АР19677013 Assistive Technologies in Inclusive Education: Practice of Application in Kazakhstan Universities

Project Leader: PhD, Associate Professor, Department of General Educational Disciplines, AITU Uyzbayeva Anar Assanovna

Name of the competition: Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant funding 2023-2025

Funding Amount: 69 590 035,09 tenge

Project Abstract

The study focuses on the state and development trends of inclusive education in the higher education system of Kazakhstan, identifying existing challenges and conducting a comparative analysis of the situation in universities in Kazakhstan and worldwide. It aims to provide educational and methodological support as well as recommendations for working with students with special educational needs. The project also includes video recording lectures on social and humanities disciplines in three languages with sign language interpretation. This initiative addresses key issues such as: ensuring educational and methodological support for the implementation of inclusive and multilingual education; integrating assistive technologies into the educational process; and addressing the shortage of classroom facilities.

Project Results 2023

  1. A comparative analysis was conducted on educational programs utilizing assistive technologies in universities for individuals with special educational needs, based on global practices. The analysis included a review of international and domestic academic literature on the project topic. During official business trips, the experience of using assistive technologies in universities in Kazakhstan, the United Kingdom, and Scotland was studied through meetings and discussions with university faculty.
  2. A sociological study (survey) was conducted to assess the accessibility of education for individuals with special educational needs in Kazakhstan’s universities. Based on the findings, an article has been prepared for publication in a journal indexed in the Scopus database.
  3. On October 20, 2023, members of the project research team organized and held a meeting (discussion platform) at Astana IT University to address issues faced by students with special educational needs (SEN). The meeting was attended by the Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Student Alliance, Student Ombudsman A.K. Bakhitova, the head of the Center of the Public Foundation «Bakytty Shanyrak» S.P. Normukhanova, and students of Astana IT University.
  4. Video lectures in English on social and humanities disciplines, including sign language interpretation, were prepared and recorded.

Project Results 2024

  1. A review of the implementation of inclusive education programs in the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted. Based on this review, a scientific brochure titled «Overview of the Implementation of Inclusive Education Programs in Higher Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan» (in Russian) was prepared and published.
  2. To study the challenges faced by individuals with hearing impairments in higher education institutions, an analysis was conducted within the context of global practices. A scientific brochure titled «Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairments in Higher Education: The Case of the USA, Japan, and Kazakhstan» (in Russian) was published.
  3. During an official business trip, an expert interviews were conducted on the issues faced by individuals with hearing impairments in universities in Kazakhstan, as well as in universities in England and Scotland (online).
  4. Video lectures in Russian on social and humanities disciplines, including sign language interpretation, were prepared and recorded.
  5. Project team members participated and presented at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy (Rome) from August 1 to 8, 2024. Presentations included: A. Uyzbayeva «Philosophy of Inclusivity and Digitalization in Kazakhstan»; A. Abdina and M. Zhanarstanova: «From the Philosophy of Education to the Philosophy of Inclusive Education».

Published Articles

  1. A. Abdina, A. Uyzbayeva, M. Zhanarstanova. Analysis of Inclusive Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Context of the Philosophy of Independent Living // Bulletin of KazNU. Series of Philosophy, Cultural Studies, and Political Science. – 2023. – No. 4(86). – pp. 22-32.
  2. A. Abdina, A. Uyzbayeva, M. Zhanarstanova. Philosophy of Independent Living: The State of Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan (A Review of Contemporary Studies) // Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov ENU. Series: Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies. – 2023. – No. 1(142). – pp. 135-157.
  3. A. Abdina, A. Uyzbayeva. Philosophy of Well-being: Quality of Life and Inclusion of the Elderly Population of Kazakhstan in the Era of Digitalization // Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Series: Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious Studies. – 2024. – Vol. 148. – No. 3. – pp. 164-177.

Project team

Anar Uyzbayeva

PhD, associate professor

Ainur Abdina

Doctor of Philosophical sciences, associate professor

Maral Zhanarstanova

PhD, assistant professor

Aituar Kospakov

Master of Social sciences, PhD candidate

Dana Kaskabayeva


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