Research Methods for Engineers

Аuthor(s): David V. Thiel
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-107-61019-4

Learn how to plan for success with this hands-on guide to conducting high-quality engineering research. Plan and implement your next project for maximum impact: step-by-step instructions cover every stage in engineering research, from the identification of an appropriate research topic through to the successful presentation of results. Improve your research outcomes: discover essential tools and methods for producing high-quality, rigorous research, including statistical analysis, survey design, and optimisation techniques. Research with purpose and direction: clear explanations, real-world examples, and over 50 customisable end-of-chapter exercises, all written with the practical and ethical considerations of engineering in mind. A unique engineering perspective: written especially for engineers, and relevant across all engineering disciplines, this is the ideal book for graduate students, undergraduates, and new academics looking to launch their research careers.

Computer Networks

Аuthor(s): Larry L. Peterson.
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-818200-0

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Sixth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, using real world examples from network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best-selling classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems-oriented approach encourages students to think about how individual network components fit into a larger, complex system of interactions. This sixth edition contains completely updated content with expanded coverage of the topics of utmost importance to networking professionals and students, as provided by numerous contributors via a unique open source model developed jointly by the authors and publisher.

C++ Primer

Аuthor(s): Lippman Stanley
Publisher: Pearson Education
Year: 2024
ISBN: 978-0-321-71411-4

Fully updated and recast for the newly released C++11 standard, this authoritative and comprehensive introduction to C++ will help you to learn the language fast, and to use it in modern, highly effective ways. Highlighting today’s best practices, the authors show how to use both the core language and its standard library to write efficient, readable, and powerful code.
C++ Primer, Fifth Edition, introduces the C++ standard library from the outset, drawing on its common functions and facilities to help you write useful programs without first having to master every language detail.
C++ Primer, Fifth Edition, features an enhanced, layflat binding, which allows the book to stay open more easily when placed on a flat surface. This special binding method—notable by a small space inside the spine—also increases durability.

Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design

Аuthor(s):Constantine A. Balanis
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978-1-118-64206-1

This book introduces the fundamental principles of antenna theory and explains how to apply them to the analysis, design, and measurements of antennas. Due to the variety of methods of analysis and design, and the different antenna structures available, the applications covered in this book are made to some of the most basic and practical antenna configurations. Among these antenna configurations are linear dipoles; loops; arrays; broadband antennas; aperture antennas; horns; microstrip antennas; and reflector antennas. The text contains sufficient mathematical detail to enable undergraduate and beginning graduate students in electrical engineering and physics to follow the flow of analysis and design. Readers should have a basic knowledge of undergraduate electromagnetic theory, including Maxwell’s equations and the wave equation, introductory physics, and differential and integral calculus.

Architectural Patterns and Techniques for Developing IoT Solutions

Аuthor(s): Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal
Publisher: Packt Publishing
ISBN: 978-1803245492

As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands and moves to new domains, architectural patterns need to enable faster digital transformation and more uniform development. Through numerous use cases and examples, this book helps you conceptualize and implement IoT architectural patterns and use them in diverse contexts in real-world scenarios.
The book begins by introducing you to a variety of IoT architectural patterns and then helps you understand how they are used in domains such as retail, smart manufacturing, consumer, smart cities, and smart agriculture. You’ll also find out how cross-cutting concerns such as security require special considerations in the IoT context. As you advance, you’ll discover all the nuances that are inherent in each layer of IoT reference architecture, including considerations related to analytics for edge/constrained devices, data visualizations, and so on. In the concluding chapters, you’ll explore emerging technologies such as blockchain, 3D printing, 5G, generative AI, quantum computing, and large language models (LLMs) that enhance IoT capabilities to realize broader applications.

ARM Assembly Language Programming with Raspberry Pi using GCC

Аuthor(s): Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sepehr Naimi, Azalia Yaghini, Sarmad Naimi
Publisher: Mazidi and Naimi
Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-1970054002

This book covers Arm Assembly programming for Raspberry Pi boards. Although the Arm instructions are standard, the assembler directives vary in GCC and non-GCC assemblers. In this book, you learn how to write Arm assembly programs in Linux and the GCC based compilers. This book also gives you a general view of the Arm and Raspberry Pi architecture.

Arm Cortex-M Assembly Programming for Embedded Programmers

Аuthor(s): Muhammad Ali Mazidi
Publisher: Naimi and Mazidi books
ISBN: 978-1970054132

To write programs for Arm microcontrollers, you need to know both Assembly and C languages. The book covers Assembly language programming for Cortex-M series using Thumb-2. Now, most of the Arm Microcontrollers use the Thumb-2 instruction set. The ARM Thumb-2 Assembly language is standard regardless of who makes the chip. However, the ARM licensees are free to implement the on-chip peripheral (ADC, Timers, I/O, etc.) as they choose.

