
Transformation into a basic structural center for information support of current educational, research and pedagogical processes and stimulation of their potential development, creation of conditions for continuous acquisition and updating of knowledge focused on the needs of scientific and technological development of the future, a center for dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication and culture.


Development of information functions, accumulation of third-party and creation of own information resources, providing access to national and world information networks.

Areas of focus

  • Computerization of library processes;
  • Digitalization of library information resources;
  • Integration of information resources;
  • Development of means of user access to electronic catalogues of domestic and foreign libraries, as well as to other Kazakhstani and foreign information resources;
  • Development and introduction of new information technologies for document delivery based on modern telecommunication means.

Library Fund of Astana IT University

Working hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 18:00


    (7172) 645717

    For users

    Registration in the Scientific Library

    ID card is a single document for the use of the Scientific Library.
    Writing to the library is carried out by ID card. Users are served by subscription, in the reading room, in the center of electronic resources.
    When registering for the library, users should familiarize themselves with the Terms of Use of the Scientific Library.
    It is forbidden to transfer the ID card to another person or use someone else’s ID card to use the library.

    Procedure for using the subscription

    The term of use of documents from the subscription fund and their number are limited and determined in a differentiated manner:

    • educational literature is issued for the period of study of the relevant subject;

    • methodological literature is issued for a period of up to one month, and if there is a sufficient number of  copies – for a period   of study of the relevant subject;

    • научная литература выдается на срок до одного месяца и не более пяти экземпляров;

    • scientific literature is issued for up to one month and no more than five copies;

    • fiction is issued in an amount of no more than three copies for a period of 30 days;

      documents for use in group lessons are issued on a subscription against a receipt to the responsible student or teacher;

      not to be handed out: current periodicals, rare and valuable publications, as well as the last or only copy of the publication kept in the fund.

    Procedure for using the reading room

    • When ordering publications in the reading room, users show their ID card.
    • Documents intended for use in the reading room are not handed out.
    • Encyclopedias, reference, rare and valuable publications, as well as periodicals are issued only for work in the reading room.
    • The number of documents and information materials issued in the reading room, as a rule, is not limited, with the exception of documents of high demand.
    • Editions issued in the reading room can be booked for a specific user for a specific period.

    The procedure for using the center of electronic resources

    • The Electronic Resource Center provides services to users by organizing both local and remote access to electronic resources.
    • In the center of electronic resources, users receive complete information about the composition of the library fund through the electronic catalog and other forms of library information.
    • The electronic resource center provides free access to the library’s electronic resources. The user uses the Internet exclusively for educational and research purposes.

    Rights and obligations of library users

    1. Students, undergraduates, faculty, university staff have the right to use the main types of library, reference, bibliographic and information services:

    • receive complete information about the composition of the library funds through the electronic catalog and other forms of library information;

    •get free access to local and network information resources of the library, as well as to the Internet;

    •receive from the library funds for temporary use publications in the reading room and on a library loan;

    • receive reference, consulting and practical assistance in choosing publications, documents and information, including using modern information technologies;

    • extend the term of using the literature in the prescribed manner;

    • use computers and other equipment intended for library users.

    2.Part-time teachers, hourly workers, students of other universities for academic mobility and course participants have the right to be served in the reading room.

    3. All categories of library users have the right to make suggestions for improving the library’s activities.

    4. Library users must:

    • comply with the Terms of Use of the Scientific Library;

    • annually at the beginning of the academic year, re-register with the presentation of all the literature listed for them. Users who have not passed re-registration are not served in any department of the library;

    • hand over bags to the storage room and outerwear to the cloakroom. Do not enter the library premises in outer clothing and hats;

    •keep order in the library, do not bring large portfolios and bags to the library fund;

    • take good care of documents, equipment, inventory;

    • not to take documents out of the library premises if they are not registered;

    • use the fund of the reading room only within its limits;

    •not violate the order of placing literature in the open access fund;

    •return documents to the library on time.

    5. In case of loss, damage to documents, replace them with the same editions, or editions recognized by the library as equivalent, and if replacement is impossible

    6. Users who cause damage to the library (equipment, inventory) are liable in cases stipulated by the current legislation.

    7. Upon leaving the University, the user must return to the library the documents listed for them, and sign the bypass list.

    Subscription databases

    World Public Library

    Direction: An interdisciplinary database.
    Description: Today, the World Public Library Collection has more than 3,000,000+ PDF books in 100+ languages, containing 125 of the best e-books and eDocument collections published online. All e-books are in PDF format, and all audio e-books are in MP3 format. These formats have been developed specifically for cross-platform compatibility with all PCs, laptops, PDAs, Kindle DX, Kindle 3 IPads / iPods, book readers, and smartphones.
    Access: Using the University’s IP addresses.


    Description: The full – text ScienceDirect database is Elsevier’s leading information platform for scientists, teachers, students, medical professionals and R&D departments of industrial enterprises, which contains 25% of the world’s scientific publications.
    Access: Using the University’s IP addresses.

