Electronic Engineering

6B07102 Electronic Engineering

Profile subjects: Mathematics, Physics. Threshold score: 70.

Educational programm “Electronic Engineering” offers students a comprehensive education in the field of electronics. During the development of the program, students will learn the basics of digital and analog electronics, microprocessors, circuitry, signal processing methods and other key concepts. They will gain practical skills in the design and development of electronic systems, as well as master modern technologies, including embedded systems, microcontrollers and robotics. The program prepares graduates to work in various industries such as telecommunications, automation, energy, medical technology and other related industries where expertise in electronics is required.


Admission Committee

(7172) 64-57-10

Mon-Fri 9:00 – 18:00

Objective of Educational Programm

The educational program is to train highly qualified specialists capable of developing and maintaining electronic systems, equipment and apparatuses for various functional purposes, relying on a solid foundation in the field of analog and digital electronics, nanoelectronics and microprocessor technology

List of a specialist’s positions

Career Opportunities
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Industrial Robotics Designer
  • Internet of Things Specialist
  • Electrical and/or Electronics Engineer
  • Hardware Engineer
  • Control Systems Engineer
  • Embedded Systems Engineer
  • Research Fellow

B063 – Electrical and Automation

Educational group

Bachelor in engineering and technology in the educational program «6B07102 Electronic Engineering»

Awarded degree

3 years

Duration of studies

Learning outcomes

  • To possess key mathematical tools and methods necessary for analysis, modeling and solving applied problems in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, automation and control
  • To understand the basic physical laws and principles used in electrical and electronic engineering, are able to analyze and predict physical phenomena, including electrical, magnetic and optical effects, and to use these principles to solve practical problems.
  • To know the properties of various materials and their applications in electrical and electronic engineering, are able to design and analyze electrical machines, and understand the principles of operation of various sensors and actuators.
  • To understand the principles of operation and design of electrical systems and devices. To analyze and simulate electrical circuits, design and test analog and digital electronic devices.
  • To develop a firmware for microcontrollers, design and integrate embedded systems, and are able to use operating systems specific to embedded systems.
  • To analyze and process signals and systems in the time and frequency domains, to possess methods and tools for sampling, quantization, encoding and decoding signals. To apply these skills to design and implement digital filters, signal processing algorithms, and signal processing systems, and to analyze their performance and efficiency.
  • To understand the architecture and functioning of computer systems, know the basics of designing and managing computer networks of various scales, as well as methods and technologies for creating integrated Internet of Things systems.
  • To know the principles of operation and design of robotic and mechatronic systems, to able to develop and model the architecture of robotic systems, apply artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in robotics, to select and to integrate suitable sensors, drives and control systems.
  • To understand the principles of operation and design of automatic control systems, apply methods of analysis and synthesis of control in the state space, as well as methods of optimization and optimal control. By using modern mathematical and computer methods, to design and to adjust effective control systems for multidimensional and complex technical systems, ensuring their stability, reliability and optimal operation.
  • To know the principle of operation of various semiconductor devices. To design and to develop semiconductor devices and nanoelectronic systems, and to apply optoelectronic principles to a variety of applications, including optical communications, sensors, and photovoltaic devices.
  • To master the basic principles and methods of electronic circuit design, to have the skills to use specialized software for modeling and simulating electronic circuits, which allows them to check and analyze the operation of the circuit before hardware implementation.
  • To know methods of defining a business niche and conducting techno-economic analysis, commercializing technological solutions. To develop entrepreneurial thinking and management skills.
  • Have a systemic understanding of the role of individuals and events in shaping the current situation; the ability to critically evaluate and position actions regarding complex social processes in light of historical factors
  • To use a variety of physical activities to maintain and promote health in a meaningful way.

Competent graduate model


Plan of development

«Electronic Engineering»

Academic disciplines

Cycle of general education disciplines

Compulsory component / University’s component

History of Kazakhstan

The course examines the modern history of Kazakhstan, as part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The modern history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes, the identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe in the twentieth century and to this day is carried out.


