and theoretical problems, interpret, present and apply the results obtained.

Assessment of learning outcomes

Exam form Recommended ratio, %
1 Computer testing 20
2 Written 10
3 Oral 5
4 Project 30
5 Practical 30
6 Comprehensive 5

Course Curriculum


Mandatory component

GC1The modern history of Kazakhstan

The course examines the modern history of Kazakhstan, as part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The modern history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes, the identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe in the twentieth century and to this day is carried out.


The object of study of the discipline is philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and national philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, on the essential characteristics of a person’s relationship to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction.

GC3Foreign Language (English)

The course includes an intensive English language program focused on grammar and speaking skills. The course includes topics that reflect the latest advances in information technology, and a terminological dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

GC3Kazakh (Russian) language

The course occupies a special place in the system of training bachelors with an engineering education. For students of a technical university, the study of professional Kazakh / Russian languages is not only an improvement of the skills acquired in the school, but also a means of mastering the future specialty.

GC4, PC3, PC4Information and communications technology (in English)

The course includes the study of modern information technology, including methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technology. Technology data is studied in relation to the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

GC1Module of social-political education: Political science

The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of ICT. It includes political self-awareness, improvement of one’s political outlook and communicative competencies. Teaching political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented and largely depends on the independent work of students.

GC1Module of social-political education: Sociology

The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. During the course, the main sociological theories and the most effective ways of gaining deep knowledge about various aspects of our modern society will be discussed in detail. The special significance of this course for students is to develop a sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

GC1Module of social-political education: Psychology

This course presents questions of psychology in a broad educational and social context. The knowledge and skills acquired and formed as a result of mastering the course content give students the opportunity to put them into practice in various areas of life: personal, family, professional, business, social, in working with people from different social groups and age groups . The course is also designed to form ideas among bachelors about factors that complicate teaching at the present stage of development of society, about difficulties specific to this activity.

GC1Module of social-political education: Cultural studies

The course will help to become the basis for the study of the whole complex of social and human sciences, as well as an addition to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes topics such as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture; the culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, the cultural heritage of the proto-Türks, the medieval culture of Central Asia, the formation of the Kazakh culture, the Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, the cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

Physical Culture

The course is devoted to the formation of the physical culture of the individual and the ability of the directed use of various means of physical culture to maintain and strengthen health.


University component

GC1, PC2, PC3Entrepreneurship

Within the framework of the academic discipline, the student studies the essence of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The course will demonstrate the role and place of small enterprises in the modern conditions of the functioning of the economy of the state and society. The discipline will allow to understand the basic principles and content of the business plan of business entities, to form thinking based on modern anti-corruption culture, organizational forms of entrepreneurial activity are explained, including taking into account sustainable development, ecology and safety of personnel.

GC1, PC2, PC3Technological Entrepreneurship

The discipline introduces students to modern concepts and tools of entrepreneurship and obtaining the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to launch their own startup, taking into account the basics of life safety. On the basis of law and anti-corruption culture, the process of obtaining a patent, the legality of ownership of technological development is being studied, taking into account the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of intellectual property. Students apply strategic analysis in the field of economics, management, communication and technological entrepreneurship.


University component

GC3, PC4, PC5Business Model & Intellectual Property

Some business successes are associated with using new technologies, others with innovative packaging and charging for services that existing technologies can provide. The module will teach how to build business models and explore new models. Intellectual property (IP) is essential in any business model, so that this area will be studied in detail.

GC4, PC4, PC5Organizational Behaviour & HR Management

Based on theory and research data, this module evaluates the roles and behaviour of people working in the business. By the end of the module, students will have an idea of the complexity of organizations and will be aware of the critical problems of modern personnel management.

GC4, PC3, PC4Leadership

This course is designed to study leadership and personnel management issues that public and private sector professionals regularly encounter. This course will focus on the topics of motivation, decision making, communication, conflict management, group dynamics and organizational change, with more emphasis on how these issues are related. Such discussions of the theory with practical application are intended to increase the effectiveness of the organization when choosing specialists in a company

GC, PC4, PC8Research Methods and Tools

The course is designed to learn the basic methods and tools required for the introduction of scientific research. The course also introduces students to searchable databases of scientific articles Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect and others. During the course, students will get acquainted with the citation tools and search for the required scientific information.

