Election of the student government president

The requirement for a candidate for President of the student Government:
• A student of the 1st or 2nd year.
• GPA of at least 2.33 points.
• Have a team of 2 associates and at least 70 supporters.
• Have experience in active extracurricular activities (club management, organization of student events, etc., etc.)
Date of the beginning of registration of candidates: 02.02.2022
Detailed information is available on the official page of “AITUSA” @astana_it_students or by following the link below.

https://ejournal.unperba.ac.id/pages/uploads/sv388/ https://ejournal.unperba.ac.id/pages/uploads/ladangtoto/ https://poltekkespangkalpinang.ac.id/public/assets/scatter-hitam/ https://poltekkespangkalpinang.ac.id/public/assets/blog/sv388/ https://poltekkespangkalpinang.ac.id/public/uploads/depo-5k/ https://smpn9prob.sch.id/content/luckybet89/