The object of study of the discipline is philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and national philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person’s relationship to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction.

Information and Communication Technologies

In the course, information and communication technologies are considered as modern methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technologies for the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

Political Science

The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of ICT. It includes political self-awareness, improvement of one’s political outlook and communicative competencies. Teaching political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented, and largely depends on the independent work of students.


The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. The course will discuss in detail the basic sociological theories and the most effective ways of gaining deep knowledge about various aspects of our modern society. The special significance of this course for students is to develop a sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.


This course presents questions of psychology in a wide educational and social context. The knowledge and skills acquired and formed as a result of mastering the course content give students the opportunity to put them into practice in various spheres of life: personal, family, professional, business, social, in working with people from different social groups and age groups.

Cultural studies

The course is also designed for the formation of bachelors” ideas about the factors that complicate teaching at the present stage of development of society, about the difficulties specific to this activity. The course will help to become the basis for the study of the whole complex of social and human sciences, as well as an addition to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes topics such as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture; the culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, the cultural heritage of the proto-Türks, the medieval culture of Central Asia, the formation of the Kazakh culture, the Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, the cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

Physical Education

The course is devoted to the formation of the physical culture of the individual and the ability of the directed use of various means of physical culture to maintain and strengthen health.

Foreign Language 1

The course develops student academic English skills, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analysis, and listening and speaking skills. Students will learn how to use academic English effectively to express complex ideas and deliver academic presentations focusing on various aspects of public speaking. The course helps students better understand academic English conventions and use them competently in their disciplines and specific areas of expertise.

Foreign Language 2

The course further enhances student academic English skills by emphasising active and participatory learning. This is achieved through a series of writing assignments that are designed to develop student ability to produce well-structured, well- supported, and persuasive texts using advanced English conventions, grammar and vocabulary. The course provides students with the necessary tools to write competently across various disciplines, ensuring their success in their academic pursuits.

Kazakh (Russian) Language 1

The course occupies a special place in the system of bachelor training with engineering education. For engineering students, the study of professional Kazakh/Russian is not only an enhancement of the skills and abilities acquired at school, but also a means of mastering the future profession with a focus on writing and reasoned oral speech allowing for effective communication.

Kazakh (Russian) Language 2

The course occupies a special place in the system of bachelor training with engineering education. For engineering students, the study of professional Kazakh/Russian is not only an enhancement of the skills and abilities acquired at school, but also a means of mastering the future profession with a focus on writing and reasoned oral speech allowing for effective communication.

Cycle of fundamental disciplines

University’s component

Linear Algebra

The course aims to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of linear algebra and matrix theory. The subject of the discipline is the basic properties of matrices, including determinants, inverse matrices, matrix factorizations, eigenvalues, linear transformations, etc.

Calculus 1

The academic discipline includes knowledge of analyzing functions represented in a variety of ways, and understanding the relationships between these various representations; understanding the meaning of the derivative in terms of a rate of change and local linear approximation, and using derivatives to solve a variety of problems. The course is aimed at forming students’ mathematical foundation for solving applied problems in their specialty.

Calculus 2

The academic discipline acquaints students with important branches of calculus and its applications in computer science. During the educational process, students should become familiar with and be able to apply mathematical methods and tools (ordinary differential equations, series, double and triple integrals) to solve various applied problems. The discipline forms the ability to apply mathematical methods and tools (differential equations, series, double and triple integrals) to solve complex applied problems in their specialty.

Discrethe Mathematics

Discrete mathematics is a part of mathematics devoted to the study of discrete objects (here discrete means consisting of separate or unrelated elements). More generally, discrete mathematics is used whenever objects are counted, when relationships between finite (or countable) sets are studied, and when processes involving a finite number of steps are analyzed. The main reason for the growing importance of discrete mathematics is that information is stored and processed by computing machines in a discrete manner.

