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News and events

On September 6, 2023, representatives of the Zhiqiu Education company visited Astana IT University. During the meeting, Acting Rector Dr. Serik Omirbayev made a presentation of the university, and also presented wishes on the main areas of cooperation. Thus, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding in the field of recruiting applicants from the People’s Republic of China to Astana IT University. Representatives of Zhiqiu Education, in turn, spoke about...
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Due to the rapid development of technologies that are transforming the labor market, the role of non-formal education is becoming increasingly important. Non-formal education, characterized by its flexibility, accessibility and learner-centred approach, is fundamentally changing the way students acquire knowledge and skills outside of traditional formal education. Examples of non-formal education can be advanced training programs, vocational training and retraining, courses, lectures, seminars and workshops, including those conducted online. In...
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In recent years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have emerged as a transformative force in the world of education. These online courses, offered by universities, organizations, and platforms, have gained immense popularity due to their accessibility and flexibility. While MOOCs offer numerous advantages for both learners and institutions, today, we’ll focus on the benefits that MOOCs bring to students. Access to World-Class Education: One of the most significant advantages of...
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On September 23, a guest lecture was held with the teacher of the Kyoto College of Graduate studies for Informatics, Professor Toshiaki Tateishi. During the meeting, the professor gave a lecture on the topic “Modern IT trends in Japan,” in which the current state of wireless networks and the development of 5G technology in Japan were mentioned. The speech aroused great interest among the participants.
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Gulnara Abitova, PhD, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering (formerly Associate Professor of the Department of Intelligent Systems and Cybersecurity) is the holder of the International Grant “Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program”, funded by the US Department of State and a visiting scientist in the United States of America. Ms. Abitova won this prestigious Fulbright Scholarship in the Core Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program category, which...
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