
The Governance is a collegial executive body of the Partnership
that manages its current activities.

The Governance of “Astana IT University” LLP

Ahmed-Zaki Darkhan Zhumakanovich

Governance Members

Omirbayev Serik Maulenovich
First Vice-Rector
Beloshitsky Andrey Alexandrovich
Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation
Aryn Abai Mukhtarovich
Finance Director
Mukhataev Aidos Andarbekovich
Director of the Strategy and Corporate Governance Department

Secretary of the Governance

Kuangalieva Tursynzada Kuangalieva
Chief Corporate Governance Manager of the Strategy and Corporate Governance Department.

Competence of the Governance 

  • Making proposals to the Supervisory Board on the formation of the general organizational structure of the Partnership;
  • Adoption of internal documents related to the organization of the Partnership's activities, regulating the order of interaction of the Partnership's divisions, as well as defining their competencies, with the exception of documents whose approval falls within the competence of the General Meeting of Participants and (or) other bodies of the Partnership;
  • Approval of the Partnership's corporate identification tools;
  • Creation of a collegial operational advisory body under the Rector - the Rector 's Office;
  • Approval of the Regulations on the Rector's Office;
  • Approval of price lists for the provision of paid educational and consulting services; the cost of short-term training courses, retraining and advanced training, hourly wages, rental of office apartments, accommodation in a hostel and reimbursement of other costs;
  • Formation of the staff schedule of the Partnership;
  • Establishment of the amount of personal allowances to salaries within the approved salary fund of the Partnership, determination of the amount of bonuses to employees of the Partnership; 9) approval of the annual procurement plan (preliminary annual procurement plan);
  • Performance of other functions and consideration of other issues not referred to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Participants and other bodies of the Partnership, defined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter and internal documents of the Partnership.

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