Probability and Statisctics

The course teaches you to study the patterns of random phenomena and their properties, and use them for data analysis. As a result of studying this discipline, students will know the basic concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics and their properties, as well as be able to use probabilistic models in solving problems, work with random variables, calculate sample characteristics, and evaluate the reliability of statistical data.

Physics 1

This course will study the fundamental laws of nature: the law of conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of moment of momentum, and the fundamental concepts of statistical mechanics. Students will be able to solve a wide range of physical and engineering problems based on the assimilation of a small number of fundamental laws of nature. The main focus will be on the atomic structure of matter and the interaction between material objects. During the course, students learn to explain and predict the behavior of different systems, such as elementary particles, molecules, solid metals and galaxies. The course integrates the tasks of modeling physical processes based on Visual Python.

Fundamentals to electricity

This is an introductory course for students of educational programs studying electrical engineering and related disciplines. The course provides students with a basic understanding of the principles of electrical engineering, including the fundamentals of electrical circuits, electrical circuit analysis using nodal potential and loop current methods, the fundamentals of AC and phasors and their use for AC circuit analysis, and an introduction to electromagnetism. This course is an important foundation for more advanced electrical and electronics courses.

C++ programming

The course is designed to develop students’ skills in C++ programming, including advanced object-oriented programming concepts, standard library functions, and data structures. Students will learn to write, debug, and optimize code in C++ and use it to solve real-world problems. The course also covers software design and development, working with templates and inheritance, as well as error handling and exception handling in C++.

Physics 2

This course will study the concepts of electric and magnetic fields, which will make it possible to better understand the atomic structure of matter, the electrical and magnetic properties of solids, and the generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The course is aimed at studying the fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism, which underlies many modern technologies, from cell phones to medical imaging. The course integrates the tasks of modeling physical processes based on Visual Python.

Circuit theory

This course teaches students the mathematical and conceptual analysis of electrical circuits. Students apply mathematical concepts such as differential equations, complex analysis, linear algebra, and probability theory to solve problems related to the design and analysis of electrical circuits. They develop a deep understanding of Kirchhoff’s laws, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, and learn to analyze electrical circuits in the time and frequency domains using Laplace and Fourier transform methods. The course also includes the analysis of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors using differential and integral calculus equations. This course is a key component in the education of electrical engineers and requires a high level of mathematical preparation.

Analog Electronics

The course provides a deep understanding of the principles and applications of analog electronics, including the fundamentals of analog signals, active and passive circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and diodes, and their role in the creation and operation of electronic circuits. The course also covers the analysis and design of various types of analog amplifiers and oscillators, as well as the application of the Fourier transform for signal analysis and processing. In general, this course prepares students for the design and analysis of complex analog electronic systems, and serves as a foundation for more advanced courses in electrical engineering and automation.

Introduction to electrodynamics

As part of the course, students get acquainted with the basics of electrodynamics, which helps to understand the interaction of an electric charge and an electromagnetic field. The course includes the study of dynamic electromagnetic fields and waves, with particular emphasis on the principles underlying Faraday’s law and the Ampère-Maxwell law. For students of electrical engineering and automation, sections on wave equations, their solutions, and the impact on the design and operation of various devices, including antennas and waveguides, are especially important. The course is a necessary foundation for more advanced engineering courses and prepares students to design and analyze engineering systems that interact with electric and magnetic fields.

Academic Writing

Academic Writing is aimed to develop the ability in differentiating writing styles in English; skills in critical reading and writing strategies to foster critical thinking and prepare a critical analysis of а written piece; understanding of academic vocabulary, grammar and style; skills in writing well-structured paragraphs; writing statements with arguments and proofs; and writing an academic essay.

