The speakers of the summer school were experts in the field of AI, scientists, professors of foreign universities and specialists of technology companies from Ukraine, Turkey, Azerbaijan, etc. The summer school program consists of 5 tracks: AI Essentials, Cognitive Technologies, Natural Language, AI in Education and Science and Blockchain. The training is conducted in English...Read More
Astana IT University is launching a unique initiative aimed at improving environmental monitoring through its own IoT devices and the Ikarus blockchain platform from Prometeo Chain System KZ Ltd. The project’s realization became possible thanks to a partnership with Prometeo Chain System KZ Ltd and grant funding support from the Ministry of Science and Higher...Read More
This academic year scientific discussion club “The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Our Life” has launched. The club consists of a series of open lectures and seminars held in English by Assel Rashitovna Auzhanova, a Candidate of Historical Sciences, PhD and Associate professor at the Department of General Education Disciplines. These meetings covered a...Read More
On April 12, 2024, as part of the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Astana IT University and Nauryz Meiram, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of General Educational Disciplines Ainur Abdina organized a guest lecture “Traditional archery as an art and sport in Kazakhstan”. Ayim Tlepbergen, the champion of Kazakhstan in traditional...Read More
Department of Computer Engineering, Astana IT University, Kazakhstan has been organized a Five-Day International Faculty Development Program on the topic “Advanced Technologies in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics” from 19th February – 23 February 2024 (02:30 PM – 04:30 PM) in Hybrid mode. Total 10 Renowned Speaker from 8 Countries like USA, UK, Australia, India,...Read More
From December 15 to 22, the «Blockchain Hack 2023» took place within the walls of AITU. The hackathon was organized jointly with partners – Blockchair and Oraclus. The following teams became winners: The prize place $1000 from Blockchair – «DNA» team: • Daniil Baytakov • Ansar Shangilov • Nurlan Kurmetov Prize places from Oracle: First...Read More
On December 12-13, the ICPC Semifinals in Astana (Northern Eurasia Finals) took place at Astana IT University. The International Collegiate Programming Competition is a competitive programming sport for university students around the world. A total of 269 teams took part in the semi-finals in the Northern Eurasia region this year. This year, AITU gathered more...Read More
50% discount on Master’s programs for AITU graduates AITU graduates can get a 50% discount on the following educational programs:• Media Technologies• Computational Sciences• Digital Public Administration and Services• Project Management Hurry up to register for complex testing before November 10. The date, time and place of the CT will be known: November 15 (in...Read More
Due to the rapid development of technologies that are transforming the labor market, the role of non-formal education is becoming increasingly important. Non-formal education, characterized by its flexibility, accessibility and learner-centred approach, is fundamentally changing the way students acquire knowledge and skills outside of traditional formal education. Examples of non-formal education can be advanced training...Read More
On November 14, Kazakhstan celebrates Sociologist’s Day. On the eve of this professional holiday, on November 11, 2022, the Round Table “Development and promotion of young sociologists” was held in Astana. The event was organized by the Forum of Young Sociologists under the Association of Sociologists of Kazakhstan, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year....Read More