1 course (admission in 2021) |
Number of vacancies |
2 course (admission in 2020) |
Number of vacancies |
Bachelor’s degree |
B057 – Information Technology |
13 |
B057 – Information Technology |
6 |
B058 – Information Security |
13 |
B058 – Information Security |
2 |
B059 – Communications and communication technology |
4 |
B059 – Communications and communication technology |
– |
B044 – Management and Administration |
1 |
B044 – Management and Administration |
– |
B042 – Journalism and reporting |
– |
B042 – Journalism and reporting |
– |
Master‘s degree |
M094 – Information Technology |
8 |
– |
Total |
39 |
8 |
Application deadline – July 1, 2022. Applications must be sent to the following e-mail address deans_office@astanait.edu.kz in accordance with the model attached below.
In the application, specify the group of educational programs:
B057 – Information Technology (includes educational programs «Computer Science», «Software Engineering», «Big Data Analysis», «Industrial Automation», «Media Technologies»)
B058 – Information Security
B059 – Communications and communication technology
B044 – Management and Administration
M094 – Information Technology
List of students recommended by the Academic Council for transfer to vacant educational grants released in the process of higher and postgraduate education
FULL NAME | EPG | Status of applications according to the decision of the collegial body of the university | Course | |
1 | Zhumabekova Karina Maratovna | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 1 |
2 | Boqan Dayyr Sagadatuly | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 1 |
3 | Asar Maidanov | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 1 |
5 | Bolatov Nurken Ayanuly | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 1 |
6 | Kazhiev Chingiz Darkhanovich | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 1 |
7 | Zharmukhambetova Balzhan Mukhametgalymovna | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 1 |
8 | Makhambetova Malika Almazovna | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
9 | Kapyshev Amantay Darenovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
10 | Amantaev Ilyas Amangeldinovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
11 | Baymakanov Arsen Timurovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
12 | Dosmukhamedov Aizat Zhaksylykovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
13 | Anapin Adilbek Baurzhanovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
14 | Adil Baltabay Nurlanuly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
15 | Kaldybaeva Ayana Abaykyzy | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
16 | Balkhashbayev Alikhan Nurlanovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
17 | Esbosyn Aiym Dauletkhankyzy | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
18 | Kasymbayev Azim Ayanovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
19 | Shamykhanova Laura Dulatkyzy | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
20 | Yesimbek Madi Kaysaruly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
21 | Alpysbaev Agzam Timuruly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
22 | Zhakupova Zhanel Zhanatovna | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
23 | Sagyndykov Salamat Nurkenuly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
24 | Beibitov Sanjar Beibitovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
25 | Ekpin Sharbat | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
26 | Tasemenov Maksat Suindikovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
27 | Ertaev Nurtai Eraliuly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
28 | Korotkov Alexey Konstantinovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
29 | Kapyshev Amantai Daurenovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
30 | Tukenov Ualikhan Baқytzhanuly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
31 | Nespaev Dias Mukhtaruly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
32 | Akzhan Zhangir Kairgeldyuly | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
33 | Zhalgasova Aқerke Mұқankyzy | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
34 | Zhangabaykyzy Karakat | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
35 | Zhumazhanova Merey Nurlankyzy | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
36 | Nabiev Dias Kanatovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 1 |
37 | Trifonova Anel | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
38 | Omirtai Adilkhan | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
39 | Mustapaev Elkhan Zhanarbekuly | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
40 | Yesengeldin Ilyas Timurovich | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
41 | Zhansarin Karim Maratuly | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
42 | Zhumaly Adilet Berikkuly | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
43 | Shahibaden Sherkhan Beibituly | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
44 | Kozhakhmet Erasyl Erkinuly | B058 Information security | Not satisfied | 1 |
45 | Amangeldi Asylzhan Nurzhanuly | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 2 |
46 | Duisekhan Ayazhan Almaskyzy | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 2 |
47 | Kuandykov Rahat Kerimuly | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 2 |
48 | Kurpenov Farid Rishatovich | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 2 |
49 | Rakhmetov Alikhan Amangeldyevich | B057-Information technology | Satisfied | 2 |
50 | Kairzhanov Murat Kairatovich | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 2 |
51 | Yerbol Aybota | B057-Information technology | Not satisfied | 2 |
52 | Mochalov Timur Alexandrovich | B058 – Information security | Satisfied | 2 |
53 | Manap Almas DAURENULY | B058 – Information security | Satisfied | 2 |
54 | Abdubaev Rakhat Askaruly | B058 – Information security | Satisfied | 2 |
55 | Utebaev Mirlan Galymzhanovich | B058 – Information security | Satisfied | 2 |
56 | Aueskhan Beknur Muratuly | B058 – Information security | Satisfied | 2 |
57 | Ibraimov Zul’yar Daniyarovich | B044-Management and management | Satisfied | 1 |
58 | Zhenisova Gulnaz Bagytzhankyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
59 | Tashenova Madina Nurbakytkyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
60 | Abdrakhmanov Azhibek Damirovich | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
61 | Sapash Symbat Asylkhankyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
62 | Smagulova Dilnaz Yerzhankyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
63 | Malik Anel Alibekovna | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
64 | Serikova Aynur Zhasulanovna | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
65 | Biyseit Darius Boltakyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
66 | Kurmangalieva Shuga Shyntasovna | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
67 | Sembayeva Aruzhan Rustemkyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
68 | Temerkhanova Gulnaz Saulekhanovna | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
69 | Akhmetova Karina Asylbekovna | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