Digital electronics

This course provides in details the principles and applications of digital electronics, including the fundamentals of Boolean algebra, the design and analysis of combinational and sequential logic circuits, and the operation and application of key digital elements such as decoders, multiplexers, counters, and registers. In addition, students are introduced to various memory circuits and the basics of programmable logic devices. The course also covers modern methods and technologies for designing digital systems, preparing students for work in the field of electronics and microprocessor technology.

Signals and Systems

The course offers a broad understanding of a variety of signals (continuous and discrete), system properties (linear and non-linear), and tools for signal and system analysis, including Fourier and Laplace transforms. It also covers spectrum analysis, digital signal and system fundamentals, and filter design. This course provides a foundation for more advanced topics such as signal processing, communications systems, and systems control.

Computer Architecture

The discipline builds knowledge about computer hardware and its technical characteristics. Students will get acquainted with the basic concepts of the architecture of a modern personal computer (PC), learn a low-level language – assembly language and programming methods on it, get acquainted with the structure of the most important components of PC hardware and the mechanisms for sending and managing information, the basic rules of logical design.

Microcontroller Programming

The discipline is aimed at developing knowledge and programming skills in assembly and C languages, and introduces students to the interface and structure of various families of microcontrollers. Mastering the course will allow students to start developing simple embedded systems based on various families of microcontrollers.

Research Methods and Tools

The course is designed to study the basic methods and tools required for the introduction of scientific research. The course also introduces students to the most popular search and scientometric databases of scientific articles, such as Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect and others. During the course, students will become familiar with the tools for citing and searching for the required scientific information.

Educational Practice

Educational practice is an integral part of the student training program. The main content of the practice is the implementation of practical educational, educational and research, creative tasks that correspond to the nature of the future professional activity of students. The purpose of educational practice: the study and consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge in the disciplines obtained in the learning process, the development of creative activity and initiative of students, their artistic and creative needs and aesthetic worldview.

Mathematical Methods for Engineers

Course goal is to provide a solid background in engineering mathematics for undergraduate students that will enable them successfully to study more advanced courses in control, signal processing, electronics, and communications engineering.

Course objectives include:
To understand mathematical modelling for representing engineering systems via linear differential equations
To understand the methods of solving linear ODEs To understand the methods in probability theory and mathematical statistics.

Fundamentals of Materials Science

This course examines the basic properties of materials (metals, dielectrics and semiconductors), as well as methods for modifying their properties of materials for the most effective use in engineering. The course forms an understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in materials when exposed to various factors in production and operation conditions, establishing the relationship between the composition, structure, and properties of materials

Cycle of major disciplines

University’s component

Control Systems 1

“Control Systems 1” is an introductory course on the theory of automatic control. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of control systems, the ideas and concepts from this course are an integral part of systems in a wide range of applications, including electrical, mechanical, chemical, information and biomedical engineering, robotics and mechatronics, etc. The course introduces and integrates the basic concepts of linear automatic control systems. The exposition and demonstration of the basic concepts of feedback control systems, such as classical PID control, digital control, control in the state space and multidimensional control, are discussed and illustrated.

Electrical measurements and Instrumentation

The course is aimed at teaching students the theory and practice of electrical measurements. Students learn the basics of measurement and measurement errors, as well as the different types and characteristics of measuring instruments used to measure parameters such as voltage, current, resistance, power, and energy. The course also covers the principles and applications of analog and digital measurement instruments, including oscilloscopes, multimeters, and network analyzers. Moreover, students learn to put this knowledge into practice by conducting laboratory work and learning the procedures for calibrating and verifying measuring equipment. This course is an essential element in the preparation of an electrical, electronic and automation engineer.

Control Systems 2

Control Systems 2 discipline is a extension of the course ” Control Systems 1″. This course presents a fundamental approach to the design of control systems based on models. The concepts of modeling and identification of control objects will be studied in detail. Advanced control systems such as linear-quadratic controller, linear-quadratic Gaussian control, model prediction control, etc. will be studied in detail, analyzed and synthesized.

