
6B06301 Cybersecurity

Core subjects: mathematics, computer science. Threshold score: 80.

The educational program regulates the objectives, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduates training in this area of training and includes materials that ensure the quality of training of students and implementation of appropriate educational technology. The feature of EP is the possession the necessary knowledge to successfully perform professional activities in the field of cybersecurity, including areas such as information protection, risk management, incident management, threat analysis, implementation and maintenance of security systems, as well as ethical and legal aspects.


Admission Committee

(7172) 64-57-10

Mon-Fri 9:00 – 18:00

Objective of Educational Program

Preparation of competitive bachelors in the field of cybersecurity, able to make decisions, analysis, justification, application of information security methods in solving complex specialized problems and practical problems in professional activities.

List of a specialist’s positions

career opportunities
  • Information Security Operations Center Specialist;
  • Information Security specialist in communication systems;
  • Digital Forensic Specialist;
  • Analyst and tester of computer networks and systems security;
  • Engineer-programmer in the field of information security;
  • IS Auditor;
  • Administrator of databases, computer networks and infrastructure. 

058 – Cybersecurity

Group of educational programs

Bachelor in Information and Communication Technology on the educational program 6B06301 «Cyber Security»

Awarded degree

3 years

Duration of study

Learning outcomes of Educational Program

  • Developing of secure server-client web and mobile applications.
  • Realizing basic network communication between devices, calculating and applying addressing schemes, and configuring network devices.
  • Demonstrating knowledge about the architecture of computer systems, and managing operating systems.
  • Using national and international standards of information security in organizations.
  • Applying practical programming skills and explaining the general methodological basics of program development, compiling system programs for device drivers, interfacing modules with non-standard equipment, and programming microcontrollers.
  • Explaining and understanding the legal basis of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries, as well as standardization and certification procedures in the field of information security.
  • Developing an information security policy for an enterprise, applying project management tools at various stages of the project development life cycle, performing a qualitative and quantitative risk assessment of projects, determining the effectiveness of the project taking into account environmental safety; critically evaluating and interpreting information in the field of cyber security, economics, and law.
  • Application of data protection technology in computer systems and networks.
  • Designing the topology of printed circuit boards, structural and technological modules of the first level using packages of application programs, analyzing microprocessor devices, and using tools for debugging and testing embedded systems.
  • Analyzing the security of hosts and conducting monitoring.
  • Using technical means and software services of network security to ensure the continuity of the business process.
  • Independently analyzing modern sources, drawing conclusions, arguing them, and making decisions based on the given information.
  • Systemic understanding of the role of personality and events in the formation of the current situation; the ability to critically evaluate and position actions concerning complex social processes taking into account historical factors.
  • Being able to express ideas and arguments on the subject of information technologies in writing and orally, speaking in front of an audience, and defending a point of view in the state, English, and international languages.
  • Ability to purposefully use various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health.


Development program


Graduate Model


Course Curriculum

Cycle of general education disciplines

Compulsory component / University’s component


The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. The course will discuss in detail the basic sociological theories and the most effective ways of gaining deep knowledge about various aspects of our modern society. The special significance of this course for students is to develop a sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

Physical Education

The course is devoted to the formation of the physical culture of the individual and the ability of the directed use of various means of physical culture to maintain and strengthen health.


This course presents questions of psychology in a wide educational and social context. The knowledge and skills acquired and formed as a result of mastering the course content give students the opportunity to put them into practice in various spheres of life: personal, family, professional, business, social, in working with people from different social groups and age groups

Information and Communication Technologies

In the course, information and communication technologies are considered as modern methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technologies for the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

Foreign Language 1

The course develops student academic English skills, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, critical thinking and analysis, and listening and speaking skills. Students will learn how to use academic English effectively to express complex ideas, and deliver academic presentations focusing on various aspects of public speaking. The course helps students better understand academic English conventions and use them competently in their disciplines and specific areas of expertise.