GC1, PC1, PC6Technology & Innovation Management

This discipline examines the use of advanced technologies for the development of new or existing enterprises.

GC4, PC4, PC8Project Management

The academic discipline is aimed at developing the skills of using project management tools at various stages of the project life cycle. The subject of the discipline is the qualitative and quantitative assessment of project risks and the determination of its effectiveness.

GC3, PC4 PC7Governance, Risk and Compliance

The course will introduce students to an integrated approach to corporate governance management in public sector, risk management and legal compliance to ensure that the government acts ethically and within its risk appetite, in compliance with internal regulatory policies and external international requirements through the interplay of strategy, processes, technology and human resources.

PC2, PC9Industrial practice

Students industrial practice


Elective component

GC4, PC6, PC8Software Test Management

Software Project Management. The course is designed to learn the basics of testing and ensuring the quality of software, which are a mandatory step in the development of any software system. The right approach to testing software systems will allow students to avoid many mistakes when developing real systems.

GC3, PC3Change Management

Digital Change Management – change management in a very specific context through the implementation of change projects. The course is designed to give students a scientific understanding of the relevant underlying mechanisms of the digital change process.

GC3, GC4, PC8Agile Management in Virtual Environments

The academic discipline is aimed at developing the skills of using distributed virtual switches. The subject of the discipline is the architecture of a distributed virtual switch; comparison of the capabilities of standard and distributed virtual switches; packet filtering and marking technologies; scalability of data warehouses; control of key characteristics of processor performance; optimization of the use of data warehouses.

GC1, PC7, PC8IT Governance and Audit

The academic discipline is aimed at developing an understanding of the basics of IT audit and general control mechanisms. The subject of the discipline is IT audit planning, standards and audit organizations; common infrastructure controls; top-down risk-oriented planning; data entry and processing models; application controls; data processing and application control mechanisms; database and controls technology.

PC3, PC9Undegraduate practice

The course presents the collection and analysis of materials for writing a graduation project

PC2, PC9Writing Diploma Work (Project) and Defence

A graduation project is a graduation qualification scientific work, which is a generalization of the results of an independent study by a student of one of the urgent problems of a particular specialty of the corresponding branch of science, which has internal unity and reflects the progress and results of the development of the chosen topic.


University component

GC2, PC2Linear algebra

The course forms a basic knowledge of the mathematical apparatus, and the logic of solving problems necessary for further development of technical subjects. Topics covered include: Matrix theory, systems of linear equations, vectorspace theory, and elements of analytic geometry.

GC2, PC2Calculus

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the analysis of functions, relationships between different representations; values of the derivative in terms of the rate of change, as well as the use of derivatives to solve various problems. The subject of the discipline is mathematical methods and tools for solving various applied problems and their application in computer science.

GC2, PC1, PC5Discrete Math

The course aims to develop an understanding of the foundations of mathematics, combinatorics and graph theory. The subject of the discipline is basic mathematical principles such as proof, understanding of discrete objects; solving counting problems using various enumeration methods.

GC3, PC3, PC4Business Project (Simulation)

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of communication as an essential element in project work, differences of opinion and differences in teamwork skills. The subject of the discipline is the interaction of elements of cooperation and competition in the environment and interpersonal skills, the systematic measurement of project goals and key indicators such as time, cost, and quality.

GC2, PC4, PC8Management and Organization

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the principles of management and organization. The subject of the discipline is the activity of developing a strategy for organizing and coordinating efforts to achieve goals by using available resources, such as financial, natural, technological and human resources, etc.

GC3, PC4, PC7Micro and Macroeconomics

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the main sections of micro and microeconomics: consumer behavior, producer behavior, market structures, welfare economics, asymmetric information theory; subject and methods of macroeconomics. The subject of the discipline is macro and micro economic indicators and their relationship, general macroeconomic equilibrium, consumption and savings, money market, capital accumulation and economic growth, state budget and its structure. balance of payments and its structure, international trade and trade policy, etc.

GC2, PC3Professional English

The course includes an intensive program of learning English related to professional activities. The course includes topics that reflect the latest advances in information technology, and a terminological dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

GC1, GC4, PC3, PC8Computer Organisation and Architecture

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the IT architecture as a complex structure that unites all information technologies and resources used by a particular organization or company. The subject of the discipline is information technology infrastructure, the use of software, communication systems, information centers, networks and databases.