Embedded operating systems

The course provides the principles and practice of designing and using operating systems for embedded systems. Students learn the fundamentals of embedded systems architecture, the specifics of various types of embedded operating systems, including real-time, and approaches to designing and optimizing software for these systems. The course also includes practical assignments and projects in which students develop and test their own embedded applications using real hardware platforms and operating systems. This course is an important step towards becoming a competent embedded systems engineer.

Industrial Practice

The course is devoted to the study of information security technologies.

Computer Networks

The course provides a broad understanding of the principles, architecture, and technologies behind computer networks. Students learn the basics of network communication, wired and wireless connection technologies, data transfer protocols, routing and switching, network security and network resource management. Emphasis is placed on understanding and using the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. This course prepares students for the design, management, and security of computer networks, as well as the foundation for more advanced networking topics and specializations.

Embedded Systems Design

The course is devoted to the design and development of advanced of embedded systems. The course is aimed at forming students’ understanding of embedded systems based on advanced and industrial microcontrollers, the specifics of their design and operation. As a result of the training, a basic system of knowledge and skills is formed that allows you to understand the principles of the functioning of complex embedded systems, choose tools and technologies for their development, evaluate the effectiveness of their use in various application areas, including IoT.

Optimization and Optimal Control

This course consists of two parts. In the first part of the course, students learn how to formulate a wide range of optimization problems in real-world applications, including industrial electronics. This course devotes considerable amount of time to design computer algorithms for finding minima and maxima and discover how to interpret and modify algorithms found in standard software toolkits. In the second part of the course, students discover optimization-based automatic control systems. Optimal estimation such as Kalman Filtering as well as optimal control schemes such as Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control will be considered in detail including robustness properties. Hardware-in-the-Loop set-up will be considered for execution of optimal control algorithms for electronics engineering applications.

Introduction to Robotics

This course intended specifically for undergraduate students majoring in electronics engineering, automation and control engineering, etc. During this course students will acquire knowledge regarding fundamental aspects in robotics engineering such as robot manipulator forward and inverse kinematics, Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) parameters, differential kinematics and robot dynamics. Mobile robots with their sensors and actuators will be discussed. A range of control algorithms and deployment of the controller with the integration of a hardware-in-the-loop setup will be demonstrated.

Robotic and Mechatronic System Design

This course culminates the whole Robotics and Control Systems journey of Electronics Engineering students. The first part of the course is devoted to modeling and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Special attention will be devoted to the UAV mechatronic design and deployment of the controller with the integration of a hardware-in-the-loop setup in the quadrotor UAV control system. The rest of the course is organized around students’ robotics/mechatronics project completed based on the knowledge acquired during their undergraduate studies.

Capstone project

It is a final project where students form teams and work on real problems in the field of electronic engineering. During the project, they apply the acquired knowledge and skills, developing the concept, designing, modeling, testing and implementing their solutions. They also develop communication and management skills by presenting their results in the form of presentations and reports. The Capstone project allows students to gain hands-on experience and prepare for a career in electronic engineering.

Design of IoT Devices

The course is practice-oriented and forms students’ skills in developing complex software and hardware solutions for the Internet of things. The first section of the course will introduce students to the SDK platform, a set of tools and programming practices for Industrial Internet of Things devices. In the second section, students will develop and present their own solution for the Internet of Things system.

Industrial Safety

The course examines the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of labor protection, the basics of occupational hygiene, occupational sanitation and fire safetyand and ecology. As a result of mastering the course, students will understand the conditions for creating harmless working conditions, ensuring life safety conditions, implementing safety measures during installation and operation of equipment and reducing the impact on the environment.

Optimization and Optimal Control

This course consists of two parts. In the first part of the course, students learn how to formulate a wide range of optimization problems in real-world applications, including industrial electronics. This course devotes considerable amount of time to design computer algorithms for finding minima and maxima and discover how to interpret and modify algorithms found in standard software toolkits. In the second part of the course, students discover optimization-based automatic control systems. Optimal estimation such as Kalman Filtering as well as optimal control schemes such as Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control will be considered in detail including robustness properties. Hardware-in-the-Loop set-up will be considered for execution of optimal control algorithms for electronics engineering applications.