Foreign Language 2

The course further enhances student academic English skills by emphasising active and participatory learning. This is achieved through a series of writing assignments that are designed to develop student ability to produce well-structured, well-supported, and persuasive texts using advanced English conventions, grammar and vocabulary. The course provides students with the necessary tools to write competently across various disciplines, ensuring their success in their academic pursuits.

History of Kazakhstan

The course helps students acquire complex knowledge on history of Motherland, identify true history based on facts, evidence, written and archival records, research analysis and develops historical consciousness in accordance with national priorities and modern challenges. History of Kazakhstan covers events, facts, processes, and historical patterns that have taken place from antiquity to the present day. This course is very important because it is a state-significant academic discipline which develops civil identity and brings its contribution to the development of students’ knowledge.

Political Science

The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of ICT. It includes political self-awareness, improvement of one’s political outlook and communicative competencies. Teaching political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented, and largely depends on the independent work of students.

Cultural Studies

The course is also designed for the formation of bachelors” ideas about the factors that complicate teaching at the present stage of development of society, about the difficulties specific to this activity. The course will help to become the basis for the study of the whole complex of social and human sciences, as well as an addition to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes topics such as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture; the culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, the cultural heritage of the proto-Türks, the medieval culture of Central Asia, the formation of the Kazakh culture, the Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, the cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

Kazakh (Russian) Language

The course occupies a special place in the system of bachelor training with engineering education. For engineering students, the study of professional Kazakh/Russian is not only an enhancement of the skills and abilities acquired at school, but also a means of mastering the future profession with a focus on writing and reasoned oral speech allowing for effective communication.


The object of study of the discipline is philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and national philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person’s relationship to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction.

Cycle of general education disciplines

Elective component

Technological Entrepreneurship

The discipline introduces students to modern concepts and tools of entrepreneurship and obtaining the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to launch their own startup, taking into account the basics of life safety. On the basis of law and anti-corruption culture, the process of obtaining a patent, the legality of ownership of technological development is being studied, taking into account the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of intellectual property. Students apply strategic analysis in the field of economics, management, communication and technological entrepreneurship.


Within the framework of the academic discipline, the student studies the essence of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The course will demonstrate the role and place of small enterprises in the modern conditions of the functioning of the economy of the state and society. The discipline will allow to understand the basic principles and content of the business plan of business entities, to form thinking based on modern anti-corruption culture, organizational forms of entrepreneurial activity are explained, including taking into account sustainable development, ecology and safety of personnel.

Cycle of fundamental disciplines

University’s component

Introduction to Programming

The course teaches students to use data structures, functions, modules, classes, and other features of the Python programming language to solve applied problems.

Discrete mathematics

The course aims to develop an understanding of the foundations of mathematics, combinatorics and graph theory. The subject of the discipline is basic mathematical principles such as proof, understanding of discrete objects; solving counting problems using various enumeration methods.

Introduction to Cybersecurity

This course provides a broad overview of cybersecurity, including how computers and networks are attacked, how the attackers benefit, and how to mitigate attacks. The types of attacks, vulnerabilities, attackers, and malware are studied along with the introduction of underlying technologies used in cybersecurity. Social engineering, cryptography, and application security are also introduced. The security principles in the CIA triad (data confidentiality, data integrity, and data availability) will be studied during the course

Algorithms and Data Structures

The course examines basic, classical algorithms and data structures used in programming. The principles of construction and description of algorithms, the concepts of complexity and performance of algorithms, their main classes are considered.

Calculus 1

The academic discipline includes knowledge of analyzing functions represented in a variety of ways, and understanding the relationships between these various representations; understanding the meaning of the derivative in terms of a rate of change and local linear approximation, and using derivatives to solve a variety of problems. The course is aimed at forming students’ mathematical foundation for solving applied problems in their specialty

Hacking Lab

Course in the format of training on information security for students. They use a game approach, practical exercises, simulated attacks, and other interactive techniques. This allows you to form sustainable habits and strengthen cybersecurity in the long term.