    Web of  science

    Description: an Internet search platform that combines abstract databases of publications in scientific journals and patents, including databases that take into account mutual citation of publications. Web of Science covers materials in the natural, technical, social, Humanities, and arts. The platform has built-in capabilities for searching, analyzing, and managing bibliographic information.
    Access: Using the University’s IP addresses.


    Description: Scopus is a bibliographic and abstract database and a tool for tracking the citation of articles published in scientific publications.
    Access: Using the University’s IP addresses.


    Description: Republican interuniversity electronic library –corporate electronic catalog of full-text educational resources of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    Access: Using the University’s IP addresses.


    Direction: Interdisciplinary database
    Description: One of the largest publishing houses in the world, which annually publishes about a quarter of all articles from scientific journals published in the world. Founded in 1880 in Amsterdam (Netherlands). Elsevier is the world’s leading commercial publisher of scientific and technical information, publishing more than 2,000 scientific journals and providing access to 10.2 million scientific articles on its electronic Internet portal “ScienceDirect”. Elsevier provides scientific data to about 4,500 organizations and universities from 180 countries.
    Access: Using the University’s IP addresses.

    User instructions for working with databases

    The list of databases on free access:


    Direction: Mathematics
    Description: zbMATH database contains more than 3 million bibliographic records with reviews or abstracts currently taken from more than 3000 journals and publications, and 170000 books. Coverage begins in 1826 and is completed in 1868 to the present day by integrating the “Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematic” database.
    Access: Open access.


    Direction: Interdisciplinary Database
    Description: DOAJ is a directory offering free (free) access to over 1500 scientific and academic journals in electronic format in all directions.
    Access: Open access.

    Открытый университет Казахстана

    Description: The Open University of Kazakhstan is an educational platform offering free access to online courses from leading universities and teachers of the country for everyone without restrictions. The goal of the project is to increase the intellectual level of the country’s population by providing high-quality free online courses. To make online education accessible to everyone using digital technologies. The initiator of the project is PF “Ulttyk Audarma Byurosy” – a non-governmental and non-profit foundation, created in 2017 in order to implement the project “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language ”. The project translates the best textbooks of the world’s leading universities on history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, cultural studies, religious studies, linguistics, innovation, media, economics, management and business into Kazakh.

    Access: Open access.


    Direction: Engineering
    Description: In pursuit of academic success, ASEE develops policies and programs that expand professional opportunities for engineering students, and promotes activities that increase student enrollment in technical and engineering technology, colleges and universities. Strong communication and cooperation with national and international organizations, further success in ASEE’s mission.
    Access: Open access.


    Description: Mendeley is a free bibliographic information management program that allows you to store and view research papers in PDF format and is connected to the international social network of scientists. To gain access to use the program, you must create an account on the social networking site. The basic Mendeley package is distributed as freeware, but there are paid versions with increased quotas for storing materials and creating groups.

    Access: Open access.

    Академия Google

    Direction: Engineering
    Description: Google Academy is a free full-text search engine for scientific publications in all formats and disciplines. The project has been running since November 2004, initially in beta status. The Google Scholar Index includes data from most of the peer-reviewed online journals of the largest scientific publishing houses in Europe and America. Google Scholar is similar in functionality to Scirus, CiteSeerX, and GetCITED. Also, Google Scholar is similar to sites that provide access to publications after a paid subscription, for example, Scopus and Web of Science. The advertising slogan of Google Scholar – “standing on the shoulders of giants” – is part of the famous statement of I. Newton “If I saw further than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants”, a tribute to scientists who have contributed to the development of science over the centuries and provided the basis for new discoveries and achievements.
    Access: Open access

    Annual Reviews

    Description: Annual Reviews is an American book and magazine publisher founded in 1932. Located in Palo Alto, California. It is a non-profit academic publishing house that publishes about 40 series (magazines, yearbooks), publishing major review articles on advances in the natural and social sciences. More than half of these journals have the highest Science Citation Index, ranking first in their science categories.
    Access: Open access.


    Direction: Engineering
    Description:ArXiv is a free distribution and open access archive for 1,746,739 scientific articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering, systems science, and economics. The materials on this site are not reviewed by arXiv.

    Access: Open access.

    National electronic library

    Access: Open access.


    Direction: Interdisciplinary Database
    Description: The main goal of DOAB is to increase the comprehensibility of open access books. Academic Publishers are invited to submit metadata of their open access books to the DOAB. The metadata will be prepared for maximum distribution, visibility and impact. DOABs can integrate records into their commercial services and libraries can integrate the catalogue into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover books. The catalogue will be open to all publishers who publish scholarly, peer-reviewed books in the public domain and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in the public domain and meet academic standards.
    Access: Open access.