Industrial Practice

The course is devoted to the study of information security technologies.

Undergraduate Practice

The course presents the collection and analysis of materials for writing a graduation project

Cycle of major disciplines

Elective component

Power Electronics

The course builds students’ understanding and skills the study of converting and controlling the flow of electrical power with electronic components and systems. It involves the design of circuits that use semiconductor devices to control and convert electrical energy efficiently.

Sensors and Actuators

The course covers the fundamental principles, technologies and applications of sensors and actuators, which are an important part of any automatic or automated system. Students learn the different types of sensors used to measure parameters such as temperature, pressure, speed, acceleration, position, etc. The course also examines various types of actuators, including electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and magnetic actuators, their working principles and applications. The course also includes labs where students gain hands-on experience with real sensors and actuators. This course prepares students to work in a wide range of fields related to automation and mechatronics.

Electrical Machines

The course provides a general understanding of the principles of operation, analysis and design of the main types of electrical machines, including transformers, permanent magnets, synchronous and asynchronous motors and generators. Students learn the basics of electromagnetism, the theory of energy conversion, the design and operation of electrical machines, as well as how to model and analyze them. The practical part of the course may include laboratory work on the study of the operation and characteristics of various types of electrical machines.

Digital Signal Processing

The course is aimed at studying methods and algorithms for improving, analyzing and converting signals in digital form. Students learn the basic principles and theories of digital signal processing, including the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), z-transform, and Laplace transform. The course also includes the study of digital filters, linear and non-linear systems, statistical signal processing, as well as the basics of digital modulation and coding. Students also gain practical skills in working with digital signal processing software (on MATLAB). This course is the foundation for more advanced signal processing courses such as image processing, speech processing, and communications

Semiconductor Devices

The course is aimed at learning the basic principles and technologies behind semiconductor devices, which are the basis of most modern electronic systems. As part of this course, students study the physics of semiconductors, including energy bands, impurities and defects, as well as the processes of charge carrier transport. In the following, various types of semiconductor devices are discussed in detail, including diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, and integrated circuits. Particular attention is paid to understanding the performance characteristics of these devices, as well as the features of their use in electronic circuits. This course prepares students for work in the field of electronics and microelectronics, where semiconductor devices play a key role. In the labs, students will design thin-film semiconductor devices and explore their key features.

Design of printed circuit boards.

The course is aimed at learning the methodology and rules of designing, at studying the circuitry, design and technological stages of designing printed circuit boards. Students receive practical skills in working in the Altium Designer PCB development software, the processes of creating libraries and component footprints; creating and working with project schemes; creation of PCB-projects and formation of design documentation.


The course provides a deep understanding of the principles and technologies that underlie electronics at the nanoscale. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics, which is critical to understanding the behavior of nanoscale devices. The course also includes the study of nanomaterials and nanostructures, their properties and applications. In addition, students will study the design and manufacture of nanoelectronic devices and become familiar with the challenges associated with integrating these devices into larger systems. The discipline serves as a preparation for work in the rapidly developing field of nanotechnology and nanoelectronics.

Electronic circuit simulation

The course is aimed at developing the skills and knowledge necessary for modeling and analyzing electronic circuits using computer tools. Students learn the basic theories and methods for modeling electronic circuits, including methods of analysis in the frequency and time domains, as well as methods for modeling individual components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. The course also includes working with popular electronic circuit simulation software such as SPICE and doing practical tasks and projects to model and analyze various types of electronic circuits. This course prepares students for more complex jobs in the field of electronic device and system design.


The course develops students” knowledge, experience and skills that is necessary for understanding the operation of modern optoelectronic devices and systems, in order to design and develop electronic equipment, as well helps to further improve his/her skills in the field of IoT devices.

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