AP13067629 “Development of first-generation solar cells based on copper thiocyanate/copper oxide nanocomposite films”

Name of the competition: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2024 (34 months)

Amount of financing: 72.313 million tenge

Project summary:

The proposed project will develop highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells based on CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films. For this purpose, methods for the synthesis of CuSCN, Cu2O and CuSCN/Cu2O films with controlled morphology and electrical properties will be developed, and methods for the synthesis of the perovskite layer will be optimized. The mechanisms of generation and transfer of charge carriers in PSCs and the causes of degradation of functional materials in PSCs will be studied.

The aim of the project:

Improve the characteristics and stability of perovskite solar cells based on CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films. To achieve the project goal, a technology for the synthesis of CuSCN/Cu2O films with controlled structure, morphology and electrical properties will be developed. The method of synthesis of the perovskite layer on the surface of the CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite layer will also be optimized to improve the structure of the perovskite layer and the interface.

Project objectives:

Task 1. Synthesis of CuSCN films with controlled morphology and electrical properties.

Task 2. Synthesis of a CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite film with controlled morphology and electrical properties.

Task 3. Synthesis of a perovskite layer on the surface of a CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite film.

Task 4. To investigate the mechanisms of charge carrier recombination in perovskite solar cells based on CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films.

Task 5. To investigate degradation mechanisms in perovskite solar cells based on CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films.

Stages of project implementation:

  1. As a result of the implementation of task 1, CuSCN films with different morphology and structure will be synthesized. The influence of morphology and structure of CuSCN films on electrical and optical properties will also be investigated. Morphology will be studied by scanning electron (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods. The structure will be investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) methods.
  2. As a result of the implementation of task 2, CuSCN/Cu2O films with different Cu2O morphology will be synthesized. The influence of morphology and structure of CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films on electrical and optical properties will also be investigated. The dynamics of hole transfer in a CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite film will be investigated using impedance spectroscopy. The morphology of the films will be studied by SEM and AFM methods. The structure of the films will be investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) methods.
  3. As a result of the implementation of task 3, a perovskite layer synthesis technology will be developed considering the surface features of CuSCN/Cu2O films and the perovskite crystallization process will be optimized. Perovskite films with optimal structure and morphology will be obtained. The dynamics of the transfer and recombination of holes in the CuSCN/Cu2O/perovskite system will be investigated using impedance spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The morphology of the perovskite layer will be studied by SEM and AFM methods. The structure of the perovskite layer will be investigated by XRD and XPS methods.
  4. As a result of the implementation of task 4, highly efficient perovskite solar cells based on CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite films will be obtained.
  5. As a result of the implementation of Task 5, the mechanisms of degradation of PSCs will be established, which will allow finding ways to prevent degradation of the functional layers of PSCs and improve the stability of PSCs.

Expected results:

Based on the results of scientific research conducted within the framework of the project, at least 2 (two) will be published articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty); at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by COXON (or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the 1st (first) quartile of the impact factor in the Web of Science database). 1 monograph or textbook on the scientific direction of the project will also be published.

To popularize science, disseminate information about the results, increase the likelihood of their implementation and commercialization, a web page will be created on the Astana IT University website, which will contain brief information about the project: relevance, purpose, expected and achieved results, names and surnames of members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, and/or Researcher ID, and/or ORCID) and links to relevant profiles, a list of publications (with links to them) information for potential users. The information on the web page will be updated regularly (at least 2 times a year) from 2022 to 2025. For each scientific publication within the framework of the project, information about its content and possible application will be published on the web page.

The scientific effect of this project will be knowledge about the mechanisms of charge carrier transfer in multicomponent and composite nanostructured solar cells, degradation processes in perovskite solar cell materials, local correlation of charge carrier transfer and degradation processes with structural, compositional, and functional changes.

The target consumers of the results can be both academic institutions and manufacturing companies engaged in the development of electronic devices and devices.

The final result of the project will be the development of an optimized structure of perovskite solar cells, which will improve the transfer and accumulation of charge carriers in devices, avoid the identified degradation mechanisms and ensure longer and more efficient operation of solar cells.

Extending the life of inexpensive perovskite solar cells will allow Kazakhstan and other countries to widely use solar energy. This will reduce emissions associated with the use of fossil fuels. In a broader sense, this work will contribute to economic development and environmental protection by extending the service life and efficiency of perovskite solar cells.

Project Team:

Ilyasov Baurzhan Rashitovich, Associate Professor, PhD

Scientific director of the project

Role in the project: Setting research goals and objectives for all members of the research group. Control and conduct of scientific research. Synthesis of samples. Studies of the morphology of samples. Analysis of the results obtained. Writing reports on the work done and articles


Kudryashov Vladislav Vladimirovich, PhD

Senior Researcher.