Educational Practice

Educational practice is an integral part of the student training program. The main content of the practice is the implementation of practical educational, educational and research, creative tasks that correspond to the nature of the future professional activity of students. The purpose of educational practice: the study and consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge in the disciplines obtained in the learning process, the development of creative activity and initiative of students, their artistic and creative needs and aesthetic worldview.

Calculus 2

The academic discipline acquaints students with important branches of calculus and its applications in computer science. During the educational process, students should become familiar with and be able to apply mathematical methods and tools (ordinary differential equations, series, double and triple integrals) to solve various applied problems. The discipline forms the ability to apply mathematical methods and tools (differential equations, series, double and triple integrals) to solve complex applied problems in their specialty.

Linear Algebra

The course aims to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of linear algebra and matrix theory. The subject of the discipline is the basic properties of matrices, including determinants, inverse matrices, matrix factorizations, eigenvalues, linear transformations, etc.


The course considers the basic methods of calculation of established and transient processes in electric circuits, their application to the most widespread in engineering practice electronic circuits, including amplifiers, rectifiers, stabilizers, triggers and other devices. Much attention is paid to properties and characteristics of semiconductor elements: diodes, bipolar and field transistors, thyristors, operational amplifiers, simple logic elements. Some chapters are devoted to the circuitry of digital devices.

Operating Systems

The course aims to study error-correcting codes, given the information limit of redundancy. Estimate sampling and quantization errors

Digital logic design

This course provides in details the principles and applications of digital electronics, including the fundamentals of Boolean algebra, the design and analysis of combinational and sequential logic circuits, and the operation and application of key digital elements such as decoders, multiplexers, counters, and registers. In addition, students are introduced to various memory circuits and the basics of programmable logic devices. The course also covers modern methods and technologies for designing digital systems, preparing students for work in the field of electronics and microprocessor technology.


The course outlines the main approaches, methods and algorithms of modern cryptography, as well as formulates the basic concepts of modern cryptography. Much attention is paid to new areas of cryptography related to ensuring the confidentiality of interaction between computer users and computer networks.

Database Management Systems

The course provides knowledge and skills in database design, starting from the conceptual stage and ending with physical implementation

Probability and Statistics

The course teaches the study of patterns of random phenomena and their properties, and use them for data analysis. As a result of studying this discipline, students will know the basic concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics and their properties and be able to use probabilistic models for solving problems, work with random variables, calculate sample characteristics, evaluate the reliability of statistical data.

Operating Systems Security

This course provides an in-depth examination of issues in operating system security. The course studies features and characteristics of the Linux and Windows Operating Systems with a focus on the design of authorization systems and thorough examination of the operation of network protocols and services. Students will study how to prevent malicious access to endpoint hosts and data and how to investigate endpoint vulnerabilities and attacks.

Academic Writing

Academic Writing is aimed to develop the ability in differentiating writing styles in English; skills in critical reading and writing strategies to foster critical thinking and prepare a critical analysis of а written piece; understanding of academic vocabulary, grammar and style; skills in writing well structured paragraphs; writing statements with arguments and proofs; and writing an academic essay.

Computer Architecture

The discipline builds knowledge about computer hardware and its technical characteristics. Students will get acquainted with the basic concepts of the architecture of a modern personal computer (PC), learn a low-level language – assembly language and programming methods on it, get acquainted with the structure of the most important components of PC hardware and the mechanisms for sending and managing information, the basic rules of logical design

Machine Learning Algorithms

The course goal is to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence in general and in particular in the creating of algorithms capable of learning. The course examines the basic machine learning algorithms, various approaches and technologies for data analysis, their qualities, features and impact in various fields of science and technology. As an outcome of mastering the course, students will be able to apply machine learning methods to visualize their data, build graphs, and present the results qualitatively.

Introduction to SOC Analytics

Introduction to Security Operations Center (SOC) Analytics discipline introduces establishing and maintaining a centralized facility to monitor, detect, respond to, and mitigate security incidents within an organization’s IT infrastructure. The discipline introduces methods to analyse the processes to effectively analyze and respond to security alerts.