Building Industrial Digital Twins

Аuthor(s): Shyam Nath
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-1839219078

Digital twin technology enables organizations to create digital representations of physical entities such as assets, systems, and processes throughout their life cycle. It improves asset performance, utilization, and safe operations and reduces manufacturing, operational, and maintenance costs.
The book begins by introducing you to the concept of digital twins and sets you on a path to develop a digital twin strategy to positively influence business outcomes in your organization. You’ll understand how digital twins relate to physical assets, processes, and technology and learn about the prerequisite conditions for the right platform, scale, and use case of your digital twins. You’ll then get hands-on with Microsoft’s Azure Digital Twins platform for your digital twin development and deployment. The book equips you with the knowledge to evaluate enterprise and specialty platforms, including the cloud and industrial IoT required to set up your digital twin prototype. Once you’ve built your prototype, you’ll be able to test and validate it relative to the intended purpose of the twin through pilot deployment, full deployment, and value tracking techniques.

Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition

Аuthor(s): David A. Patterson
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-820331-6

Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface, Second Edition, the award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy that is used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. This version of the book features the RISC-V open source instruction set architecture, the first open source architecture designed for use in modern computing environments such as cloud computing, mobile devices, and other embedded systems. Readers will enjoy an online companion website that provides advanced content for further study, appendices, glossary, references, links to software tools, and more.

Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition

Аuthor(s): David A. Patterson
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-820109-1

Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Sixth Edition, the leading, award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. Improvements to this new release include new sections in each chapter on Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) and updates on all real-world examples that keep it fresh and relevant for a new generation of students.
Discusses and highlights the «Eight Great Ideas» of computer architecture, including Performance via Parallelism, Performance via Pipelining, Performance via Prediction, Design for Moore’s Law, Hierarchy of Memories, Abstraction to Simplify Design, Make the Common Case Fast and Dependability via Redundancy.

Developing IoT Projects with ESP32

Аuthor(s): Vedat Ozan Oner.
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: 978-180323-768-8

ESP32, a low-cost and energy-efficient system-on-a-chip microcontroller, has become the backbone of numerous WiFi devices, fueling IoT innovation. This book offers a holistic approach to building an IoT system from the ground up, ensuring secure data communication from sensors to cloud platforms, empowering you to create production-grade IoT solutions using the ESP32 SoC.
This book adopts a hands-on approach, ensuring you can start building IoT solutions right from the beginning. Towards the end of the book, you’ll tackle a full-scale Smart Home project, applying all the techniques you’ve learned in real-time.

Elements of Electromagnetics

Аuthor(s): Matthew Sadiku
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-0-19-069862-1

Using a vectors-first approach, Elements of Electromagnetics, Seventh Edition, covers electrostatics, magnetostatics, fields, waves, and applications like transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. The text also provides a balanced presentation of time-varying and static fields, preparing students for employment in today’s industrial and manufacturing sectors.
Streamlined to facilitate student understanding, Elements of Electromagnetics, Seventh Edition, features worked examples in every chapter that explain how to use the theory presented in the text to solve different kinds of problems. It also covers numerical methods, including MATLAB and vector analysis, to help students analyze situations that they are likely to encounter in industry practice.

Real-Time Interfacing to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers

Аuthor(s): Jonathan W.Valvano
Year: 2024
ISBN: 978-1463590-154

Embedded systems are a ubiquitous component of our everyday lives. We interact with hundreds of tiny computers every day that are embedded into our houses, our cars, our toys, and our work. As our world has become more complex, so have the capabilities of the microcontrollers embedded into our devices. The ARM® CortexTM-M family, first introduced in 2003, is much more powerful than the devices available previously. The purpose of this book is to present the design methodology to train young engineers to understand the basic building blocks that comprise devices like a cell phone, an MP3 player, a pacemaker, antilock brakes, and an engine controller.

Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things

Аuthor(s): Giacomo Veneri.
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-78953-722-2

We live in an era where advanced automation is used to achieve accurate results. To set up an automation environment, you need to first configure a network that can be accessed anywhere and by any device. This book is a practical guide that helps you discover the technologies and use cases for Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT).
Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things takes you through the implementation of industrial processes and specialized control devices and protocols. You’ll study the process of identifying and connecting to different industrial data sources gathered from different sensors. Furthermore, you’ll be able to connect these sensors to cloud network, such as AWS IoT, Azure IoT, Google IoT, and OEM IoT platforms, and extract data from the cloud to your devices.