Role in the project: Studies of the morphology of samples on SEM and AFM. Studies of the structure of samples on XPS and XRD. Analysis of the results obtained. Writing reports of the work done and articles


Zavgorodny Alexey Vladimirovich, PhD

Senior Researcher

Role in the project: Synthesis of samples. Assembly of perovskite solar cells. Measurement of optical and electrical properties of samples. Writing reports of the work done and articles.


Gulsaya Serikovna Seisenbayeva, Master of Natural Sciences

Research assistant

Role in the project: Synthesis of samples. Assembly of perovskite solar cells. Measurement of electrical properties. Writing reports of the work done

Project results

Name of works under the Contract



Synthesis of copper thiocyanate (CuSCN) films with controlled morphology and electrical properties.

The method of electrochemical deposition of CuSCN thin films has been worked out. CuSCN films with different morphology and structure have been synthesized. The influence of morphology and structure of CuSCN films on electrical and optical properties is investigated.


Synthesis of arrays of Cu2O copper oxide nanocrystals with controlled morphology and electrical properties.

A method of electrochemical deposition of Cu2O films on the surface of CuSCN films has been developed. Cu2O films with cubic and octahedral morphology have been synthesized. The influence of morphology and structure of Cu2O films on electrical and optical properties is investigated. The mechanism of charge carrier transfer at the CuSCN/Cu2O interface is investigated.

Method: Electrochemical deposition

Ingredients: CuSO4, KSCN (potassium thiocyanate) + EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) or DEA (diethanolamine)

Mode: potentiostatic -0.3 – -0.45 V vs SSE.

Method: Electrochemical deposition

Solution: CuSO4, lactic acid, KOH or NaOH

Mode: potentiostatic -0.3 V – -0.45 V vs SCE / Galvanostatic

Name of works under the Contract



Synthesis of nanocomposite CuSCN/Cu2O films with controlled morphology and electrical properties.

Nanocomposite CuSCN/Cu2O films with different morphology and structure have been synthesized. The influence of morphology and structure of Cuo/Cu2O nanocomposite films on their electrical and optical properties has been studied. The dynamics of hole transfer at the interface of a CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite film has been studied by impedance spectroscopy. The wetting parameters of charge carrier transfer are determined: the mobility of charge carriers and the parameters characterizing the recombination of charge carriers at the interface. An article has been published in a peer-reviewed domestic publication recommended by CQASE:

T.M. Mukametkali, X.S. Rozhkova, A.K. Aimukhanov, B.R. Ilyassov, K. Apshe, A.K. Zeinidenov The effect of the CH3NH3PbClxI3-x perovskite layer thickness and grain size on its electrophysical and optical properties // BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY, PHYSICS Series № 3(111)/2023, PP.107-118 DOI 10.31489/2023PH3/107-118


Synthesis of a perovskite layer on the surface of a CuSCN/Cu2O nanocomposite film.

The technology of synthesis of a perovskite layer on the surface of a standard TiO2 semiconductor film was developed and the thickness of the photoactive layer was optimized. Further, the technology of synthesis of the perovskite layer was developed taking into account the surface features of CuSCN/Cu2O films and the perovskite crystallization process was optimized. The process of preparing the surface of the Cu2O film was worked out to increase the wettability with a perovskite solution. Spin-coating deposition modes, rotation speed, rotation time, nitrogen flow drying, and annealing modes have been optimized. As a result, perovskite films with optimal structure and morphology were obtained for the development of perovskite solar cells. The dynamics of hole transfer and recombination in the CuSCN/Cu2O/perovskite system was studied by combining the methods of impedance spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Based on the work carried out, an article was published in a peer-reviewed scientific publication on the scientific direction of the project, included in the 1st (first), 2nd (second) or 3rd (third) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database:

T.M. Mukametkali, B.R. Ilyassov, A.K. Aimukhanov, T.M. Serikov, A.S. Baltabekov, L.S. Aldasheva, A.K. Zeinidenov Effect of the TiO2 electron transport layer thickness on charge transfer processes in perovskite solar cells // Physica B: Condensed Matter 659 (2023) 414784 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2023.414784

T.M. Mukametkali, B.R. Ilyassov, A.K. Aimukhanov, T.M. Serikov, A.S. Baltabekov, L.S. Aldasheva, A.K. Zeinidenov Effect of the electron transport layer thickness on charge transfer processes in perovskite solar cells // Physica B: Condensed Matter Volume 659, 15 June 2023, 414784 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2023.414784

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