Deep Learning in Cybersecurity

This course explores the application of deep learning techniques in cybersecurity, focusing on adaptive threat detection, malware analysis, and security analytics. Students learn to develop and deploy deep learning models for detecting and mitigating cyber threats, enhancing organizations’ capabilities for proactive defense.

Cycle of fundamental disciplines

Elective component

Advanced Programming (Python)

The course is intended for a more advanced study of the Java or Python programming language, including the study of JSP (Java Server Pages), Servlet, JDBC (Java Database connection), including many basic principles of Java to Enterprise Edition (Advanced Java EE).Exception Handling, Generics, Delegates, Events, Lambda Expressions, Extensions Methods, LINQ, Nullable Types, Dynamics, Asynchronous Programming with Async / Await, and other topics.

Database Programming (PL/SQL)

The basic principles of programming a database system (PL / SQL) are given. The basic data models, database design, structured query language are considered. The architecture of the database system, the stages of database design, programming triggers, procedures, relationships, updating, restoration and management of the database management system are studied.

Cycle of major disciplines

University’s component

Computer Networks

The course provides a broad understanding of the principles, architecture, and technologies behind computer networks. Students learn the basics of network communication, wired and wireless connection technologies, data transfer protocols, routing and switching, network security and network resource management. Emphasis is placed on understanding and using the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. This course prepares students for the design, management, and security of computer networks, as well as the foundation for more advanced networking topics and specializations.

Industrial Practice

The course is devoted to the study of information security technologies. It provides practical training in safeguarding vital infrastructure, focusing on endpoint security, network security, threat assessment, incident response, compliance, and developing and studying local security policies. Through hands-on simulations and industry partnerships, students gain insight into real-world challenges and solutions. They develop crucial skills in risk mitigation, ethical considerations, and regulatory compliance, preparing them for roles in industrial cybersecurity.

Windows System Administration

The course studies the basic principles, methods, and methods of Windows system administration. Students learn server configuration, configuring server roles and functions, configuring Hyper-V, deploying and configuring core network services, installing and administering Active Directory, and creating and managing group policies. They also explore modern file server and storage management technologies, Hyper-V virtualization, disaster recovery in Windows Server, SAN storage and failover cluster management, remote access implementation and performance monitoring in Windows Server.

Computer Networks Security

The course is designed to study network security technologies, protection protocols and the most common types and techniques of attacks. The course is practice-oriented, during the implementation of practical tasks, students will be able to perform the simplest network attacks and learn how to protect against them.

Research Methods and Tools

The course is designed to study the basic methods and tools required for the introduction of scientific research. The course also introduces students to the most popular search and scientometric databases of scientific articles, such as Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect and others. During the course, students will become familiar with the tools for citing and searching for the required scientific information.

Ethical Hacking

This course delves into the ethical aspects of hacking, covering footprinting, scanning, malware analysis, and social engineering within enterprise infrastructure. Emphasis is placed on security standards and reporting practices to ensure ethical conduct and effective mitigation of cybersecurity threats in enterprises’ infrastructure

Web security

In this course, students will learn in practice how to conduct a detailed analysis of network resources, software, web resources for vulnerabilities, their exploitation and further elimination. Also, students will get acquainted with the most common attack scenarios. At the end of the course, students will learn the main stages of penetration testing, the use of modern tools for analyzing the security of an information system or application, and the classification of vulnerabilities and methods for fixing them

Information Security Risk Management and Compliance

The course aims to familiarize students with modern views and approaches to information security (IS) risk management, disclose the significance of risks for successfully ensuring the information security of an enterprise, explain the main stages of development and implementation of an information security risk management system, familiarize themselves with the main provisions of the leading world standard ISO 27005

Undergraduate Practice

The course focuses on preparing students for their graduation projects by teaching them how to collect and analyze materials effectively. Over the course, students learn essential skills in research, data analysis, and project planning, enabling them to write comprehensive and well-informed cybersecurity projects. Through practical exercises and guidance, students gain the necessary expertise to tackle real-world cybersecurity challenges in their diploma projects.

