Serik Omirbayev

First Vice-Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Admission hours for students:

Wednesday 15:00-17:00

  • Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2005)
  • Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (2005)
  • Academician of the Academy of economic Sciences of Kazakhstan (2015)
  • Academician of the international economic Academy of Eurasia (2016)


Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov – specialty «Finance» 1977 – 1982 y.

Moscow financial Institute– specialty «Finance, money circulation and credit» 1985-1987 y.

Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov – specialty «Jurisprudence»  2002-2005 y.

Work Experience

«Astana IT University» LLP
-Pro-rector for strategy and quality assurance

North Kazakhstan state University named after M. Kozybayev
– rector

– e.d. rector 

Center for the Bologna process and academic mobility of the MES RK
– associate Director

Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
– Director of the Department of higher and postgraduate education and international cooperation

NU «Independent Kazakhstan Agency for quality assurance in education»
– Director of academic Affairs

Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraighyrov
– Associate professor at the department of «Management», Faculty of Economics

JSC “Information and analytical center»
– presidential adviser

JSC “Analytical center of Mangystau region akimat»
– Deputy Chairman of The management Board

Aktobe state pedagogical Institute
– adviser to the rector

Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
– Director of the Department of higher and postgraduate education

– Director Of the development strategy Department

National center for state standards of education and testing of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
– associate Director

– head of the Department of state standards of education

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University

– Pro-rector for academic Affairs

Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

– head of the Department of state standards and certification of higher education institutions – Deputy Director Of the Department of higher education

– head of the Department of state standards and state order formation

– head of the Department of state standards and regulatory framework

Office Of The Prime Minister Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan

– consultant of the Economic Department, social development sector

Karaganda state University named after E. A. Buketov

– Dean of the faculty of Economics

– head of the Department «Finance»

– teacher, senior lecturer, associate Professor

Main scientific papers

Published more than 175 scientific and methodological works, including 8 textbooks, 2 monographs, 13 educational and scientific-practical manuals: “Finance”, “Taxes and taxation in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Budget system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “State budget” (Kaz. and Rus. lunguages).


  • Breast badge "excellent student of education" (2000)
  • Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001)
  • The badge "Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2002)
  • Badge "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2003)
  • Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007)
  • The order "Kurmet" (2008)
  • Jubilee medal "10 years of Astana" (2009)
  • Badge "15 years of Financial police of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2009)
  • Jubilee medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2011)
  • Nominated for a scientific prize. Sh (2013)
  • Medal.S.Altynsarin (2015)
  • Jubilee medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2016)