GC3, PC4, PC7Accounting & Financial Management

The course focuses on accounting skills, concepts, and principles that students can apply to analyze financial statements and various operating models of fintech companies, including topics covering various aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of fintech projects and their integration necessary for decision-making of various types of IT enterprises.

GC4, PC2, PC4Operating Systems and Computer Networks

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the principles of configuration of operating systems, the principles of selection and analysis of the corresponding case of IT operations. The subject of the discipline is the principles of organizing network technologies, information exchange protocols and the functioning of physical media.

GC2, PC7, PC8Probability and Statistics

The course teaches the study of patterns of random phenomena and their properties, and use them for data analysis. As a result of studying this discipline, students will know the basic concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics and their properties and be able to use probabilistic models for solving problems, work with random variables, calculate sample characteristics, evaluate the reliability of statistical data.

GC1, PC1, PC6Marketing for Entrepreneurship

This module introduces key concepts and evidence of effective marketing so that companies can better serve customers. It analyzes the adoption and distribution processes and explores the consumption of new products and services.

GC4 PC4, PC5Quality Management

A modern view of the quality and quality concept of the project. General concepts of project quality management. The evolution of forms of quality management: quality systems. Development of a quality management system for projects abroad. The process and content of project quality management. General project quality management functions.

GC3, PC3, PC7Accounting & Corporate Reporting Analysis

This module provides the basics of financial analysis, accounting and risk assessment, suitable for those who want to specialize in IT entrepreneurship.

GC1, GC2, PC5Academic writing

The aim of the course is to teach academic language norms. The course aims to develop academic writing skills using professional vocabulary and terminology. The course content includes topics reflecting the latest developments in information technology and data science.

GC1, GC4, PC6Presentation, Communication & Negotiation

The goal of this course is to help students learn how to strategically communicate in a professional environment. Students are encouraged to analyze their target audience, the purpose of their communication, and the context in which they work before developing a message. The course specifically focuses on improving students’ ability to write, speak, work in a team and communicate between cultures in their role as future managers.

GC1, PC2, PC3Business Process Engineering

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of business processes and skills of description, the development of new business processes. The subject of the discipline is the development of a digital business process and modeling of a digital processing system to form a consistent chain to supply information for the process.

GC2, PC7, PC8Database Management Systems

The course is aimed at developing skills in managing modern database management systems. The subject of the discipline is the principles of building information and control systems based on database technologies, the basics of relational databases and the use of the SQL language, the organization of interfaces for working with databases and interaction with functional block system.

GC4, PC4, PC7IT Systems and Infrastructure

The course is aimed at developing an understanding of the architecture of the computer and communication networks. The subject of the discipline is hardware and system software technologies for the development of organizational processes and software solutions that require a deep understanding of IT infrastructure capabilities and constraints; principles of interaction with external suppliers of IT infrastructure components and solutions; computer and network security.

GC4, PC1, PC2WEB Technologies 1 (Front End)

The course teaches students to use a programming language to develop functional websites and interfaces, and also allows them to master the basics of working and interacting with a database. The course teaches the development of functionality and user interface running on the client-side of an application or website. In the process, students will have the opportunity to create and develop a convenient, simple and demanded website.

PC4Educational practice

The course is designed to learn the basics of management in information technology


Elective component

GC4, PC4, PC7Introduction to Programming (C++)

The course is aimed at developing programming skills using the C ++ language. The subject of the discipline is the principles of network technologies, gaining access to local and remote network resources, programs using the C ++ language.

GC4, PC2, PC4Introduction to Programming (Python)

The course is aimed at developing programming skills using the language (Python). The subject of the discipline is the principles of operation of the main components of programming, access to local and remote network resources, programs using the language (Python).

GC4, PC7, PC8Information Security Fundamentals

The academic discipline is aimed at studying the basics of information security with a focus on software security. The subject of the discipline is methods and means of ensuring information security, violation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, basic concepts of legal support of information security; basics of operating systems security and computer networks; basic technical means and methods of information protection.

GC3, GC4, PC3IT Risk Management

The course covers the area of risk management in a project context; provides basic theories and concepts of risk management applicable to project environments, including planning, preparation and response to project risks; and examines the areas of risk identification, assessment, monitoring and control. The course will introduce students to qualitative and quantitative risk analysis techniques.

How to proceed

Educational programs

Students life