Industrial Practice

The course is devoted to the study of information security technologies. It provides practical training in safeguarding vital infrastructure, focusing on endpoint security, network security, threat assessment, incident response, compliance, and developing and studying local security policies. Through hands-on simulations and industry partnerships, students gain insight into real-world challenges and solutions. They develop crucial skills in risk mitigation, ethical considerations, and regulatory compliance, preparing them for roles in industrial cybersecurity.

Cycle of major disciplines

Elective component

Introduction to IoT

The IoT Introduction course provides an overview of the concepts and objectives of a qualitatively new economy of the Comprehensive Internet. The course material presents the concept of a network platform that brings together billions of things and trillions of gigabytes of data, allowing us to improve decision-making and interaction processes. It also considers such types of interaction within the framework of the Internet of Things solution, such as “machine-machine” (M2M), “machine-man” (M2P), and “man-man” (P2P).

Introduction to embedded systems

“Introduction to Embedded Systems” explores the fundamental principles of designing and programming embedded systems. Topics include microcontroller architectures, real-time operating systems, sensor integration, and communication protocols. Through practical projects, students develop skills in building and interfacing embedded systems for various applications.

Blockchain Practices

This course examines the principles, methods and means of blockchain technology to ensure the protection of information, countering threats to information security. The principles of using a replicated distributed database of blocks to ensure information security and the use of the blockchain network in various fields are also considered.

Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems

“Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems” provides an overview of the integration between physical processes and computational systems. Students explore technical channels of information leakage, including acoustic, optical, and radio-electronic channels, as well as principles of technical reconnaissance and countermeasures. Additionally, the course covers systems for preventing information leakage, protocol logging, and consultation on implementing security standards such as IWS14 and IWS15.

Introduction to Digital Forensics 

In this course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of digital forensics, the image capture process, and the collection of digital traces from a host. Students will learn to collect digital traces from the host, volatile memory, non-volatile memory.

Introduction to Computer Malware Analysis

In this course, students will learn to analyze functions, recognize C language constructs in assembly language, network functions, and work with a kernel-level debugger. The course focuses on the concepts, tools and techniques of Windows malware analysis and research.

Introduction to Threat Hunting

In this course, students will become familiar with the basics of cyber threat intelligence, the concept of threat hunting, and the ATT&CK framework. Students will create a plan to simulate the actions of an attacker, learn APT techniques,use MITER CAR.

Introduction to Penetration Testing

Students explore the foundational principles of penetration testing, focusing on methodologies, tools, and legal considerations. Through practical exercises, they gain expertise in reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, and exploitation techniques essential for identifying and addressing OWASP Top 10 security vulnerabilities effectively.

Digital Forensics

In this course, students are introduced to packet analyzing, working with NetFlow, work with system storage, and analyzing registry. Students will work with log analysis, SIEM systems, windows logs, event log analysis, detailed analysis of a host infected with ransomware.

Computer Malware Analysis

In this course, students are introduced to routine analysis, working with WinAPI technology, networking functions, and will continue to work with kernel-level debugging. They will learn to work with Subroutine Analysis, Viewing threads and stacks in OllyDbg, Injection into another process

Penetration Testing

This course delves into advanced topics such as reconnaissance, web application testing, social engineering, and cloud infrastructure assessment. Students hone their skills in red teaming and evasion techniques, equipping them to conduct comprehensive security assessments in complex cases, including JWT attacks, web cache poisong attacks, and atuthetication attacks.

Threat Hunting

In this course, students will be introduced to proactive threat scanning, the VMware ESXI tool, techniques for working with ELK and Winlogbeat. Students will learn to create a research environment, work with the Miter ATT&CK framework, create a virtual local network and set up a firewall, search for traces of APT29, use MaGMa to Find Threats.

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