Astana IT University strengthens global partnerships by collaborating with leading Asian educational and tech organizations. A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Chinese Ministry of Education’s Center for Humanitarian Exchange and Beijing Huatec Information Technology. This agreement opens new opportunities for joint projects, knowledge exchange, and innovation development. Expanding into Asia reinforces Astana IT...Read More
Rector of Astana IT University, Askar Hikmetov, met with the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Kazakhstan, H.E. Joukar Ali Akbar. The discussion focused on partnerships with leading technical universities and IT companies in Iran, as well as opportunities to attract Iranian students to AITU. The embassy expressed its support for strengthening academic...Read More
Dear students!A competition is announced for the academic mobility program for studies in the autumn semester of 2025 for 1st-2nd year students at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for the specified educational program. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay – 10 places• Computer Science Deadline: March 5, 2025Tuition is free, while other expenses (visa fees,...Read More
On February 18, 2025, the Ambassador of Malaysia to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Mohd Adli Abdullah paid an official visit to Astana IT University. During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board – Rector Mr. Askar Khikmetov presented a history of AITU and joined by the Rector’s Advisor on Educational Projects Mr. Bolatzhan Kumalakov,...Read More
On February 5, 2025, a visit of representatives of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (Pitesti, Romania) took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ academic mobility program. Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Prof. Maria Miroiu gave a presentation of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica...Read More
In January 2025, students from the Indian partner Chitkara University arrived at Astana IT University within the framework of academic mobility programme. A meeting in the format of an orientation day was organized for newly arrived students. As part of the meeting, foreign students were familiarized with the rules for registering foreign citizens in the...Read More
Astana IT University congratulates the following recipients of the grant under the “500 Scientists” internship program in leading research centers around the world:• Abdinа Aynur Kanapiyanovna• Akhmetov Tulegen Kadyrbayuly• Sagidolla Bataі• Kaldybekova Aidana Zharkinbekovna• Kharmysov Chingiz Ablaykanovich Leading specialists will now have the opportunity to undergo internships funded by the state and conduct joint scientific...Read More
On September 25, a meeting took place at Astana IT University with representatives from Cardiff University. We discussed potential academic cooperation, joint research projects, and exchange programs. These initiatives will create new opportunities for both AITU students and faculty. The visit was a significant step in strengthening the relationship between our universities, fostering innovation, and...Read More
On August 23, 2024, representatives of Bar-Ilan University visited Astana IT University, namely the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Zeev Zalevsky, Dr. Joseph Talyosef and Dr. Pilkhaz Nanikashvili. During the meeting, Dean of AITU Mrs. Zuleikha Syzdykova briefly presented the university, and also presented wishes on the main areas of cooperation. In turn,...Read More
Come and join us for an exploration on the theme of “Engineering Innovations for Climate Resilience” at Universiti Putra Malaysia. The Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia wishes to invite undergraduate and postgraduate students from your institution to join our 2-week ExplorENG: Summer Programme 2024. We have planned many exciting technical, cultural, and social activities...Read More