Hands-on Penetration Testing for Web Applications

Аuthor(s): Richa Gupta.
Publisher: BPB Publications
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-9389328547

We begin with exposure to modern application vulnerabilities present in web applications. You will learn and gradually practice the core concepts of penetration testing and OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities including injection, broken authentication and access control, security misconfigurations and cross-site scripting (XSS). You will then gain advanced skillset by exploring the methodology of security testing and how to work around security testing as a true security professional. This book also brings cutting-edge coverage on exploiting and detecting vulnerabilities such as authentication flaws, session flaws, access control flaws, input validation flaws etc. You will discover an end-to-end implementation of tools such as nmap, burp suite, and wireshark. You will then learn to practice how to execute web application intrusion testing in automated testing tools and also to analyze vulnerabilities and threats present in the source codes.

Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers

Аuthor(s): Brian Amos.
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: 978-1838826734

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is used to develop systems that respond to events within strict timelines. Real-time embedded systems have applications in various industries, from automotive and aerospace through to laboratory test equipment and consumer electronics. These systems provide consistent and reliable timing and are designed to run without intervention for years.
This microcontrollers book starts by introducing you to the concept of RTOS and compares some other alternative methods for achieving real-time performance. Once you’ve understood the fundamentals, such as tasks, queues, mutexes, and semaphores, you’ll learn what to look for when selecting a microcontroller and development environment. By working through examples that use an STM32F7 Nucleo board, the STM32CubeIDE, and SEGGER debug tools, including SEGGER J-Link, Ozone, and SystemView, you’ll gain an understanding of preemptive scheduling policies and task communication.

Implementing Cellular IoT Solutions for Digital Transformation

Аuthor(s): Dennis McCain.
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: 978-1804616154

Even if you’re an IoT technology manager with a sound understanding of wireless local area network technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, you may face many unique challenges when implementing a wireless wide area network (WWAN) IoT solution with cellular technologies with respect to choosing the optimal IoT device, cellular connectivity, and architecture. To help you overcome such roadblocks, this digital transformation book guides you in implementing a robust, end-to-end cellular IoT solution using best practices for all aspects of managing the IoT solution.
This book is for IoT technology managers, leaders, C-suite executives, and decision-makers considering or currently developing IoT solutions based on wireless/cellular technologies such as LTE and 5G. You’ll be able to make the most of this book if you understand the importance of IoT connectivity in the context of its applications.

Industrial Communication Technology Handbook

Аuthor(s): Richard Zurawski.
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-1-138-07181-0

Featuring contributions from major technology vendors, industry consortia, and government and private research establishments, the Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, Second Edition provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of wire- and wireless-based specialized communication networks used in plant and factory automation, automotive applications, avionics, building automation, energy and power systems, train applications, and more.
The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, Second Edition supplies readers with a thorough understanding of the application-specific requirements for communication services and their supporting technologies. It is useful to a broad spectrum of professionals involved in the conception, design, development, standardization, and use of specialized communication networks as well as academic institutions engaged in engineering education and vocational training.

Industrial IoT for Architects and Engineers 

Аuthor(s): Joey Berna.
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-80324-089-3

You’ll begin from the ground up, analyzing environment needs and understanding what is required from the captured data, applying industry standards and conventions throughout the process. This will help you realize why digital integration is crucial and how to approach an Industrial IoT project from a holistic perspective. As you advance, you’ll delve into the operational technology realm and consider integration patterns with common industrial protocols for data gathering and analysis with direct connectivity to data through sensors or systems. The book will equip you with the essentials for designing industrial IoT architectures while also covering intelligence at the edge and creating a greater awareness of the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence in overcoming architectural challenges.
This book is for architects, engineers, developers, and technical professionals interested in building an edge and cloud-based IoT ecosystem

Introduction to Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things

Аuthor(s): Keke Gai.
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2024
ISBN: 978-1-032-69039-1

This book addresses the security challenges facing the rapidly growing Internet of Things (IoT) industry, including the potential threats and risks arising from its complex architecture.
The authors discuss the overall IoT architecture, covering networking, computing, and security threats and risks to hardware such as sensors, actuators, and portable devices, as well as infrastructure layers. They cover a range of technical concepts such as cryptography, distributed storage, and data transmission, and offer practical advice on implementing security solutions such as authentication and access control.
By exploring the future of cybersecurity in the IoT industry, with insights into the importance of big data and the threats posed by data mining techniques, this book is an essential resource for anyone interested in, or working in, the rapidly evolving field of IoT security.

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