70 | Ubaidolla Kasym Bekboluly | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
71 | Smagulova Karina Serikkyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
72 | Karataev Alibi Yerzhanovich | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
73 | Abdumanap Zhanibek Erlanovich | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
74 | Dulat Danat Dauletuly | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
75 | Maidan Dana Kanatkyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
76 | Bagdat Mұhammedali Kuanyshүly | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
77 | Kadyrova Aiman | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 1 |
78 | Sagidullaeva Tansu Mukhtarkyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 2 |
79 | Nurdaulet Maria Mukhitkyzy | B044-Management and management | Not satisfied | 2 |
Applicants for vacant educational grants by groups of educational programs for the 2021-2022 academic year
Course |
Zhumabekova Karina Maratovna |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Bokan Daiyr Saғadatuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Maidanov Asar Andasovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Karim Alisher Egimbayuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Bolatov Nurken Ayanuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Қажиев Шыңғыс Дарханұлы |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Zharmuhambetova Balzhan Mukhametgalymovna |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Makhambetova Malika Almazovna |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Kapyshev Amantai Daurenovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Amantaev Ilyas Amangeldinovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Baimakanov Arsen Timurovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Dosmukhamedov Aizat Zhaksylykovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Anapin Adilbek Baurzhanuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Dosymov Elnur Meirbekuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Adil Baltabai Nurlanuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Nazarenko Matvey Andreevich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Kaldybaeva Ayana Abaykyzy |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Balkhashbaev Alikhan Nurlanuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Esbosyn Aiym Dauletkhankyzy |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Kasymbaev Azim Ayanovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Mustafina Dilnaz Adilbekovna |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Utepbergenov Elnar Askhatovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Shamykhanova Laura Dulatkyzy |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Yesimbek Madi Kaysaruly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Andasov Nurgazy Ergazievich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Baitukenov Bauyrzhan Abdullaevich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Shmarihin Dmitry Dmitrievich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Sadvokas Sayat Timuruly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Toleubek Adil Ermekuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Utebaev Yergali Muratovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Alpysbaev Agzam Timuruly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Shakhaev Amir Saparuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Zhakupova Janel Zhanatovna |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Nurkhanov Asanali Aslanuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Iskaliev Tagir Erkinovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Sagyndykov Salamat Nurkenuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Ahanov Aset Talgatuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Kuanyshbekov Alizhan Altayuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Beibitov Sanjar Beibitovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Serikov Aslan Asylbekovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Ekpin Sharbat |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Nabiev Dias Kanatovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Zhangazin Ruslan Talgatovich |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Алимбаева Аделя Казбековна |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Ongar Mukhammedali Muhatuly |
B057-Information technology |
1 |
Kusainova Amina Yerlankyzy |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Gusev Alexey Viktorovich |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Amangeldi Asylzhan Nurzhanuly |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Duisekhan Ayazhan Almaskyzy |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Kuandykov Rahat Kerimuly |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Kurpenov Farid Rishatovich |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Rakhmetov Alikhan Amangeldyevich |
B057-Information technology |
2 |
Mochalov Timur Alexandrovich |
B058 – Information security |
2 |
Manap Almas DAURENULY |
B058 – Information security |
2 |
Abdubaev Rakhat Askaruly |
B058 – Information security |
2 |
Utebaev Mirlan Galymzhanovich |
B058 – Information security |
2 |
Aueskhan Beknur Muratuly |
B058 – Information security |
2 |
Ibraimov Zul’yar Daniyarovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Abylkhasan Dilnaz Yerbolkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Zhenisova Gulnaz Bagytzhankyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Tashenova Madina Nurbaқytқyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Kim Polina Vladislavovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Abdrakhmanov Azhibek Damirovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Sapash Symbat Asylkhankyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Smagulova Dilnaz Yerzhankyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Malik Anel Alibekovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Sagyndyk Danai Adilkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Bolatova Venera Maқsatkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Ibrahimova Nigina Nurlanovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Serikova Aynur Zhasulanovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Biyseit Darius Boltakyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Kurmangalieva Shuga Shyntasovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Sembayeva Aruzhan Rustemkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Temerkhanova Gulnaz Saulekhanovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Nygmetolla Ayana Altaykyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Akhmetova Karina Asylbekovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Baydaulet Gulnur Kayratkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Ubaidolla Kasym Bekboluly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Kajiddenova Nuria Nurlanovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Smagulova Karina Serikkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Keldibaev Mansur Rakhatovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Serikova Daria Erlankyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Karataev Alibi Yerzhanovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Zharylgasyn Adil Қairbekuly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Abdumanap Zhanibek Erlanovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Tagimova Daniya Kanatovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Temirbolatov Arsen Azamatuly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Bushumbaeva Gulnaz Daurenovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Iskaliev Aidyn Galievich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Arystanova Aidana Bakytkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Kairatuly Temirlan |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Kim Veronika Romanovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Dulat Danat Dauletuly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Talapker Sayat Kairatuly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Maidan Dana Kanatkyzy |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Bagdat Mұhammedali Kuanyshүly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Valiyakhmetova Kamilla Alikovna |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Mukashev Alikhan Nursultanovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Antyukhov Davlat Dmitrievich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Zhakashev Alisher Almazovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Kurmet Akniet Medetuly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Serikov Dastan Nurlanuly |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Zheldibaev Madi Kalibekovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
Bulat Alisher Temirlanovich |
B044-Business and management |
1 |
A competition is announced for the award of vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education at Astana IT University, by groups of educational programs:
1 course (admission 2021) |
number of grants |
2 course (admission 2020) |
number of grants |
3 course (admission 2019) |
number of grants |
Undergraduate |
B057 – Information technology |
6 |
B057 – Information technology |
17 |
B057 – Information technology |
5 |
B058 – Information security |
5 |
B058 – Information security |
6 |
– |
B059 – Communications and communication technology |
– |
B059 – Communications and communication technology |
1 |
– |
B044 – Management and administration |
1 |
B044 – Management and administration |
– |
– |
B042 – Journalism and reporting |
– |
B042 – Journalism and reporting |
2 |
– |
Master’s degree |
M094 – Information Technology |
7 |
– |
– |
Total |
19 |
26 |
5 |
Applications are accepted until January 5, 2022. Send in electronic form with a signature to the postal address deans_office@astanait.edu.kz according to the sample.
In the application, indicate the group of educational programs (B057 – Information Technology (includes educational programs Computer Science, Software Engineering, Big Data Analysis, Industrial Automation, Media Technologies), B058 – Information Security, B059 – Communications and Communication Technologies, B044 – Management and Management, B042 – Journalism and Reporting, M094 – Information Technology)
The procedure for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher education
At Astana IT University LLP
On approval of the Rules for awarding an educational grant to pay for higher or postgraduate education with the award of a “bachelor” or “master” degree
Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2008 No. 58 (as amended on June 8, 2020)
24. Vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education (hereinafter referred to as vacant grants) are awarded on a competitive basis to students on a paid basis for groups of educational programs.
The competition is held based on the results of an intermediate assessment based on the GPA (Grade Point Average – Great Point Everage) with the issuance of a certificate of educational grant.
The announcement of an open competition is posted on the website (educational portal) of the OVPO indicating the number of vacant educational grants in the context of the direction of training and course.
In the case of the same indicators of the average GPA (Grade Point Average – Great Point Everage), students who have grades only A, A- (“excellent”), in the next turn – grades from A, A- (“excellent” ) up to B+, B, B-, C+ (“good”), then – mixed marks for the entire period of study.
The award of vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and (or) postgraduate education is carried out during the summer and winter holidays for existing vacancies on a competitive basis in the following order:
the student on a fee basis submits an application to the head of the HIE for further study on the educational grant of higher or postgraduate education;
received applications are considered at a meeting of the Academic (Academic) Council and the Supervisory (Board of Trustees) and (or) the Board of Directors;
The HERE on the basis of the decision of the academic (academic) council and (or) supervisory (trustee) board and (or) the board of directors in time for August 5 and January 25 of the current year sends a list of applicants for transfer to vacant educational grants to the authorized body in the field of education for decision-making.
The list shall be accompanied by a copy of the application of the student, the decision of the academic (academic) board and (or) the supervisory (board of trustees) and (or) the board of directors, an extract from the transcript of the student, a copy of the document proving his identity, and a certificate of the holder of the educational grant (original), expelled from the HIE;
vacant educational grants released in the process of higher and (or) postgraduate education and submitted to the authorized body in the field of education due to the lack of applicants are redistributed by the commission on a competitive basis;
the list of vacant educational grants released in the process of higher and (or) postgraduate education and submitted by the HEE due to the lack of applicants is published on the website of the authorized body in the field of education;
the competition is held among students on a fee basis from other higher education institutions that have submitted documents to participate in the competition, in the context of groups of educational programs, the course by the results of the interim certification;
the authorized body in the field of education considers the received documents in the context of groups of educational programs, forms and terms of study, taking into account the year of admission and, if a positive decision, issues an order on the award of a vacant educational grant of higher and (or) postgraduate education (in the absence of applicants for a group of educational programs, vacant educational grants, released in the process of higher and (or) postgraduate education, are redistributed within the training direction or region)
on the basis of the order of the authorized body in the field of education NCT executes a certificate of educational grant award and passes it to the appropriate IHE within 3 working days;
on the basis of the certificate of award of the educational grant, the head of the Higher Education Institution issues an order for further training on the educational grant.