On December 12-13, the ICPC Semifinals in Astana (Northern Eurasia Finals) took place at Astana IT University. The International Collegiate Programming Competition is a competitive programming sport for university students around the world. A total of 269 teams took part in the semi-finals in the Northern Eurasia region this year. This year, AITU gathered more than 80 of the best teams in Central Asia. The remaining teams from Northern Eurasia...Read More
AITU hosted a number of events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Such as:• Shooting competition among cadets of the Military Department• Intellectual game «What? Where? When?»• Patriotic action «Menin Elim»• Open hours, etc. Moreover, on December 15, the main event took place – a festive concert, where teachers, staff and students were awarded Certificates of Honor and Letters of Gratitude.Read More
On November 22, 2023, representatives of higher educational institutions and the Ministry of Innovation and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan visited Astana IT University. During the meeting, Acting Rector S. M. Omirbayev made a presentation of AITU, and also presented wishes on the main areas of cooperation. Representatives of the Tajik delegation, in turn, spoke about new milestones in the development of technology and education in Tajikistan. The...Read More
As part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Module “Digital Culture in Higher Education: European Perspective” – DigCEE) ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH, the project coordinator, Director of the Department of General Education Disciplines, Zh.K. Tleshova, presented a research paper at the International Scientific Symposium “Current Trends in Language Education and Teaching.” The symposium was held at Nazarbayev University on October 17, 2023. The paper’s title was “Digital Transformation of Education in the...Read More
On November 6, 2023, a meeting with first-year foreign students of Astana IT University took place in the format of an orientation day. During the meeting, foreign students were acquainted with the rules for registering foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the rules of the educational process, student clubs and social support. It should be noted that orientation days facilitate the process of social adaptation of...Read More