    Our Editions

    Scientific journal "Scientific Journal of Astana IT University"

    The main goal of a scientific publication is to provide an opportunity to exchange information in the scientific community, including at the international level.

    Frequency: 4 times a year (first issue – March 30, 2020)

    Language of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English.


    Main thematic areas

    • Information Security
    • Information and communication technologies
    • IT in education and training
    • IT in management, administration, finance and economics
    • Project management


    Official sites of the RK

    Electronic Libraries


    Ministry of information and communications

    National scientific portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Ministry of culture and sports

    Ministry of Education and Science

    The science Committee

    Committee for control in the field of education and science

    President of Kazakhstan

    Government of Kazakhstan

    Parliament Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan

    Foreign Ministry

    Ministry of national economy

    Ministry of defense and aerospace industry

    Ministry of labor and social protection

    Ministry of justice

    Office of the President

    Commissioner for human rights

    Archive Of The President

    Committee on statistics

    Committee on technical regulation and Metrology

    National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    National Academic library of RK

    Central scientific library of the MES RK

    Kazakhstan open library

    Republican scientific and technical library

    National scientific portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    National electronic library


    Adebiet portal

    Electronic educational literature

    Cambridge dictionary

    Zhas Alash





    Truth of Comsomol


    Health journal

    National Geographic


    Popular mechanics

    Subscribed periodicals


    № 75736

    Coverage of socio-political and economic processes for individual subscribers in Kazakh

    «Мәдени мұра»

    № 75379

    Popular science and colorfully illustrated magazine of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Publication of materials on museum affairs, archeology, cultural studies in Russian and Kazakh languages.


    № 75900

    The magazine is in demand by the needs of life itself. The burning problems of the country’s modern development have not been ignored either. In Kazakh and Russian.

    Отан тарихы- Отечественная история

    № 75642

    In Kazakh and Russian, English. The goal is the accumulation of materials and results of scientific research and fundamental historical science and their distribution through the press.



    Coverage of socio-political and economic processes for individual subscribers in Russian

    «Физкультура и спорт»


    Provision of scientific and methodological pedagogical assistance to teachers in Kazakh and Russian, English.

    «Қызықты психология»

    № 74077

    Republican scientific and practical psychological journal for a teacher-psychologist in Russian and Kazakh languages.

    «Кәсіптік қазақ тілі.Профессиональный казахский язык»


    Application of new technologies in a vocational school. In Russian and Kazakh languages.

    «Қазақ тілі және Елтану .Казахский язык и Этнокультура»

    № 75400

    Features of mentality, language, nat.

    Values, traditions and rituals of the Kazakh people as an ethnos, its philosophy and spiritual wealth. In Kazakh and Russian languages.

    «Industrial technology and engineering»


    In English.

    The journal publishes the results of research on topical scientific problems with the analysis of literature data, with full justification of scientific conclusions.

    «Инновации в образовании»


    Scientific publications reflecting organizational and managerial, economic, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the innovative activity of educational institutions. In Russian.

    «Информационные телекоммуникационные сети»

    № 75801

    In Russian.

    «Современные технологии автоматизации»


    Scientific and technical magazine “STA” with CDs for qualified specialists in industrial automation and embedded systems.

    «Информатика и образование»

    In Russian.

    «Информационные технологии»


    Development and practical application of information technologies in technology, economics, medicine, education

    «Harvard Business Review /Гарвард Бизнес Ревью»

    № 25555

    In English.



    In Russian. The best popular science magazine for schoolchildren in Kazakhstan. The magazine publishes materials on mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.



    In Kazakh.

    «Egemen Qazaqstan» №15392

    In Kazakh.

    «Казахстанская правда»


    In Russian.


    100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language


    EBSCO in Astana IT University

    Dear users of the Scientific library

    Astana IT University!

    We are pleased to announce that Astana IT University is connected to the EBSCO database.

    From September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021, you will have access to the Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, Computers & Applied Sciences, Communication & Mass Media, and eBook Academic Collection(EBSCO host) as well as trial versions for other EBSCO collections : eBook Business Collection, eBook Education Collection, eBook EngineeringCore, eBook ITCore, eBook Subscription Psychology Collection, eBook University Press Collection for 60 days.

    EBSCO is a leading provider of research databases, e-journals, and e-books.

    To access the databases, please follow the link:

    Access to these resources is possible from the University’s computers, including the Scientific library.

    For remote access, you need to use a username and password. you can send a request to get a username and password to your corporate email.

    Elsevier Publishing House invites you to participate in webinars on Scopus and Science Direct Databases! Join the Elsevier webinars to help you with the research process: “How to write a successful scientific article for a journal that will be included in the Scopus database?”

    Registration is required for each seminar. The webinars will be held in Russian. duration of the webinar is 30 minutes. There are several options for time and date by topic. The topic is divided into 5 parts. Choose the date and time that suits you and register using the link. If you participate 90% of the webinar time within 30 days, you will receive a certificate.

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